Author Topic: You don't NEED a gun simplified.  (Read 4357 times)

Offline Terror

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #75 on: November 19, 2008, 10:44:56 AM »
The M1 Garand and the BAR both fire the .30-06 Springfield (7.62X63).  There were some Garands made in .308 Winchester (7.62x51NATO) but they were in very limited numbers.


Offline Chalenge

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #76 on: November 19, 2008, 12:00:25 PM »
I dont NEED government but because we have government I NEED a gun to make sure the government doesnt become tyranical. Alone I cannot do much with a single gun (even a 50 caliber) but together the public can do away with any tyrant.
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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #77 on: November 19, 2008, 03:28:11 PM »
Thanks for the kind words. The thing is these vests do stop .45 rounds and do so fairly easily. Not only that but many coppers actually shot in the vest are able to still carry on the fight. Most guys have played ball, or grew up fist fighting, and blunt trauma just isn't something new to them. It sure aint to me, and I suspect it sure aint to you. Course Ive never been actually shot, only "shot at" numerous times. So I'm going from the words of guys who have been. Ive been very lucky. I never even wore a vest for my first 10 years and only started when they made it mandatory.

Thing is handguns just aint very good self defense weapons when compared to long guns. But they are better then nothing.

Nilson I congratulate you on your transparent Democracy and as a European I hope you dont have the mindset that History repeats itself. Twice we've had to go over there and straighten the place out. And Since "people are people" everywhere my guess is that your just more comfortable with their "Lies" "Politicians"then we are. And btw, we know all about "transparent Democracies". Were the ones that gave it to mainland Europe.

Please by no means take anything i have said as a slander or slur against anyone in the Law Enforcement Occupation. or from any other occupation that risks it's life to preserve the lives of civilian know it all dweebs like me.

my comment about being a rocket scientist was just a funny and not intended as an insult. that is how i took his comment about the library of congress, and how my retort was intended to be taken. (the laughing character after the comment was intended to express that)

i do not doubt that you have far more experience in the RW with gun shot wounds than i do. its been many years since Ive even touched a fire arm, so modern technology and wisdom on the subject is mostly voodoo and witchcraft to me. i have read some documents and articles that over time were brought to my attention mostly for the purposes of amusement and to try to maintain a basic understanding of the topics being discussed. but we both know that what they prove in a lab is not generally worth poop in the none controlled enviorment of the RW.

my comment about the ability of the .45 to kill someone wearing a vest was based upon old logic, when it was something i felt i needed to know. 13 or 14 years ago ballistic vest were not what they are today, so three rounds from a .45 into the chest of it would kill or seriously wound the person wearing it. but again, that is old logic, and obviously i am arguing it based on out dated information.

sometimes i am too argumentative. but again do not take that as disrespect! your is a profession that in my opinion deserves only the highest of honors. (an opinion that has gotten me into more than one argument with former affiliates of mine) but that doesn't change the fact that i am argumentative. and face it who likes being wrong in an argument?

So <SALUTE> to all of you in LE and similar jobs. my parents are safe because you willing go in harms way to ensure their safety.

"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline ROX

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #78 on: November 20, 2008, 01:19:17 PM »
I get a HUGE laugh out of people who, when there is a thread about guns in the United States, and they don't even live in the United States, feel compelled to post their opinion.   :rofl    :rofl    :rofl   

If someone posted a thread about guns and gun control in the UK, or Indonesia, or Belgium, etc, I'd do the right thing and shut my pie hole because I don't live there and it doesn't concern me.

As it is, in the US, we have a constitutional right to own firearms.  Period.

If you live in a place in the US that bans firearms, you lives someplace that has decided to thumb it's nose at the constitition.  Take a look at Chicago, for example.  Handguns are banned---yet there were more murders with guns in Chicago this year than war deaths in Afghanistan.  Yeah, that seems to work, right?  Seems the old adadge is correct..."when guns are outlawed--only outlaws will have guns".  Gangbangers in Chicago have ARSENALS, and now the local government there has made it illegal for the local residents to protect themselves from them.  Sounds ignorant beyond belief to me.

