What a waste you're turning out to be, part of debating is teaching, you're more concerned in the celebrating of the victory rather than the satisfaction of not only beating your opponent but enlightening him. "Game over" and "Pwnt" just don't seem to fit in here, but alas, if you want to be an arsehat, it's your perogative.....oooh, theres a related word.
Besides, I read what you wrote, but I haven't studied it enough to know you're right, but just for friks sake, please state that Orthodox do not believe you go to hell if you deny God exists.....just for the record!
If I thought you had wanted learn something I might have taken a different tone. Nothing, I mean nothing in your prior posts can be misconstrued for you requesting some eduction via debate. You make wild claims that you can't back up and when you ask for back up to my claims, you ignore them. Having said that, if I had seen your post thanking the community for your education, I might have changed my tune then, but I didn't see it.
You can think I'm a azhat all you want, but you're the azhat for conducting this debate the way you did.
In the end, I'm glad you learned something...
As for your request, I can only say that the Orthodox consider that it's possible for such a person not to go hell.