Sorry but that is the most assinine argument yet.
By that argument then you shouldn't be able to fly a Spit one sortie, a Pony the next, then a Buff, then maybe jump into a tank, as that didn't happen real life.
You can also if you like change skins EACH sortie, geez I bet that happened all the real life.
You are missing the entire point of my argument. Either you have not read or you too shallow to soak up all that has been argued. Let me see if I can spell it out for you ... slowly... ...
My argument is against simply swapping out wing tips on a specific Spitfire model as pilots see fit "between sorties". It didn't happen in WWII. Wing tips were swapped out when unit roles changed or they arrived that way from the factory.
You speak if a whole spectrum of things that didn't happen in WWII (swapping paint jobs, changing planes, etc)... learn to differentiate the difference between gameplay and model specifics. I am not advocating to change the game play so once you fire up the Spit8 when you sign up you cant fly something else until you create a new account. I'm not advocating only to be able to have one paint skin for that entire account either. Those are game play specifics, not plane model specifics. When you hop from one plane to the next or swap out the skin of a plane for another the base model of the plane stays the same.
Hold fast your tongue before you call something "assinine" for as you made it clear 'tis your lack of comprehension and reason skills that have made you a product of your accusation.