Author Topic: The "BORED" bug  (Read 2006 times)

Offline Tr1gg22

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2008, 11:58:47 AM »
 I completely agree with you... I played the battle of Brit yesterday and I will tell U it was the most fun I have had in this game..The idea that u have one life for the three hour event was cool.. If you did get shot down and bailed out and lived you could call in a rescue on country channel..The guys who got killed stayed to rescue folks via pt boat goon, or jeep..When axis blew up a hanger that was that ,no 15 minute magical spawn. Plus the bases were limited to the amount of aircraft it could support..I bet if HTC made the Axis and ally arena something like that it would be full of the folks wanting a little more of a realistic setting.. I would never leave there..
"CO" of the Wobblin Gobblins...

Offline Helm

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2008, 12:30:24 PM »
You know, I'd really like to drop a piano on all the "The game is now so easy for me I'm bored" posters. Or maybe a harpsichord...yeah, its between those two right now. Yes sir, that whole mentality is just way too much like the "poor little rich kid" thing for me.

Well, it ain't so darn easy for yours truly that I'm bored, and I've been spending a totally unjustifiable amount of time playing and studying for years now.

It is  a massively multiplayer combat flight sim with a Late-War area. And people are complaining about facing, what, large groups of people in Late War planes. :huh

Fly a faster plane/get some alt to FORCE people to engage. Try to engage some of the more supremely maneuverable aircraft and over-aggressively flown aircraft like the Spit in your 109E or whatever, rather than complaining when some noob Pony driver makes you eat dust after you get that thing on his six in a turn and a half. Get a wingman to help you survive the horde, or learn how to cut stragglers out of the horde. Do any damn thing but make another self-aggrandizing post about how clubbing the seals in the MA is now so easy for you that you are bored and quitting to go live on a beach and weave grass-hats all day.

Oh, and btw, if we want people to fly something besides the most popular/effective rides, then why are we not all behind some changes to the scoring system that will actually give more tangible rewards to flying the more difficult crates? Of course, you will have to come up with some kind of "ranking" system for the plane's ease-of-use as a fighter that is more rational than the current ENY number

I'm not sure if your comment is directed at me? ....all I saying is we have like 80 planes in the set ...and every mission I am forced to fight the same 4 plane  ....over and over and over and over again .....In basically the same tactical situation ....if that's not dull ...i don't know what is  ...

 .....i guess your advice is: the same "super" planes as everyone else ....that is not a good plan because then that makes me part of the problem

as far as wingman are concerned I have been flying so long that,  my 3rd wingman has now retired ...and i currently don't have one

and yes I have flown ...and am well aware of the concept of flying super planes to survive .....I have been in this game 100+ months

Frankly I'm not sure why i even bother posting on this board ...nobody ever bothers to even understand what you try to say  ...what a waste of time

Helm ...out

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Offline BnZs

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2008, 01:06:01 PM »
One, people will *inevetiably* fly the rides that more or less have the most natural advantages hardwired into the flight model. Complaining about it is like complaining because Coke has a bigger share of the market than Big Red or something. (This coming from a Big Red man.)

Now, do you dislike seeing so many Spits, N1Ks, Las, and P-51s because they are so easy for you to kill that you are bored? If that is the case, do you think you would be less bored if the same opposition was flying 110Cs?

Or do you dislike seeing so many of them because it is difficult to survive against large numbers of them in a mid-war ride? If so, I must ask, isn't extra challenge be the point of flying a lesser ride?

Furthermore, if people dislike seeing the same rides over and over, why is there so much resistance to assigning a light perk price to the more hyper-modeled rides. Or changing the scoring system? Personally, I think if two guys have the similiar k/d, k/s, k/t, and hit%, only one has it in a Spit16, and the other has it in a Fw-190A5, the guy flying the more difficult ride ought to be "scored" quite abit higher.
"Crikey, sir. I'm looking forward to today. Up diddly up, down diddly down, whoops, poop, twiddly dee - decent scrap with the fiendish Red Baron - bit of a jolly old crash landing behind enemy lines - capture, torture, escape, and then back home in time for tea and medals."

Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2008, 01:11:59 PM »
One, people will *inevetiably* fly the rides that more or less have the most natural advantages hardwired into the flight model. Complaining about it is like complaining because Coke has a bigger share of the market than Big Red or something. (This coming from a Big Red man.)

Now, do you dislike seeing so many Spits, N1Ks, Las, and P-51s because they are so easy for you to kill that you are bored? If that is the case, do you think you would be less bored if the same opposition was flying 110Cs?

Or do you dislike seeing so many of them because it is difficult to survive against large numbers of them in a mid-war ride? If so, I must ask, isn't extra challenge be the point of flying a lesser ride?

Furthermore, if people dislike seeing the same rides over and over, why is there so much resistance to assigning a light perk price to the more hyper-modeled rides. Or changing the scoring system? Personally, I think if two guys have the similiar k/d, k/s, k/t, and hit%, only one has it in a Spit16, and the other has it in a Fw-190A5, the guy flying the more difficult ride ought to be "scored" quite abit higher.

I get tired of seeing the same thing just because it's the same thing.  On the other hand, I don't resist a light perk price for the most popular aircraft.  In fact, a floating-cost system that was driven by popularity would be perfect for this game, I think.  But you're absolutely right that complaining about the lack of aircraft diversity and at the same time resisting greater use of the perk system is contradictory, and therefore irrational.  Now, the real question: why do you expect people to be rational? :devil
334th FS

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Offline BnZs

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2008, 01:21:32 PM »
I get tired of seeing the same thing just because it's the same thing.  On the other hand, I don't resist a light perk price for the most popular aircraft.  In fact, a floating-cost system that was driven by popularity would be perfect for this game, I think.  But you're absolutely right that complaining about the lack of aircraft diversity and at the same time resisting greater use of the perk system is contradictory, and therefore irrational.  Now, the real question: why do you expect people to be rational? :devil


I guess the use of the word "bored" is what gets my goat.

I will be "bored" of the waves Spits/N1ks/La7s/P51s (as opposed to "frustrated because I have trouble fighting against them") when I reach the point that they are falling like ripe wheat before the scythe of my 190 or Jug. Until I reach that point, I will retain enough honesty to admit my frustrations are because something like a Spixteen is %@$@%@#$ difficult to fight even one to one. Not because they are actually "boring" me.
"Crikey, sir. I'm looking forward to today. Up diddly up, down diddly down, whoops, poop, twiddly dee - decent scrap with the fiendish Red Baron - bit of a jolly old crash landing behind enemy lines - capture, torture, escape, and then back home in time for tea and medals."

Offline Wyld45

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2008, 03:15:20 PM »
"If you flew forGermany in German planes against the allies,or if we had actual countries we fought for with certain allies,"

try the AVA. Axis vs Allies.


                           Yes,I know we have that, but its not what AHII was built on.
                           Thought had occured also that maybe its time for another
                           chess piece and simpler maps; Kings & Knights, Bishops &
                           (Pawns?) each country has, 1 airfield,1 city,1 gv base, 1
                           city, 1 harbor, 1 refinery,etc. with each having to be taken
                           separatley. Countries rewarded points as well as the player.
RRWyld45  1138th "Rough Riders" Bomber Wing

Offline Scotch

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2008, 03:34:27 PM »

Offline Helm

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2008, 03:39:49 PM »
One, people will *inevetiably* fly the rides that more or less have the most natural advantages hardwired into the flight model. Complaining about it is like complaining because Coke has a bigger share of the market than Big Red or something. (This coming from a Big Red man.)

Now, do you dislike seeing so many Spits, N1Ks, Las, and P-51s because they are so easy for you to kill that you are bored? If that is the case, do you think you would be less bored if the same opposition was flying 110Cs?

Or do you dislike seeing so many of them because it is difficult to survive against large numbers of them in a mid-war ride? If so, I must ask, isn't extra challenge be the point of flying a lesser ride?

Furthermore, if people dislike seeing the same rides over and over, why is there so much resistance to assigning a light perk price to the more hyper-modeled rides. Or changing the scoring system? Personally, I think if two guys have the similiar k/d, k/s, k/t, and hit%, only one has it in a Spit16, and the other has it in a Fw-190A5, the guy flying the more difficult ride ought to be "scored" quite abit higher.

