Author Topic: "lets not, and let 'em think we will.."  (Read 508 times)

Offline Yeager

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Re: "lets not, and let 'em think we will.."
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2008, 07:46:09 PM »
market soaring again today, all in anticipation of the pending free money gravy train from washington to wall street.

If washington keeps acting like a 'rescue' is imminent, and the market keeps soaring.. why bother with actually spending a dime on the mindless sheep that are so easy to dupe?

Perfectly agreed.
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Offline lasersailor184

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Re: "lets not, and let 'em think we will.."
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2008, 07:48:39 PM »
How so? I would like to not have to do a bailout, but what other option(s) are there besides letting these companies go under?

We could let them go under AND have a kegger.

Win win.
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline Elfie

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Re: "lets not, and let 'em think we will.."
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2008, 07:52:56 PM »
We could let them go under AND have a kegger.

Win win.

Apparently the economic ramifications of letting them all go under could be felt world wide and not just here in the US where it will at the very least trigger a recession and at worst trigger an economic depression. Heck by some accounts it could wreck the US economy for years. I fail to see how that is a win.
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Offline Hangtime

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Re: "lets not, and let 'em think we will.."
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2008, 08:15:13 PM »
Elfie.. don't let 'em spike yer kool-aid. There's more smoke 'n mirrors in this bailout than carters got lil green liver pills. Just as soon as somebody can actually explain why we should cut a check for 700 billion to the guy that was, in his last day job, the CEO at goldman sachs so he can bail out his wall street elite pals at the investment banks.. before we hand the better part of a Trillion or more to the same guys that screwed the pooch on their watch, lets have 'em expain in terms an average guy like me can understand.

And then I'll still tell 'em NO.

Nobody has once actually told us how bad the pooch has been screwed.. how many and how much are the defaulted loans? Who has 'em? How'd they get 'em? Since the folks that are already out on the street are getting no relief, since the folks that have already lost their 401k's, since the retirement portfolios are already wiped out.. WHAT will this plan do for them? Nothin.

Next.. the folks already in deep trouble.. any relief or write downs on those mortgages? Nope. Nada.

Elfie.. it's a damn shame.. sucks to be us. Seems better than 2 thirds of the country is up to it's bellybutton in debt.. on widescreen TV's, cars they can't afford, furniture they coulda spent less on or got used... toys they shouldn't have bought. If were gonna bail out the Corporations and not the folks that have already lost everything, if the majority of the brainless population is already out on a limb because they over extended and made piss poor choices, why should I bail their tulips out? You don't redeem sloppy performance of a money trust by handing over more money.. that's nuts!

No. Take yer lumps, America. Declare bankruptcy. Put off buying that house or hand the keys back if you bought more than you could afford... find another way get your monkey off yer back... without my money. I already wrote those ultra melons a blank check once... I still remember the thanks. This time around, I'm not signing anything.
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Offline lasersailor184

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Re: "lets not, and let 'em think we will.."
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2008, 08:19:18 PM »
Apparently the economic ramifications of letting them all go under could be felt world wide and not just here in the US where it will at the very least trigger a recession and at worst trigger an economic depression. Heck by some accounts it could wreck the US economy for years. I fail to see how that is a win.

It is better than stepping in and rewarding people's stupidity.  

It's rather like what Eric Cartmen said about getting a show canceled.  Once you get ONE episode canceled, then anyone with any grievance has the standing to get any other episode canceled.  Soon, the whole show will be canceled.

By bailing these dumb motherdiddlyers out, we are saying that we're going to spend OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY to save MORE DUMB MOTHERdiddlyERS from their own stupidity.

Both the lenders and the lendees need to reap the consequences of their actions.  If we all have to pay for it by a recession, so be it.  We'll be better off in the end.

As long as we don't have a socialist at the reigns.  

Hell, that goes for pretty much anything.  As long as a socialist isn't in control, we're probably going to be fine.
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"