Author Topic: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.  (Read 1521 times)

Offline Bodhi

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2008, 04:59:19 PM »
Ahh so now the name calling starts. Imagine that, no leg to stand on so you have to start whipping out the insults.

Now aren't you the pot calling the kettle black.

I have a total leg to stand on.  It's called the economic bailout they are proposing.  It involves huge amounts of taxpayer money.

You liberals are the one's scrambling for a leg to stand on.... especially considering the BS over joint statements.  To hell with statements, stop trying to make your arse look good and get to Washington and do your frigging job.
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Offline Bodhi

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2008, 05:00:26 PM »
Gee..I know that Congress is a bunch of bumbling fools but you don't think that 533 of them can get the job done, it takes all 535?

This is getting entertaining, politics at its best  ;)


Considering the two you would be ok with not being there are running for the highest office in the land, and this happens to be the biggest issue voters are concerned about, yeah.... I think it is important all 535 are there.
I regret doing business with TD Computer Systems.

Offline AWMac

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2008, 05:05:23 PM »
LMAO and Nancy Pelosi is saying that Congress was going on a recess? 
WTF didn't they just back from a dam long vacation?

Ohhh almost forgot....

Told you all two Years ago.....

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Offline RedTop

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2008, 05:07:20 PM »
Dude why is it you always say I'm obsessed because I'm replying to these guys? Seems to me you are obsessed with me. I'm sorry though I'm not so into you.. so why don't you do us both a favor and not worry about me quite so much. I'm a big boy I think I can take care of my self.

Not abosessed with you at all...just get such a kick out of yours and a few others drooling.....but ....I will leave ya be....this aint a good day for me to listen to your type anyway. Im in a bad frikin mood.  Ill just ignore ya for a bit. anniversery date of a death in the family.
Original Member and Former C.O. 71 sqd. RAF Eagles

Offline Yossarian

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2008, 05:22:58 PM »

Just because Obama's camp says something does not mean it is true.  You liberals are so frigging blind.  If this proposed bailout isn't done right, we are collectively screwed.  They have jobs to do.  Not worry about campaigning.  McCain saying they needed to postpone the debate was the right thing to do.  The question to ask is:

For your information, just because the McCain camp says something does not mean it is true either.
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
O o

Offline crockett

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #35 on: September 24, 2008, 05:27:26 PM »
Duh Equis, do you have kids?  If you do, you might find it bothersome that our generations cannot foot this bill ... which will come due for our kids just about the time all the baby boomers are retireing with now worthless pentions, and when government managed social security collapses, all amidst an energy crisis.  Add global warming to that if you are religieous.

So who was thinking of the Children, when Regan doubled the National debit? Who was thinking of the Children when Bush Sr almost doubled the national debit in only 4 years (not for trying because he almost managed)? Who was thinking of the children while George Bush Jr has been busy more than doubling the national debit in the last 8 years?

The only president to not double the national debit in the last 4 was that evil liberal Bill Clinton.. You know from the so called big spending party of the Democrats. In fact in the last 100 years of this nation, the only presidents that have managed to double the national debt in their terms have been Republicans..

Your right think of the children.. vote a Democrat into office.

Granted but Bush Jr's hasn't been updated to show his full effect.. The truth speeks volumes..

Left      Debt   Change
      Office   Years   %GDP   per Year
R:Bush II   2002   2   59.80    0.90
D:Clinton   2000   8   58.00   -0.76
R:Bush I    1992   4   64.10    3.05
R:Reagan   1988   8   51.90    2.31
D:Carter   1980   4   33.40   -0.70
R:Ford      1976   3   36.20    0.20
R:Nixon      1973   5   35.60   -1.38
D:Johnson   1968   5   42.50   -1.86
D:Kennedy   1963   3   51.80   -1.40
R:Eisenhower   1960   8   56.00   -2.29
D:Truman   1952      74.30   

Maybe pictures will help..(but again Bush Jr's has been fully updated yet)

« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 05:34:00 PM by crockett »

Offline AWMac

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #36 on: September 24, 2008, 05:34:58 PM »
LOL Funny Crockett.

Clinton was thinkin of Chelsea and National Security while dippin cigars.


