If you are trying to point out that Proxy fusing made ack
more effective, you don't really have to.. It goes without saying!!
US Navy stats, say it all.. And are heavily documented.. Effects
of the VT fuse are also well ducumented against the V1's as well...
"Accuracy" in this context, I think is relative to this subject..
For example, The "accuracy" of a sniper getting a 600yd headshot,
cannot be correctly applied to an 88mm, (or 5in for that matter)
shooting almost vertically up to 23,000 ft, or higher yet... In this
context, getting the shell in the general area of the target, (with
the available German technology of the time) is pretty darn good...
Or "accurate" in this context...
Was German hvy ack "effective"? I would say yes, again considering
the technology available to them.. Often driving the bombers above the
cloud deck, where effective bombing was impossible.. So the bombers,
many times, had to dump their loads into the general target area, hitting
nothing of much consequence.. Thus Defeating the purpose of the Allied
bombing mission, and making a victory for the defenders... Also figure
how many times the bombers had to return to the same target.. Suffering
losses each trip, until that certain target was considered destroyed.. Hmmm?
It added up to some pretty ugly numbers...
Just bean counting the number of shells fired vs bombers hit, doesn't give
the complete picture of "effectiveness"...
enjoying this convo so far