I'm curious to know why you tried to fight an FM2 1vs1 in A-20, short of seeing how long it would take for him to shoot you down, though you yourself admit you didn't have much chance.
I find your statement here too mystical to be helpful. Can you be more precise?
Why wouldnt I fight an FM-2 if thats what I found? From my perspective I can beat any plane in the game if I fly my best fight. Is that a realistic viewpoint...of course not...but then again I had a 5 kill SBD hop over tanktown last night (2 zekes, 2 ponies and a hurricane){of course I got discoed right on final so sometimes you can beat the otherguy but not misfortune}.
I almost got a great shot on slap early, I think I got 1 ping right around the cockpit area. Later in the fight I almost got a shot on the overshoot...I give a lot more credit to slap then I do to the FM-2 there. Now if you'd asked me why I bothered to fight slapshot 1 on 1 then I wouldnt have a good answer beyond that how you get better.
I dont see anything mystical at all about any part of my "statement"...care to elaborate on what you didnt understand? But I'll try and explain what I mean by a "sweet spot"...
While every plane has a performance envelope thats different there is much more difference at the edge then in center. low speed turning/high speed control authority/compression/stall are all significant variables. In the "mid-zone" where all planes can still pull Max G's the flow of the fight swings more on measured BFM's in response to (or to force the other guys hand) even as a fight moves toward the extreme proper ACM can provide a window of opportunity if not countered. Using the fight with slap as the example it was his textbook response to my move that denied any real shot on the overshoot. You'd be amazed at how high the % numbers are that I win on the overshoot in that scenario. Now in this case slap is managing the fight to negate my "moves" and force the fight to the edge of my flight envelope. Knowing its him I went all in early and just didnt get him on the way up. I regrouped and worked plan B and was busy rummaging in the glove box for a can of wupazz when I hit the water

. Did I have a prayer...probably not but I was going to a vertical scissors rotating top type of deal hoping to catch him crossing back from his nose down shot profile. Nothing I was doing there was gamey or floppy...well strung BFM and proper manipulation of throttle and lift vector work in any plane...not just the uber ones.