Righties are whack jobs who enjoy repeating the same mistake over and over, and willing to do it again. Party-liners (of any party)..... the narrowest minded people on earth who favor victory over truth and avoid truth at al cost.
Now see, there they go again... FIRST, neither GWB nor his dad were righties, in fact, both are what I would consider liberals. They have successfully stolen and horribly skewed the term 'conservative'. I AM a Reagan conservative. GWB and his dad successfully one-two punched me out of the Republican party in an active capacity. Anyone who believes anything about them IS conservative needs to wake up. I will go a step further - McCain is also a liberal, a bonafide hero BUT a liberal. Who else would sponsor so many bills with teddy kennedy and feingold and just think its so peachy that we have droves of illegal aliens invading our country, driving down wages and we ship our jobs to mexico and communist china.
I hope Palin will not be corrupted by McPain, but I am afraid she is just window dressing to pander to the conservative base and to women. I am sure that if McCain is elected, she will do what every VP does... attend funerals and stay out of the spotlight as much as possible. If the ticket were REVERSED, I would definitely be voting that way. I will not vote for the marxist scumbag osamabama.... It ain't happening - That's why I have to vote for a guy who isn't really on the radar - Bob Barr because my principles mean something (to me anyway) I am not going to ever use a vote again just to vote against someone... Give me someone to vote FOR or lose my vote and anyone else I can sway.