All of my arguments to unperk the Spitfire Mk XIV had to do with it's lack of use and lack of success compared to every other perk plane, and lack of success compared to some free planes (the Spitfire Mk XVI was not one of them) so saying most of the arguments for unperking it are based on the Mk XVI is flat out wrong.
Some people keep posting that, but the same argument repeated multiple times is still just one argument.
Correct, that is the other argument, but comparisons to the Spixteen are always made as well.
Whether people favor an airplane or use it well is irrelevant. The airplane's potential is the point. By standard of popularity, the P-51 should command a perk price and the Ki-84 should have eny of 25 or so.
I suspect a good deal of the problem with the Spit14's K/D ratio is that is likely the perk plane most likely to be chosen by the inexperienced and then flown like all other spits. And since it is NOT all other Spits, that ends badly.
If the Fw190D-9 isn't really a 375mph fighter because of a thirsty engine, then the Mk XIV which guzzles even faster can't be considered a 358mph fighter.
My point was that the center rack on the 190 slows it down to Pony-type speed even after the tank is jettisoned. Does the Spit14 experience a similar slowdown even after the slipper tank is jettisoned?
The F4U-1A is slightly faster and turns better than the Mk XIV. The Bf109K-4 is very close in turning, has twice the WEP and is much easier to handle at low speeds. The La-7 is much faster, turns as well and has good visibility. The P-51D is faster and has better visibility. All of them are significantly tougher than the Spitfire as, so far as I can tell, Spitfires are the most fragile aircraft in the game wingwise.
So the F4U-1A is faster than a Spit14 running on WEP? And I assume you mean on the deck, not at slightly higher alts.
Good argument for perking the La-7! Sir, I agree and salute you.
Although I will point out the La has tragic range, worse guns, an elevator that gets stiff in the 400s, and its performance only gets worse with alt.
I have flown the Spit14 only a little in duels. I do not believe it handles worse than the K4, but I will do further testing.
The P-51D is absolutely outclassed by the Spit14. It can run away low, if the Spit14 doesn't have an E advantage to close the distance with, that is about it. And hordes of unperked Spit14s in the MA would force P-51s, Jugs, P-38s, etc, down out of the slightly higher alts where they are not as disadvantaged against the La7 and other monsters as they are down in the weeds.