Author Topic: A totally flawless flight ruined by.....  (Read 92 times)


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A totally flawless flight ruined by.....
« on: February 20, 2001, 02:37:00 AM »
Today I was tooling around at around 20k, no real target, just lots a fuel.  I do that sometimes so that when a target comes up i can be OTW very quickly..well after about 25min i spot a ack field, i consult my printed STRAT map to see who owns it, we do ( yes i know im a tard for having a printed map)

anywho i take from 100% to 0% and am rtb, out of habit i do the most totally feather soft landings you can imagine, full flaps about 75mph, wouldent spill a cup of tea, anywho i come in for my ususal charmin landing and suddenly when i touch down my left gear snaps off and i go skewing off the runway, only my tailwheel is on the runway.
i type ".ef"  SYSTEM: You were captured

WHAT CAPTURED! how so!? twas a friendly base it twas! no biggie, I go to the hanger to see my points  last sortie 0, i didnt get ANY points!

I know the ack base was enima because it was blasting away at me, I know the base was ours because it was GREEN and DIDNT shoot at me, what I dont know is why my wheel fell of, I was captured and I got 0 points!

I dunno what HTC has to say about this but I AM NEVER BUYING FIRESTONE TIRES AGAIN!

Offline MrLars

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A totally flawless flight ruined by.....
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2001, 02:09:00 PM »
Cool...I see HT has already fixed the Milkrunner problem <bseg>

Men Of Leisure


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A totally flawless flight ruined by.....
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2001, 02:18:00 PM »
Milk run huh..your a doofus  

How does taking off and waiting for someone to call in a strike on something so that i can be on site quickly to help my team constitute a "milk run"?
Btw i was in a 17..yea a milk run in that thing might get me 4.00 points if i do everything right and make it back and land...
why did you even reply to this?

why dont you go get in yer 202 and straf a barraks.

[This message has been edited by TheWobble (edited 02-20-2001).]