So, I'm a far right wing Republican? And I have no problem with abuses of the Fourth Amendment?
And YOU have determined this HOW, and by WHAT means?
Oh, and I'm not a "thinker"? Why? Because I do not agree with you?
No, it is YOU who "doesn't get it".
When you wish to discuss an issue, as opposed to making trite, unfounded assumptions, and affixing labels to people you do not know, let someone know.
goes both ways Virgil
so you do have a problem with abuses of the fourth amendment?
enlighten me... the second amendment discussion is ummm.. wel never has and never will be a discussion per se.. but maybe the fourth amendment may be a start
I could take the time to go through all of your posts.. copy and paste .. and say - ok there .. there .. there...
but i doubt i will find any posts referring to the fourth amendment abuses and where it is leading... so... go ahead
I apologize to calling you an extreme right winger .. it was a slam.. i know..
lets just say i picture you seeing more to starboard ... and you see me seeing more to port... funny thing though...
You really have no clue what my political affiliation is... what i do for a living... how much political experience i have.. know nada...
You may guess... but that is all it is.. just like me - i guess... ,, H** - i could be Obama pulling your strings... or i could be a delegate to a convention that took place in Minn recently...