Author Topic: How a country wins...or loses  (Read 107 times)

Offline LaVa

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How a country wins...or loses
« on: September 27, 2000, 02:08:00 PM »
I have one question:  What is the mission here? What i mean is the other day we <rooks> had a great chance to reset the bish and we had guys screwing with the knights? According to the HTC site a country wins by reseting another country, so wtf are we doing?  I need some clarifcation in what we are suppose to be doing.  

One of the play-issues that bothered me so much about AW was that there was no overall objective for a country to pursue.  We just bombed and captured to the toon of a drunk drummer boy.  Maybe I have overlooked soomething obvious but I seriously doubt that is the case.  

Maybe the objective is to hold on to the majority of the map as long as possible, although that would seem to negate HTC's statement about wining.

Currently, STATs do not measure the success of one country.  How about keeping stats concerning field ownership or something to define the success of one country over the period of a Tour.

Any clarification?



Offline Replicant

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How a country wins...or loses
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2000, 03:34:00 PM »
Well it depends on what's going through the winning sides minds really.  Some may get them down to two fields then swarm the area and get lots of kills but do not attempt to take the field - i.e. looking for the vulch.  Then others feel guilty that they are down to 2 fields and swap their attack to the other country.

Yesterday I just got fed up with it.  Bish had 2 fields, 1 field was totally destroyed yet no sign of low enemy aircraft or armour or troop carriers.  Just didn't look like they were interested in the reset.




Offline miko2d

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How a country wins...or loses
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2000, 05:34:00 PM »
 If you get in a situation like that when your country is down to one or two fields, do not whine or try to take off just to be vulched for hours. Ask a couple of your friends, switch side to that of the enemy and fly the troop carrier yourself. Win some pounts for yourslf and reset the map on the vulching bastards. They hate that.

Offline Fatty

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How a country wins...or loses
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2000, 05:55:00 PM »
Man, I love it when we're down to the back 2 bases.  One of the reasons I miss the old map, you don't see it much anymore.