Author Topic: You don't NEED a gun simplified.  (Read 4356 times)

Offline ROX

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #105 on: November 21, 2008, 02:06:52 PM »
A lot of people, actually. Its a fairly common argument for pro assault rifle types. My specific comment was a response to Challenge when he commented about the need to exercise the right to own automatic weapons (which I assume he means assault rifles).

I did not see you mention assault rifle specifically, but using a .45 for home defense is not much better, which I did see you mention. A lot of people will argue that they need hand cannons for home defense, yet it has been proven many times over that there are much better weapons for the job. For example something that will kill the intruder but not travel through 3 walls and kill your kids/neighbor, and something that does not need a high level of training to use effectively in a high stress situation.

Using home defense as the argument to owning high powered pistols or automatic rifles is not logical, yet it is the most used argument coming from the extreme gun nuts as to why they should own these guns. Hell the 2nd doesn't even mention home defense or anything like that.

Let me get this are going to tell other people how they should be gun owners based on what YOU think they should do?

While you are at it...go into restaraunts and tell other people what YOU think they should eat...go into car dealerships and tell other people what YOU think they should drive...and by all means, go up to the General Topics threads and tell other people how YOU think they should play their $15 bucks.

Good luck with that.


Offline bustr

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #106 on: November 21, 2008, 03:44:07 PM »

Why worry about AKHog's opinion? He is arguing from youth. In 30 years he might have enough personal experience to be intersting to argue with. It sounds like neither of you live in areas where you will have to worry about the ramifications of shooting zombies or perps or anything more than a rabbid raccoon. You sound like you have the miles on you to know something of which you speak.

During financial downturns, crime rates go up. Especialy in population centers with large minority populations like Oakland CA, where I live. I can see the new Catholic Cathederal from my home on Lake Merrit. I expect personal crimes here in Oakland to pick up like they do every downturn.

I've had to carry over the years here due to the crime rates associated with our large minority population in Oakland. I've only had to show my side arm once to give a knife weilding minority the option to runaway or die since I started carrying in 98. I came home at noon one day to find him using a butcher knife to cut all the flowers on my property. The local miscrents would take all of your flowers, fruit and vegetabels, then try to sell them outside of the local 7-11 a block away. He tried to bluff his way out of it. I showed him my glock and told him to run or die since he refused to drop the knife. The knife was cause since he was tresspassing and refused to drop it.

I gave him a way out because shooting him carried with it all of his low income relatives and black city council members in Oakland who would have camped out on my door step demanding I be hanged because I am white. I took a calculated chance that he and his freinds might come back when my wife was alone. She has a Kimber 1911. Fortunatly he and his cohorts stopped walking through my neigborhood after that.

ROX does AKHog live where he has to make decisions like this for his wife and himself? If not, it's just his opinion without much experience. 
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline bongaroo

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #107 on: November 21, 2008, 04:05:41 PM »

Why worry about AKHog's opinion?

From what I've gathered, its the fact that since he doesn't live in the USA he isn't entitled to have an opinion on this article and especially isn't allowed to post that opinion here on the BBS.

Still not sure why ROX has decided he shouldn't be posting his opinion.
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Offline Vulcan

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #108 on: November 21, 2008, 04:18:44 PM »
Honestly it makes people like myself, responsible knowledgeable gun owners in the United Sates (why does everyone refer to our country as a continent?), feel embarrassed to be associated with this type of extreme paranoid thoughts. Can't see the forest through the trees sums it up perfectly.

Nice to see someone gets what I'm pointing out.

Rox, fyi, what I posted was fact. The only opinion I posted was that you (well not you specifically, but you seem to fit the stereotype) should use better arguments for pro-gun - I even provided better reasoning for you to use. Because the stuff you currently come up with is irrational, and doesn't make any sense, it makes you look overemotional and uninformed. One day, when someone tries to ban guns and puts forward a rational, logical argument for doing so - you will lose.

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #109 on: November 21, 2008, 04:30:33 PM »

Let me get this are going to tell other people how they should be gun owners based on what YOU think they should do?

No, I'm simply saying "home defense" is not a very good reason to own many of the guns we are talking about. They are simply not very good guns for a home defense situation. I'm saying when you argue you right to own a hand cannon or automatic rifle for the sake of home defense you are not giving yourself a good platform to stand on.

This recent DC vs Heller is going to be re-assessed in the next few years. I don't personally believe the wording of the 2nd amendment protects an individuals right to own guns for home defense, even though that is at the front of all of the pro gun arguments. There are better arguments for owning guns, as Iron_Cross and Vulcan have pointed out.

Bustr, your story about the robber is a classic example of the misuse of a gun that will lead to more of our rights taken away. I don't know where you got your concealed license, but I doubt they teach you to 'flash your glock' in that class. In fact I think they would teach that if you carry a concealed weapon and draw it on anyone it should be a life or death situation. It was some crack head stealing your flowers, you approached him and he felt threatened, of course he's not just going to give you the knife! The better thing to do would have been to call the cops and monitor from a safe distance. I'm not a lawyer but I think if you shot him even after he lunged at you with the knife, most states law including cali would side with him in this case. Its not exactly like self defense when you confront him with a concealed weapon. Its outside, you approached him, you can run away, etc. After you shot him how would you really feel? I guess since he was a "minority" and you seem to have such a problem with 'them' in Oakland you'd probably be glad to see him gone. You said you gave him a 'way out' just because you didn't want to deal with the protests at your house! If there were no chance of a protest you would have just blown him away then? What stupidity. I really can't express in writing how self centered your story makes you sound. You should have your license to carry taken away with an attitude like that.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 04:38:28 PM by AKHog »
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Offline ROX

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #110 on: November 21, 2008, 04:33:27 PM »
As an ex-LEO, I beg to differ with you.


