Author Topic: Snap and Lock view  (Read 135 times)

Offline klem

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Snap and Lock view
« on: October 17, 1999, 02:52:00 AM »
For reasons I won't bore you with I have to operate my hat switch in programmed mode and it only generates a single keypress, so for "hat right" I get a single brief  keypad 6. Result in F9 snap view mode is a fleeting glimpse of the right wing.

Any chance of an F7/F8/F9 type option to get a LOCKED snap view on a single "keypress" (e.g. in AirWarrior - excuse me   - it is possible to have views with or without key "hold-down" so a straight view selection locks in until the next one is selected.) It's very awkward trying to fly using the keyboard for views when the hands are on the throttle/stick.


Offline Sky Viper

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Snap and Lock view
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 1999, 09:39:00 PM »
Hmmm, Im not sure I understand your problem.

Here is what I have done with my CH F16 Fighterstick.
It has an 8 way switch that in essence adds the adjcent points together.
I programed it so that the strokes matched the key functions for forward, right, left, and back with the Hold until released enabled.

It might be helpful to say what stick, and explain that issue you don't want to speak of.
 After all, you can't help a blind man if your stuck in a cave with no lights.


Offline Minotaur

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Snap and Lock view
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 1999, 11:39:00 PM »

Not sure what kind of stick you use.  I use the Thrustmaster/TQS and program most of my own Sim files.  Other programable sticks should work this way.

You must use a RAW code to get a view to stay.  Also works for stuff like dive or wheel brakes.  IE: Press switch = brakes on, Release switch = brakes off.  

(WAX ON, WAX OFF has already been done and is copyrighted   )

To make RAW codes work you got to use the Key Press RAW codes and the Key Release RAW codes.  This is what the FE sends to the Sim for certain keys.  


Spacebar pressd = Wheel Brakes On.
Spacebar released = Wheel Brakes Off.

When you push the spacebar a Key pressed code is sent and when you release the spacebar a Key released code is sent.

(Not actualy RAW codes sorry I'm at work, just an example)


Spacebar press = RAW(#E0)
Spacebar release = RAW(#E0 #OD)

So you fake out the FE. Flip a control switch and send spacebar press.  Now, until you send a spacebar release, the FE thinks the key is pressed continuesly and your wheelbrakes are ON constantly.

This works for control switches that stay in the position that they are moved to.

You must always send a Key release code.  If you don't you can really foul things up, for other key presses.  You can also manually press the key in question to reset it.

You can set up your views using much the same method.

A flip of one of your hat switches, changes to the selected view, these hat switches are spring return to center.  Using the RAW MAKE code or Key press code, the view stays until you reset it.

You can build multiple views this way.  IE BackLeft, UpRight etc.  I think AH only likes 2 modifications to each view.

The tricky part is reseting or sending Key released codes for your views.  I do this by making a RAW code that in essense sends Key release codes for ALL the view keys.  Reseting the ones I have used, the FE ignores all the ones I have not used.

This reset is given by selecting a often used view. Back, FrontUp, Up, and BackUP --> the lift vector views.

The codes are sent as follows ---> RAWReset and then the view selected.  So now I go DIRECTLY to the view I want by 1st reseting all other views, and then selecting the view I desire.  The switch does not need to be held, for the view to remain.

To totally reset my views and return to the Front view, I use the Back (Check Six)view.


Look --> Left Back, I now have 2 Key presses sent.

I want to check six or just reset my views back to the Front view.

On Press I send --> RAWReset then Back (Back view switch is held).  On Release I send ---> RAWReset then Front.  Pick an easy switch to hold, usually not held for more than a moment in a DF anyway.

This all becomes immensely easier using FOX2 software for Thrustmaster gear, get the URL from the Thrustmaster web site to download it.  I can send you an example file.

Whew, hope this helps, typers tired.  



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Snap and Lock view
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 1999, 10:52:00 AM »
That's an awful lot of work going through the raw codes and extra lines in b50 file.  Also, using the /P and /R tags and lead to problems if you hit another button.  I've had stuck keys doing it that way before.  I use the /H tag for ones I need held, which also lets me make more other control inputs while holding a switch.

Offline klem

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Snap and Lock view
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 1999, 01:56:00 PM »
Hi guys,
many thanks for the tip especially writers cramped minotaur <g>

I don't know Raw codes (  #EO  ) and stuff but will have to learn about them if I need them. In the mean time I will play with that /H tag which I guess is what sky vipar was saying, just have to figure out where to put it    (I couldnt see a Hold until released toggle)

btw I am using a Quickshot 206 throttle and stick combo that only allows the throttle or the hat to be digital - I have the throttle analogue because the AH throttle keys are not sequential ( 1 = 10% 2 = 20% 3 = 30% etc type thing) and my throttle in digital mode has 15 steps it recognises where I could put such sequential steps) WAKE UP SKY VIPAR !!<gdr> So I am forced to have analogue throttle and so forced to have digital hat. WAKE UP THE REST OF YOU   (zzzzzzzzzzzz   )

Anyway, many thanks again to you all and if there are any further thoughts I'd be pleased to hear them - like where to piut that  /H

Hope to cya in the virtual skies - I'll be the one spinning uncontrollably into the deck <g>
