The wings are stiffer and thats a good thing. The cannon seems weaker though and I say that because I hit a formation of B26s from an oblique pass and put 3-4 hits in the fuse of all planes with zero effect. Usually all it takes is one hit?
Sometimes on bombers you get lucky and single hits start them on fire or something, but typically it takes multiple hits right next to each other to take the bombers out. If you put several 30mm rounds into a buff, but spread them out so each one is hitting different parts of the plane, it's not at all uncommon to see the buff fly along as if nothing happened.
That said, quite often at least one buff will blow up in a pass like you describe where you rake all three aircraft with 30mm as you let them fly through your cannon stream. But sometimes you get an unlucky pass and it doesn't work out. Oh well, that's when you turn around and take another pass. ;-) At that point they should be pretty soft, too.