the theory of multiple hardware profiles was already discussed above. it has its benefits, but each time a new profile is wanted a reboot is required.
with crity you need not worry about a reboot, once you shut off the monitored program (user defined in the profile) it will automatically return your computer back to its full running state by restarting all services and programs listed for restart.
then you can select another crity profile and run it merely by double clicking the shortcut for that profile.
the new program will then shut off and start up the user defined services and programs listed therein.
once you are done with that profile it takes a simple shut down of the monitored program and again it will return your computer to its original state ready to use yet another profile for a different application or to do whatever it is you wish to do.
no reboots needed. i can set up as many crity profiles as i choose. and i can run any amount of programs in each unique profile as i want to start.
my aces high profile shuts off every possible service and program, then it starts up my CCleaner program that i run cleaning out all temp files and folders, then once that is shut off it starts Aces High. crity sits dormant in the background until i shut off AH then it automatically restarts all of my services and programs that run at start up, restoring my computer to a freshly restarted state.
in my opinion, automatic is easier than a reboot for each time i want to do something different. but if you want to restart the computer when your done using any particular program crity can also be set to do that or shut down completely after the monitored program is exited.
crity if you read the instructions, will allow you to set each profile to do whatever you want. it takes a little trial an error to get each profile the way you want it, but it is no different than setting up individual hardware profiles.
no actually that would be wrong, with each profile i do not have to start over. i can copy a profile that is close to what i want already, rename the new profile, make the minor changes and set the programs i want to run and monitor save it and I'm done. new profile in 2 or 3 minutes max.
i enjoy using crity, works well and its user friendly