Offline Stang

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #37 on: September 24, 2008, 05:41:20 PM »
Wow, this is stunning to me.  Obama is making a huge mistake not coming back to Washington.  What's he going to do, stand there at the podium and mock McCain for not showing up when McCain is in Washington trying to help deal with the problem?  This is going to totally blow up in his face despite how the media will portray it. 

There's plenty of time to debate.  This crisis is the paramount issue that has to be dealt with, and must be dealt with now.  What would pushing the debate back a week or so hurt? 

Again, I'm shocked.  Obama had one play, and he didn't take it.  Mark my words, this blunder will be what the election swings on.

Offline FrodeMk3

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #38 on: September 24, 2008, 05:42:25 PM »
The Obama campaign said in a statement that Obama had called McCain around 8:30 a.m. Wednesday to propose that they issue a joint statement in support of a package to help fix the economy as soon as possible. McCain called back six hours later and agreed to the idea of the statement, the Obama campaign said. McCain's statement was issued to the media a few minutes later

It kind of looks like it took the McCain campaign about six hours to figure out how to try and out maneuver Obama, first move by Obama, but that wont matter :)


It's actually easy for either candidate to make such a statement right now...You can say, "Let's do something!" and get lot's of popular support. However, what if that something is wrong? What if this package is a phenomenally bad idea (As we discussed in another thread, because it gives too much power to an un-elected official.) In one aspect, since they are candidates for the White house, and are currently getting alot of publicity, you could say that they are actually doing a better job than if they were in D.C. sitting on the Senate floor pushing the "present" button. They could use this popularity to the advantage of any bailout bill. However, they both still ARE Senators. They are in essence, still obliged to get to Capitol hill with their colleagues, and vote on the subject. In reality, it's hard to say which course of action is better, in this instance.

Offline AWMac

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #39 on: September 24, 2008, 05:43:15 PM »
See?  This is why I like Stang!



Born a Buckeye!!!  Toledo.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 05:45:17 PM by AWMac »

Offline FrodeMk3

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #40 on: September 24, 2008, 05:45:06 PM »
Wow, this is stunning to me.  Obama is making a huge mistake not coming back to Washington.  What's he going to do, stand there at the podium and mock McCain for not showing up when McCain is in Washington trying to help deal with the problem?  This is going to totally blow up in his face despite how the media will portray it. 

There's plenty of time to debate.  This crisis is the paramount issue that has to be dealt with, and must be dealt with now.  What would pushing the debate back a week or so hurt? 

Again, I'm shocked.  Obama had one play, and he didn't take it.  Mark my words, this blunder will be what the election swings on.

If McCain helps to push through a badly written/worded Bailout bill that gives the control of all of this money to some petty little bueracratic tyrant who can't even be brought on trial in event of a scandal, It will blow up in McCain's face.

Offline AWMac

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2008, 05:52:01 PM »
LOL the last thing that ever blew up in McCains face was his jet...
I really think he doesn't like the word "Bailout".


Just my humble thoughts.


Offline Stang

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #42 on: September 24, 2008, 05:54:41 PM »
If McCain helps to push through a badly written/worded Bailout bill that gives the control of all of this money to some petty little bueracratic tyrant who can't even be brought on trial in event of a scandal, It will blow up in McCain's face.
Absolutely true.  But we won't know the answer to that question for a few years... which is exactly why they should be there to make sure the bailout is done as best it possibly can be done. 

And by the way, isn't Obama currently a U.S. Senator?  This is the single biggest thing Congress has dealt with in the new mellenium, with repricussions that will follow for years to come, and he isn't going to be there to take part?  Here would be his chance to finally do something worthwhile in the Senate, and he isn't taking it.  This is a huge opportunity he is wasting.  The people advising him are total idiots if they don't see this. 

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #43 on: September 24, 2008, 05:56:21 PM »
Obama has been running for President since around day 148 of his congressional career. He hasn't been there doing his job since not long after he got it. Why should this month or next be any different?
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline AWMac

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Re: McCain looking to suspend campaigning, to help in WA.
« Reply #44 on: September 24, 2008, 05:58:05 PM »
This just in....

Mac/Stang '08.
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