ok......here's my take on this.
about a year or so ago, when all i could fly was the spit9 or 5, i felt uber. i dies, just as i do now, but i felt like i could kill anything in that spitfire.
then i ran in to 1duke1 in a p40. i don't remember which one it was, just thast it was a p40. he handed my arse back to me. he flew an inferior plane, in an inferior position, and just plain out flew me.
the reason i believe that happened, is because he actually knew how to maneuver that plane. he didn't depend on the aircraft do cover his mistakes. on the other hand, i think i was(and at times still do) depend on the "easy mode" aircraft to cover my mistakes.
i'm discovering this flying some of the american rides. it's adding a new challenge to the game for me, and is oprobably looonnngggg overdue. i should';ve gotten out of the "easy mode" planes long ago.
i also learned to NEVER under-estimate anything. i go into all fights assuming that their gonna make me work for my kill. unfortunatly, it still ends up the other way 'round more often than not.

so the point i took from the original post was....know your aircraft. know what it does well, and when. know how to make it do what you need it to. fly your fight, and you very well might come out on top.