Anyone get a (bias) source on the author?
33percent, ok, this with or without the mg damage?
Can you be more specific?
33% would be for the Hispano Mk V firing at 12.5 rps. has the Hispano armed aircraft firing at that rate, which is what I relied on for that figure. Supposedly, our Spitfires have the Hispano II, which had a rof of 10 rps, but when I test it offline it's more like 11 rps.
I think it's safe to say that our AH Hispano cannon has about 20% more
gunpower than the MG 151. When you compare the 4 cannons of the FW-190A-8 to the four cannons of the Typhoon, the typhoon might have 80% more
gunpower than the FW-190A8 (not counting the 190's mg's).