Offline Vulcan

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #111 on: November 21, 2008, 05:08:32 PM »
While you are at it...go into restaraunts and tell other people what YOU think they should eat...go into car dealerships and tell other people what YOU think they should drive...and by all means, go up to the General Topics threads and tell other people how YOU think they should play their $15 bucks.

Try going into a chinese restaurant and ordering italian.
Try going into a car dealership and ordering a gas hog with no seatbelts or airbags.
Try going into a gun dealer and ordering a rifle with a silencer fitted (btw I can do that :D you can't)

You are being told what to do every day, whether you know it or not, freedom is an illusion, an abstract concept.

Offline ROX

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #112 on: November 21, 2008, 05:51:15 PM »
Try going into a chinese restaurant and ordering italian.
Try going into a car dealership and ordering a gas hog with no seatbelts or airbags.
Try going into a gun dealer and ordering a rifle with a silencer fitted (btw I can do that :D you can't)

You are being told what to do every day, whether you know it or not, freedom is an illusion, an abstract concept.

"Try going into a chinese restaurant and ordering italian."

What utter moron would do that?

"Try going into a car dealership and ordering a gas hog with no seatbelts or airbags."

What utter moron would do that?

"Try going into a gun dealer and ordering a rifle with a silencer fitted (btw I can do that :D you can't)"

What utter moron would do that?

I'm glad I don't live where you do.

Sounds like the place is chocked full of idiots.


Offline Rich46yo

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #113 on: November 21, 2008, 06:20:25 PM »
lol I admire your restraint but you'd be pretty much the only one ;)

and Rich thanks alot mate, until you guys turned up in we'd just been just sitting around doing nuthin (well apart from crying like sissies) for the first 3yrs of WWI (4yrs) and the first 3yrs of WWII (6yrs) :aok  its almost bewildering that the Germans couldn't overrun Europe, Africa and the Middle East completely, what with having no opposition at all.

Nice work on bringing democracy to Europe too. I always though we'd evolved it over thousands of years, really ramping it up in the age of enlightenment. I must have missed the early native american neocon movement, I've really got to go relearn some history (Image removed from quote.)

RT go back to my post and see how I specifically used the term "mainland Europe". Do I have to explain to you what "mainland Europe" is or do you have a map handy. Better yet, look out the bloody window past the white cliffs on a clear day.

In the future when I say "we" in such I manner I mean "we". As in "We western allies" who saved "mainland" Europe from itself. Gawd even the bloody canucks chipped in. OK? Boy, theres nothing worse then a Limey whose been left out of a post.

Now tonights homework assignment is to say "mainland" three times, fast as you can, until you got it right. Nobody has shown more respect to the Brits on these boards then I.

Kinda funny when you think about it. Here Nilson is bragging about his "transparent Democracy" when our fathers fought, died, and paid for it far,far,far, more then his fathers did.

Back to gun control. Gun control sucks!
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline Vulcan

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #114 on: November 21, 2008, 11:48:19 PM »
I'm glad I don't live where you do.

me too.

Offline 1pLUs44

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #115 on: November 21, 2008, 11:59:27 PM »
M1 Garand (otw), Charles Daily Pump 20, and a Semi Auto 12 Gauge, we're all set.
No one knows what the future may bring.

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #116 on: November 22, 2008, 01:07:44 AM »
The way i see it, giving up guns is giving away all the peoples protection. Its another way the government can take you over. Without guns in the public the g-ment can do what ever they want. they can take over the whole nation and if you try to stop them they will kill you and there is no way to fight back. Look at china. The reason why its communist is because the people have no way of standing up to the g-ment. They have no guns or protection so tryin to get out of the communist society is vertually impossible. Its like tryin to fight against a bully who gets to use a gun and you have to use your hands. Would you do what he says? yes of course to stop from gettin shot. Taking away the right to bear arms is basically the next step towards socialism and if they take that amendment away the g-ment will be able to get away with anything. It may be kind of hard to understand. But this country WILL NOT stay capitalist if we are forced to submit our guns to the G-ment. Look at the proof from other countries who cannot have guns. They are just a bigger squeak to the G-ment and there is no way to fight back.
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Offline Vulcan

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #117 on: November 22, 2008, 03:23:46 AM »
Look at china. The reason why its communist is because the people have no way of standing up to the g-ment.

Ahhh the sweet pinnacle of ignorance :D

May I suggest picking up a history book in the not so distant future. Right now your contending with Miss Teen South Carolina's speech.

Offline ink

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #118 on: November 22, 2008, 05:00:07 AM »
my home defence

obviously i took these pics offline, but its the exact sword i own!

folded 8-10 times, clay used in heat tempering to give a hard edge and soft spine,so the Hamon line is real.

insanly sharp,scary sharp!!!

Offline mbailey

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Re: You don't NEED a gun simplified.
« Reply #119 on: November 22, 2008, 07:39:20 AM »
Very nice sword sir. Craftsmanship looks amazing. While i would not use one, to each their own.

My thoughts on using a sword for home defense.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 07:43:45 AM by mbailey »
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