Author Topic: Camera?  (Read 104 times)

Offline crabofix

  • Parolee
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  • Posts: 481
« on: April 14, 2000, 08:51:00 AM »

How about an unarmed photorecon?
A picture from it could be seen by other pilots/tankers in the same country. Either at maproom or directly on clipboard.
I know its not "historical" correct, but it would serve as a strategic plan helper.
Time isīnt really on our side, right?
(everything changes very quickly and theres no time to land develop film, etc, etc)

Maybe the fieldlayout would change after a reset, makin recon necessary before an attack? Just trying to Brainstorm a bit.

( I know, theres a storm in my brain, saw!)

<Bends down and bows to the ground:Callin out!>

"OH, OGD! Help me now to punish the Rooks and Bishops that are after my Body and want to shoot it full of both 7.7, cal"50 and 20mm! Please preserve the nice paintjob on my 205, keep my wep always goin and load my guns with Fresh ammunition, the fuelgaugemeter in the middle, May my fellow Knights call 6 and cover my weak spots in times during T&B, May the infideling Hawg go away forever from AH! (and if not, make it a undermodeled Lawndart!)". <Right Airlon, Left Elevator, Engine and Rudder.>

Crabofix "fishslap"
Flygflottlj.19(Lento R5)"swedish Gladiators"