I forsee some extremely bad civil unrest in the US in the next few years.  I forsee riots and violence that will make 1968 look like a picnic.  It will not be pretty.  When it happens, you expect that the police will be Johhny-On-The-Spot to save your backside?  Give me a break.  I would much rather sleep soundly at night knowing this:

If you get over my 5' security fence...if you get past my 2 German Shepherd dogs...if you break into my house...I'm not going to be cowering in the closet with my cell phone crying to the cops (who might show up 5 hours after I am dead....maybe)...I'm going to take my 45 caliber with hollow points and blow your pumpkin clean off.  Period.

If you don't want firearms, don't OWN firearms.  That's the only gun control anyone needs.

I'd LOVE to see some joker try to impose gun control on Arkansas.  It's never going to happen.



Offline Vulcan

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #79 on: November 20, 2008, 01:56:22 PM »
I get a HUGE laugh out of people who, when there is a thread about guns in the United States, and they don't even live in the United States, feel compelled to post their opinion.

I feel compelled to post when people post illogical and irrational arguments though. Which is quite common in gun threads. There is a lot of "Can't see the forest for the tree's".

You foresee widespread civil unrest and riots? Cool, lots of angry people running around with handguns. Hope you feel comfortable with that.

Offline RTHolmes

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #80 on: November 20, 2008, 02:00:14 PM »
If someone posted a thread about guns and gun control in the UK, or Indonesia, or Belgium, etc, I'd do the right thing and shut my pie hole because I don't live there and it doesn't concern me.

lol I admire your restraint but you'd be pretty much the only one ;)

and Rich thanks alot mate, until you guys turned up in we'd just been just sitting around doing nuthin (well apart from crying like sissies) for the first 3yrs of WWI (4yrs) and the first 3yrs of WWII (6yrs) :aok  its almost bewildering that the Germans couldn't overrun Europe, Africa and the Middle East completely, what with having no opposition at all.

Nice work on bringing democracy to Europe too. I always though we'd evolved it over thousands of years, really ramping it up in the age of enlightenment. I must have missed the early native american neocon movement, I've really got to go relearn some history
71 (Eagle) Squadron

What most of us want to do is simply shoot stuff and look good doing it - Chilli

Offline ROX

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #81 on: November 20, 2008, 03:06:53 PM »
I feel compelled to post when people post illogical and irrational arguments though. Which is quite common in gun threads. There is a lot of "Can't see the forest for the tree's".

You foresee widespread civil unrest and riots? Cool, lots of angry people running around with handguns. Hope you feel comfortable with that.

I don't know what country you are a legal resident of, but here in the US, (except if you live in someplace like Chicago) the Constitution says that citizens, who aren't felons, have the right to bear arms.  It's a right.  Some people exercise that right and some don't.  Nothing illogical or irrational about that.  It's the LAW.

I live in a country where we not only have law enforcement we also have people who have "concealed carry" permits.  That means when a criminal goes into a bank, there might be an armed guard there--there might also be 4 people with concealed carry firearms.  Criminal thinks twice about trying to rob it or take hostages because he might get airconditioned by lead.  Criminal leaves.

Criminal walks into liquor store.  There is no armed guard, but more than likely the store manager, watching from behind one-way mirrored glass, more than likely has a 9mm, and will blow his head off before calling the police.  Criminal leaves.

I can't speak for other countries, or even other areas of my own country, but the crime rate here in Hot Springs, Arkansas is pretty low.  In the surrounding areas (rural) it's even lower.  Most people in rural areas around here have a firearm of some sort.  It's a well established fact that even out in the rural areas, if you go breaking into someone's house, you will most likely get shot.

Yes, I forsee civil unrest in the US in the coming years that might lead some folks to use that confusion to break into homes for money or just to kill people.  When that happens, I stand by my original post.  If/when they break into my home with evil intent, the only problem I will have with killing them is having to clean up the blood later.  Outside of the inconvienence of patching up the bullet holes in my brand new house and cleaning up all the blood...I am pretty comfortable with that.

