Author Topic: The MA Mentality...  (Read 3075 times)

Offline CAP1

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #45 on: October 27, 2008, 03:12:46 PM »
Yep, the more I think about it, the more you fit the "MA mentality" you whine about.


a few weeks ago, i came in on dedalos in a yak....i had boatloads of e and had alt on him. i lost.

had multiple fights with shuffler last week, and a couple with least 3 of em, i came in with distinct advantage. lost em all.

it's in the pilot. had i been better, i may have won those engagements.(which i feel i should have). actually, now that i think of it i DID win. i got good films to review my mistakes.(of which there were plenty!)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2008, 03:29:31 PM by CAP1 »
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #46 on: October 27, 2008, 03:40:21 PM »
Getting picked in the MA doesn't mean you have bad SA, sorry but when people say that it's irritates me. There are lots of reasons you can get picked and having bad SA isn't the only reason. Sometimes you can just be out of E from fighting another con and if you are in a heavy plane it just might not move out of the way quick enough. You might be fighting a low con while two others BnZ you. Your plane might be missing parts that make it hard to dodge multiple cons. You might well see them coming but it's not always you are in a aircraft that's capable of getting out of the way, unless you fly a noobicane or a zeek all the time.

As a side note to the original poster.. I've seen others gripe about getting "roped" in a 1 vs 1 DA type fights. I've never understood that complaint. Not saying this other guy wasn't a tard, but if he managed to keep his E while you lost yours then that's a fair way to kill IMO. That's just part of E fighting, which means keeping your energy while draining the other guy of his so you can then have your way with him. It doesn't mean you have to be a BnZ tard, but I will by all means use my alt and energy to my advantage in any fight.

Your right crockett what I should have said is 'you have plenty of time to see the pick coming and should either make up your mind that you are staying to try to finish him off before you get picked or leave at some point.' I think the only way you might not see a pick coming is if its an La7 or Hurr hiding in the weeds.
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Offline Babalonian

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #47 on: October 27, 2008, 04:12:55 PM »
Egotistical players and "1v1 = ultimate test of all skills" mentality, these are trademark characteristics of a "MA mentality"?  :confused:

What are the characteristics of a "MA mentality" compared to another one of say the DA?

This thread comes off as one player of one mentality failing at whatever they're trying to accomplish and as a result taking out their frustration on another mentality that they don't understand.
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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #48 on: October 27, 2008, 04:30:35 PM »
Egotistical players and "1v1 = ultimate test of all skills" mentality, these are trademark characteristics of a "MA mentality"?  :confused:

What are the characteristics of a "MA mentality" compared to another one of say the DA?

This thread comes off as one player of one mentality failing at whatever they're trying to accomplish and as a result taking out their frustration on another mentality that they don't understand.

Stop by in the DA and find out.  Is it too hard to understand what a duel is Vs the shoot at anything red in the MA?
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #49 on: October 27, 2008, 04:36:40 PM »
Stop by in the DA and find out.  Is it too hard to understand what a duel is Vs the shoot at anything red in the MA?

There is the occasional duel in the MAs but it doesn't happen enough.

Actually from what time Ive spent in the DA I haven't found it much better. But if theres one concept Ive come to understand its been that you learn far more in battles you lose then in ones youv won. Lately Ive been outganged from anywheres from 2 on 1 to 5 on 1. While Ive often lost Ive learned valuable lessons on how to survive in really bad tactical envirements, and Im surviving longer and longer. Last week for instance I beat 4 in a 4 on 1. I used base ack yes but still that was a big step up for me.

Dont look at losing as a loss. You cant lose cause its only a cartoon game. Instead look at losing as a "lesson".

Thats why I never "run". I might stretch one out but if the plane allows me, and I got bullets, Im a'coming back atya win or lose.
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Offline Babalonian

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #50 on: October 27, 2008, 05:05:36 PM »
I'm sure the MA and DA have it's fair share of players who don't think twice about pointing their nose at the nearest killable object, the "it's red, it's dead" syndrome.  If anything it's a characteristic of those that just don't know any beter or are inexperienced in a game where the point is to kill more than be killed, and if a game doesn't have those (the noobs) then the game doesn't have any players at all (noobs become the uber stick vets).

My two questions still stand:
Egotistical players and "1v1 = ultimate test of all skills" mentality, these are trademark characteristics of a "MA mentality"?  :confused:

What are the characteristics of a "MA mentality" compared to another one of say the DA?
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Offline Bosco123

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #51 on: October 27, 2008, 05:06:10 PM »
Yep, the more I think about it, the more you fit the "MA mentality" you whine about.

READ! what does it say on that last part? "I won't make that official" what don't you understand? thats means they may accuse him of doing that, but I won't.