Complaining? ...the topic is what are you bored with?  ....geez

Also nowhere in my posts have I said anything about me being talented or that I kill the 4 MA planes  easily .  I am bored fighting them because every fight is the same.   I get tired of looking out my canopy at a  spit 16...La7 ...P51 ...fw190d 24/7 365. Having to use the same tactics mission after mission.  Every sortie is the same.

Do you actually fly the game? ....because your comment about seeing niki's all the time is way off the mark.  Maybe 5 years ago you saw allot of niki's ...I did not see a single niki all last night.  

Helm ...out
XO of ^"^Nazgul^"^
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Offline Anodizer

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2008, 04:08:24 PM »
It's as much frustration as it is boredom, last night I had a few good fights the evening was finished up with some dweeb that Ho'ed on every pass and then sends a Salute B4 landing 4 Ho's thinking what a stud he is.

It's boring to go up sorty after sorty and have to search for someone willing to fight a fight for the sake of the fight. The best fight I had last night I lost to A8Nisky when we were both low and slow me in a 51D and he in a Typhy. The fun is the fight for me where as most of the people you come accross in the MA just want a kill by any means. A proxy to these people is as good as a vulch or a HO, anything to land there couple of kills, name in lights and pats on the back from their squadies who are just as lame as they are.

The current MA mentality to get kills by any means takes no skill and offers nothing in the way of a challenge to either themselves or anyone flying against them. country or side switching has nothing to do with it. Lame game play has everything to do with it.

The shame of it is that most of these people have been taught poor fighting by the vets in there squads who only want to gain better score and promote the kill at all cost mentality as if it had actual value. This just leads to more players over time fighting with little skill and no honor.

Bordom and frustration end with good sticks leaving in frustration which dilutes the talent pool further making the situation worse.

Yeah, that pretty much about sums it up....  I've been on here for almost two years now...  Even two years ago when I first started, things were much more tolerable..  Now, it's as you say...

There are those here who pride themselves on base captures and rallying others who do the same..  That's all good..  I've even been involved in quite a few (hoping to find a decent fight)..  But I honestly think that this sort of mentality as well as the necessity to get that kill in anyway possible, and the over-abundance of trash talking by individuals with hyper-inflated egos on 200 has defined this game for the time being..

In the past few weeks, I've seen several ol' sticks hang it up..  Some probably for good..  Others maybe for a few months..  Those ol' timers are gonna be a rare breed soon..  Wish there were more of you guys around to sort of police the "skies" and inform some of these kids/adults/other players on etiquette (vox/text/in the "air"/etc). 

The whole system with seeing one's name in lights is also something that lends to the deterioration of the "fun" factor and sadly adds more to the "gotta make everyone think I'm good" factor...

Now I'm thinking of absolutely insane things to make this game more interesting..  If only I could break just a few people away from needing kills for a few hours.... 

I like classy, beautiful, intelligent woman that say the "F" word a lot....

80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline BnZs

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« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2008, 05:19:58 PM »
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 05:27:06 PM by BnZs »
"Crikey, sir. I'm looking forward to today. Up diddly up, down diddly down, whoops, poop, twiddly dee - decent scrap with the fiendish Red Baron - bit of a jolly old crash landing behind enemy lines - capture, torture, escape, and then back home in time for tea and medals."

Offline WMLute

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2008, 07:15:14 PM »
On thing that will cure the boredom would be killing more than dying.

The game really is much more enjoyable when you are able to take off, get a bunch of kills, and then land them.

A single kill every 5 sorties would get "boring" after awhile, but don't blame the setup.

The setup is just fine as it is.

It is you that needs "fixed".
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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #26 on: November 16, 2008, 07:18:58 PM »
What is boring is sortie after sortie fighting the same planes.  I am soooooo bored of fighting spit16's ....La7's ....P51's ....Fw190d's sortie after sortie.  Meanwhile  I'm flying earlier rides which causes me to get gang banged by La7's ...Spit16's....P51's....fw190d's ...every sortie.  Last night I flew a 109g2.....La5 ...Ki-84 ....p40e and a p39q.   On the p39 run I had two spit 16's ...two la7's and one P51d gang me .....boring!!