BTW:   Once again, this thread is about guns and gun control in the US.  If you aren't a citizen of the US, you are more than welcome to go start a thread and comment about guns and gun control in your home country...because if you aren't a US citizen, your opinion in this thread means officially JACK.

Music Mountain
Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas

Offline bongaroo

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #82 on: November 20, 2008, 03:15:37 PM »
BTW:   Once again, this thread is about guns and gun control in the US.  If you aren't a citizen of the US, you are more than welcome to go start a thread and comment about guns and gun control in your home country...because if you aren't a US citizen, your opinion in this thread means officially JACK.

The title of the thread doesn't say "Guns - US people only"; does it?  No?  So get over it, it's a public forum and he's just as entitled as you are to speak his mind.  So GET OVER yourself.   :devil

Callsign: Bongaroo
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Offline ROX

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #83 on: November 20, 2008, 03:24:31 PM »
lol I admire your restraint but you'd be pretty much the only one ;)

Hi Holmes!   :salute   Sir.

I am a member of a number of other forums, a couple are predominantly guys from the UK and Canada, another is about 50/50 US and UK folks.  

When the UK guys post about UK laws, regulations, and culture, I do not post my opinion because it does not apply to me and it's none of my business, and the other US guys don't do it either.  It would be rude to butt in where something doesn't apply to me, it shows an ignorance to respect others laws, way of life and culture.  

Also on those boards I have to say that the UK guys don't impress their beliefs on the US guys about our laws and culture either.  

Maybe it's one of the few places left where courtesy still lives.



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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #84 on: November 20, 2008, 03:26:35 PM »
The title of the thread doesn't say "Guns - US people only"; does it?  No?  So get over it, it's a public forum and he's just as entitled as you are to speak his mind.  So GET OVER yourself.   :devil

The thread IS about guns and gun control in the US.

Lay off the weed and go re-read the posts.

(And the ankle humping keeps right on going)


Offline Chalenge

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #85 on: November 20, 2008, 03:32:38 PM »
You foresee widespread civil unrest and riots? Cool, lots of angry people running around with handguns. Hope you feel comfortable with that.

The most brilliant piece of film I have ever seen was from 'Boston Legal.' Watch wallet gun knee right foot left foot...

Look it up some time and you might figure out why I carry a gun and have legal automatic weapons. Not only is it a right to some it is a duty to exercise that right.
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Offline bongaroo

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #86 on: November 20, 2008, 04:40:22 PM »

The thread IS about guns and gun control in the US.

Lay off the weed and go re-read the posts.


If by ankle humping you mean pointing out your pathetic self-importance problem, then I'll be humping away.  You lay off the superiority shtick and maybe I'll quit smoking.   :rolleyes:

I love how any time I call you out your best response amounts to "hippy".  It makes me smile every time.  :D

And anyways, I still don't see anything in the OP about this being a conversation limited to only US citizens.   :devil
Callsign: Bongaroo
Formerly: 420ace

Offline Vulcan

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #87 on: November 20, 2008, 05:04:49 PM »
I don't know what country you are a legal resident of, but here in the US, (except if you live in someplace like Chicago) the Constitution says that citizens, who aren't felons, have the right to bear arms.  It's a right.  Some people exercise that right and some don't.  Nothing illogical or irrational about that.  It's the LAW.

Can you read? Start from the top sonny.

Offline ROX

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #88 on: November 20, 2008, 08:01:07 PM »
Can you read? Start from the top sonny.

The original poster cited an article about guns from an organization that is located IN WISCONSIN--USA.

I've been a gun owner since the Regan years.

How about you, Sonny?

The ankle humper isn't worth my time. 


PS: wrag:  the second link sent the my spyware into freak-out mode...there very well might be malware or spyware links on that site.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 08:11:12 PM by ROX »

Offline Vulcan

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #89 on: November 20, 2008, 09:42:52 PM »
Can't argue with pure american illiteracy  :D