As it is presently the strats are a practically worthless target, if they had a significant meaning people would be encouraged to defend them. This will be good for the furballers because those buffs are now going to NEED escorts and that means fights.It will also give the guys who fly buffs a meaningful target that is more than just dropping hangars. It will mean trips into enemy territory to level an entire city or factory and it will mean teamwork will be needed to pull it off on both the aggressors and the defenders sides.It takes the game away from aerial quake and back into the combat simulation.
anything to improve Strat systemHigh alt escort/buff runs/ intercepts anything to help them (witch giving the buffs a respectable target) would make it more enjoyable to more players... witch is always a ++ in my book. i wish there was a good reason for hitting strats, and I'm sorry to say the current plan doesn't do that vary well... I love hitting them but to find others with that thinking is few and far between unless the bad guys are down to a few remaining bases. In an old Game i played for years I was the CO of the bomber escort wing (yes we had 3 wings bombers fighters and escorts, and needed them)... in AH bombing has gone to the divebombing lanc's for tanks/CV's and the few B-17/24's that want to stop a fight at a forward base by droping hangers....I dont like dogfighting in the dirt but no one wants/ NEEDS to fly high in AH Its sad that so many young men died flying at or above 20,000ft and yet our game depicting it has no real need of doing missions of such... CT was as far as i can tell supose to try to bring that to us, but it has had its troubles witch i am not complaning about... I am all for escorting my friends in mass high alt missions. I do not feel that this will even faze the guys that turn and burn on the deck for they will still be there slashing it out ( i dont mind) it has its fun factor as well. IMO if hitting strats was worth anything pople would, but 95% of AH players have come to realise it realy dont and this is someting that with a little thinking like the 1st post by FiLTH would bring /keep more people playing.