I had a funny thing happen to me today. I have just beginning to learn to fly the KI-84, boy have I been missing out. I flew it at a furball against nits, and it was fun, but they had a way more higher alt. advantage than us. So, I decided to get Co alt. with them, and get some of them to fight. I was fighting Nemeses in a spixteen, we went back and fourth a couple times killing eachother, it was fun. We got up to about 13 or 14K on our last fight, when a spixteen comes in from 22K or 23K. 22or 23K! while fighting this guy, the spixteen comes in a picks me, and of course kills me. Guess who it is. Its Huckster!
I think that kind of sad, when you cain't even fly a spixteen without haveing a 10K adv. He truly has no idea how to fight, other than having some kind of E adv. Now thats sad.
I'm sure the MA and DA have it's fair share of players who don't think twice about pointing their nose at the nearest killable object, the "it's red, it's dead" syndrome.  If anything it's a characteristic of those that just don't know any beter or are inexperienced in a game where the point is to kill more than be killed, and if a game doesn't have those (the noobs) then the game doesn't have any players at all (noobs become the uber stick vets).

My two questions still stand:
Egotistical players and "1v1 = ultimate test of all skills" mentality, these are trademark characteristics of a "MA mentality"?  :confused:

What are the characteristics of a "MA mentality" compared to another one of say the DA?
I think what I'm getting here is, a person with "MA Mentality" would be someone, who can 1v1 decently, and would know how, but only uses his MA skills to beat out someone. Thus the E rope climb, shows exaclty what I'm talking about. When I fought Dedalos the other day, we had stright up fights, there was no E climb or anything like that, it was stright burn up all E within the first merge and fight the stall. I just found what I'm trying to say here. What I didn't like between me and Huckster was that I want fight the stall, he whats to use his "MA skill" to out stall me in a rope situation.
Even again today after another dose of Huckster, I went to the DA with Grizz. Girzz is a great pilot, he used his knowlege of "Throttle Control" to beat me in a lot of situations.... Hes tring have no E! I'm a little rust usuing throttle control, because most of my fights have to do with full power manuvers, I havn't me to many people who can cut their throttle like he did today. We spent about 2 hours doing this. We flew many planes like: KI-84, K4, Yak-9T, F4U1, F4U1-D, and a 109F-4, and all of them had nothing to do with E climb or anything like that. It was soley based upon stall fighting. Thats what I think is fun.
So thanks for the fights Grizz and Dedalos, these past few days have been alot of fun, without this whole Huckster crap.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2008, 05:18:55 PM by Bosco123 »
Skifurd AKA "Bosco"
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Offline scot12b

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #52 on: October 27, 2008, 05:49:21 PM »
Oh, and Bosco provides some of the best and fair fights in the DA.  I would take his word over some shade account any day
So would I  :aok
  I does sound like BadBoy

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #53 on: October 27, 2008, 05:54:48 PM »
So would I  :aok
 (Image removed from quote.) I does sound like BadBoy(Image removed from quote.)
Not to be mean or anything, but thats the most I've seen you write in a post. :D
Skifurd AKA "Bosco"
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Offline scot12b

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #54 on: October 27, 2008, 06:23:53 PM »
Hater :O

Offline Bosco123

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Offline SkyRock

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #56 on: October 28, 2008, 01:29:04 AM »
SkyRock< few! :aok

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Offline grizz441

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #57 on: October 28, 2008, 01:40:13 AM »
For sure Bosco, I had a good time...and learned what planes I need to either get a lot better in or stay out of <G>

Offline RTHolmes

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #58 on: October 28, 2008, 07:24:14 AM »
It was soley based upon stall fighting. Thats what I think is fun.

The problem here is that you think that dump E at merge then stall fight is the only legitimate way to fight, which it isnt. I know its a gross simplification but BnZ -> TnB -> E-fight is a progression in terms of pilot skill. You appear to have stopped at TnB, which means you dont have the full set of tools in your toolbox. Huckster does, so he rightly used them to beat you.
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Offline dedalos

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Re: The MA Mentality...
« Reply #59 on: October 28, 2008, 07:36:53 AM »
The problem here is that you think that dump E at merge then stall fight is the only legitimate way to fight, which it isnt. I know its a gross simplification but BnZ -> TnB -> E-fight is a progression in terms of pilot skill. You appear to have stopped at TnB, which means you dont have the full set of tools in your toolbox. Huckster does, so he rightly used them to beat you.

Ahhhhh, the definition of clueless lol.  Speed == mad skillzzzzz  :rofl 

E-fighting has nothing to do with coming in faster than the other guy.  That is just an advantage you did not work for.  Can you come in at equal E states and then E fight him and win? 
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.