Author Topic: Scoring explained  (Read 654 times)

Offline A8TOOL

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Scoring explained
« on: October 18, 2008, 03:48:27 PM »
I wrote this in my third month of game play (9/07) for my squad after wondering why I was scoring so much better than the rest of them and others in the game that had more experience and skill than me. After giving it some thought and examining score I came up with this explanation. Score happens on it's own when you take bases and can easily be manipulated by allocating your planes properly. Of course it takes skill but any skilless dweeb can rank in the top 500's if they wanted to. The only true gauge of skill is HIT Percentage shown for each category and the amount of planes/vehicles killed versus amount of sorties which can be found at the bottom of your score page in the KILLS Statistics SECTION. Click on kills to see what you fly and have killed the most in.

Here's what I wrote:

I think I found a way to manipulate the scoring system. Although it does take some skill, don't be to impressed by how low someones rank is, mine for instance. I've covered all but how to get a base capture in attack mode. That one is still eluding me.

It's best to start the month off using these tactics although it will still work for most of you now.

In fighter mode you'll want to take up only planes that you know you can get kills with and take them up at the right time (to fight CV planes, when going high/med alt with wingman, on the outskirts of a furball not in them). Score the rest of your planes as ATTACK to help keep the squads overall rank low along with your own.

Once you achieve a few kills see what your rank is the next day. If you can get 15 kills on there with just a couple deaths you'll be looking pretty good because your kills per death, kills per sortie, and hit percentage will all look pretty good. If you stop there those #'s will stay pretty steady but you, or we as a squad will lose in kill points because you stopped flying them. Switching most of your planes to attack is good for you and the squad if your not all that great in a fighter. Every time you die someone needs to try and make up for it so TRY TO REMEMBER to bail or ditch to avoid deaths.

At this time i am scoring only a few planes I fly as fighter, the rest are in attack mode since I hardly ever leave without ord anyway. Don't score any jabo with bombs as a fighter.

Attack scores: Combine fighter and bombing (JABO) skills. Don't worry to much about the fighter part as much because this category is mainly scored on what you hit with ord but try to Kill as many planes as you can. Keep points up and deaths low if possible. Damage percent and points are determined by what you hit and how many you destroy. It's pretty easy to keep those #'s up if you can hit buildings or hangers. Firing a rocket on an upper brings your kill hit % way up because it  took only 1 shot instead of 100 bullets.....get it? Not easy to come by but worth it when you have the opportunity to vulch while still hvy with rockets lets say.

Bomber scores are easier to get. Take one plane to a town or strat location loaded with the heaviest bombs (1k or 2k's). The fewer bombs that hit brings up your hit percentage and very good damage points will be awarded. Going to a town you could take drones, even tho your hit % might be lowered the town will go down faster for us and points are still very good.

Anytime you use a goon to take a base it's scored as bomber. Try to get at least one on your tour and your score will dramatically increase. Taking a JU87 Stuka w one HVY bomb yields the highest hit percentage on any target you drop on especially cities, cruisers and cv's. The Lancs 4000 pounder will do same if not better. B-25's with 3 - 1000's are good for strat targets and cruisers as well. Dropping 3 bombs on a building will lower your hit % because it took 3 bombs to do the job of one and you don't want that. What you want is for this % to go up not down so try to use the least amount of bombs you can to take out targets. My new favorite plane for hitting towns and strats when I go is one lone B24 loaded with it's 2000 pound package. Two Lanc 2000's will kill any hanger or shore bat. Lancs have enough bombs to take all three VH's out at  a V-base

Vehicles score:

This is another very easy category to keep up and when done right and will increases your overall score rapidly. You don't need to be the best GV'er in the way of killing other GV's, you just need to be a base taker. Kill lots of buildings, get a few captures each month and hit anything with a GV or PT rocket. Hitting something with a GV rocket is probably the most unknown and neglected aspect of keeping score low. Send one to the nearest town or CV to increase score.

This information has helped all who have read it increase rank. The squad in general was able to acquire the #3 spot on the Overall Squad Ranks page because of it but took time and practice. Try to focus on one category at a time and don't let score get in the way of you having fun. We come from a base taking squad so score will happen on it's own as long as you allocate your planes modes properly, try not to get killed in fighter mode and take a base or two.


Not long after this I found out how to get attack mode captures. Attack mode captures only helps the squads overall squad rank and not you on a personal level. You only need 1 attack capture to boost your squads rank. Let troops out, end sortie and jump in an attack plane, wait for capture mesg on runway, then take off.