The player's in this game are what is boring.  Why players don't get tired flying the latest and best planes every mission is beyond me.  I can understand flying these birds sometimes ....but sortie after sortie?

 100% of this game's problems are the people who play it.  For me every mission is the same, because I fight the same enemy planes every run.  Not only do the players fly nothing but the best....then they gang me again...and again.  To be frank this crap is slowly pushing me out the door.

The game provides us with a wonderful list of planes to fly ...there is little point in HTC developing any new planes because nobody fly's them.  For all the Public support the p39 got you ever see one? ...or better yet do you fly any?? ....I didn't even vote for the damn thing, yet I fly it ( I was one of the lowly 6% that voted for something Japanese ...don't get me started of that)

After carefully thinking over last nights sorties I only saw 3 planes the whole night that were not Spit16's ....La7's ....P51's and Fw190d's.  I saw a zeke5...a Hurri-c and a La5.  Since the Hurri-c and the zeke5 are super turners they are pretty ordinary as well.  Only the la5 pilot brought some "color" to game. To him I say horrah!! ...and thanks to him for having some "stones" in his sack,  I had more fun!!

I'm very discouraged ...and bored with all this ...sadly

Helm ...out

i moved from the spit/hurri/zeke easy rides a couple months ago. started flying the hellkitty. lately i've been wanting to gain some experience in the p38..mostly thanks to shuffler and soulss kicking my but in them.
 crims worked with me a little the other night, and i learned a coupel things. eny went up, and i couldn't get a "J", so i took a "G". holy crap! can that thing turn! not like a zeke, but amazingly nimble for its size.

 you guys'll see me dying in the 38 for awhile now, as i learn to ffly it right.

ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #27 on: November 16, 2008, 10:12:59 PM »
On thing that will cure the boredom would be killing more than dying.

The game really is much more enjoyable when you are able to take off, get a bunch of kills, and then land them.

A single kill every 5 sorties would get "boring" after awhile, but don't blame the setup.

The setup is just fine as it is.

It is you that needs "fixed".

I guess if I flew N1K trainers as much as you did, I wouldn't really have to do much work to get those kills either and could boast
about landing kills and what not....  But, I don't like myself THAT much to really care.... :P

Well Lute, according to what you're saying, you've got the right idea, while the ones who have clearly voiced how THEY play
and what THEY enjoy about the game is a flawed ideology..  Wow...  Ok man, if you say so.... 
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80th FS "Headhunters"

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #28 on: November 16, 2008, 10:59:14 PM »
Well at a guess, I'd say the vast majority of players in this game are not bored with it at all.  In fact, seeing as most of the people who have posted in this thread are quite/very good at this game, I would expect to find that most people this game to be very difficult to get kills in.  As a result of this, the challenge this game presents to them would make it exciting.

It follows that these sorts of people (i.e. most of the players of this game) would lean towards flying planes which would tend to give them an advantage over their enemy (e.g. the Spitty XVI, P-51D, La-7).

Those folks fail themselves terribly. To fly a plane that has the most advantages means you will never improve. One has to test themselves often to improve.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 11:02:25 PM by Shuffler »
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Re: The "BORED" bug
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2008, 12:31:46 AM »
stuff gets boring really fats in the early arena

i can rarely find a good fight in midwar

and  in late war i get ganged banged,hoed, people steal my kills

i been hanging out in the dueling arena but whenever i get iin a good fight a dweeb in a temp comes out of no where and cherry picks me

The places where i have had fun are the few good battles in MW and the DA when the furball heats up

I miss it when the game wasn't so intense people will send you nasty pms about kill thier tank saying stuff like " THERE WAS NO ONE AROUND ME YOU CHEATED!!! UR SUCH A DWEEBY oscarHOLE!!!!!"

-NEARY out........ :(
The 18th FG Killer Chihuahuas.since tour 97.        CO: KCTHUNDR(me)
 ( NEARY tours 96- 107) 2nd in command: Penguin.   in game i.d.: KCTHUNDR

OBey Teh ChIHuaHUa!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!11!!!1