You know what's interesting and actually relevant about this...
Apparently John McCain picked Palin knowing there would be a fairly great chance that this would come out. I bet, the more the media bleets, and the more the obamabots screech, the more the rest of America will be turned off. Especially those that think it's not public business.
See, you get these gleeful emotional attacks that frankly are driven by a hatred of Bush, but that manifest themselves in the public humiliation of a 17-year old girl who screwed up. Now, for the people who are gleeful, well, it's not like this was the tie breaker in who they will vote for. They could come in and find Obama sodomizing their dog and find ways to brush it off or excuse it just like many Bush supporters could for many years. But, I can imagine for those more moderate the tone of the upcoming campaign months might switch a few for McCain (in addition to energizing the base) or just make them stay home on election day. Particularly the Hillery set. And particularly if the media gets desperate if the numbers really start to swing.