Fighter scores have 5 main components that make up overall fighter score. Because we come from a large squad only 4 of them really count......( if your only intention is to help increase squad standings that is). Hatrick has this down pat and if he had more time would rank in the teens.

Kills per death: Try to bail, ditch or land. For every death you will need 2-4 kills to make up for it. Float to the ground in a disabled plane and CRASH!   :rolleyes: :furious Shame on you

Kills per sortie: Is kind of a time thing. How many kills divided by sorties taken or visa versa. Re Arming could help but not necessary since it can hurt the next component severely.

Kills per Hour of Flight: How fast can you kill. 1 hour flights for 0 - 2 kills not so good. 5-20 min flights with 1-3 kills is very good.\par
Advise: Hang near outskirt of furball or attack CV planes. Use attack mode when planing long flights for fun.

Kills Hit Percentage : How many bullets actually hit the plane.

Low hit % is cased by Caused by: Bad aim, using .50 cals to spray and pray. If this happens you can make it up by killing bombers. The bigger the target the greater the chance more bullets will hit  which will raise your Hit%  quickly. The downside is, without skill and patience bombers are not going to be easy targets for you. \par

Kill Points: Not a lot are needed from each of us to score well. Hattrick makes enough as you see.\par


« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 06:41:44 PM by A8TOOL »

Offline A8TOOL

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Re: Scoring explained
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2008, 03:59:48 PM »

By my forth month I had all the tricks in play and tried to apply them to a squad. I kept some notes and passed them on but in the end it made some people very miserable. Score has it's dangers and like the game itself, can also become addicting... so beware. If done right it can be very satisfying and takes very little fun from the game if any at all.

<S> Tool,

Speaking from personal experience as a squad CO of a group that has played together over ten years, I would contribute that in my honest opinion emphasizing anything at squad level that is score based is like introducing a cancer into your group,  opening the door for animosity & discourse to creep in.

Guys become competitive over kills, & accusations of kill stealing can rear their ugly head.  Flights lose cohesion as everyone gangs the first bandit they see because they are all hungry for a kill.  Fellows will alter their approach to their flights because they are more worried about their score than clearing a squaddie.  Or on the flip side, gents will squabble that their high score flight was messed up because they died trying to rescue a squadmate who didnt fly 'smartly'.

All those events are contrary to my goal of having a group of friends to bs with, fly together with and have fun doing it - the true meaning of being in a healthy, thriving online game group.

Checking score can be a great way to monitor personal progress ( i.e k/d ratio, gunnery percentage ) and HT provides us with all we need to do so in an extensive format, both web based & in game. If you try to change this to a group approach, then as you stated some will find it not their cup of tea, or they cant compete or 'hang' with other squad mates, and people start drifting into different directions.

Scoring is divisive to a group.
Score is the Yoko Ono of squads :)

Offline PFactorDave

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Re: Scoring explained
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2008, 07:14:44 PM »
It became apparent that this pretty much a guide to score dweebery when I read the part about releasing troops and quickly ending flight to jump into an attack plane.

Very lame, indeed.

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Offline A8TOOL

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Re: Scoring explained
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2008, 08:55:16 PM »
Yep....that was the hardest one to figure out because it makes absolutely no sense at all.

There should be no reason any squad should need to get an attack capture but HTC musta threw it in there for people to figure out and confuse others.

All you need is one.

I don't care if it's bowling, softball, or a pinball league, score is important to gauge a teams success or failure. If a squad wants to rise up the latter they will have to get at least one and thats how you do it. Blame it on HTC.

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Scoring explained
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2008, 02:13:51 AM »
If a squad wants to rise up the latter they will have to get at least one and thats how you do it. Blame it on HTC.

My squad of two has never had one and we are normally in the top 15 squads.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline hyster

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Re: Scoring explained
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2008, 03:59:43 AM »
I don't care if it's bowling, softball, or a pinball league, score is important to gauge a teams success or failure. If a squad wants to rise up the latter they will have to get at least one and that's how you do it.

padding scores makes it meaningless.

to me the most important stats are hit % in fighter, attack mode and kills per sortie.
kills per death is meaningless as well as if u bail it does not count as a death but u still got shot down.

score does not = skill. most of the best fights Ive had are against mid ranked players (1,000-2,000).

to me a high score just says stats padding, but some of the high ranker's do have a shed load of skill.

Blame it on HTC.
the player abuses the system NOT HTC

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Scoring explained
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2008, 10:32:14 AM »
to me the most important stats are hit % in fighter, attack mode and kills per sortie.

How is hit% in attack mode meaningfull?  If you strafe a few buildings it will skyrocket.  If you ask me, hitting buildings with guns isn't very difficult.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.