Author Topic: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them  (Read 2536 times)

Offline RTHolmes

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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2008, 07:17:13 AM »
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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2008, 07:18:04 AM »
I fly K4 almost exclusively...and I do not keep it fast.  I chop throttle to force the bad guy to overshoot more often than not and try to suck them into a rolling scissors.  They should only have to fly in front of your guns once...maybe twice. Keeping it fast, you are losing out on what the plane is truly capable of. 
:aok :aok :aok

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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2008, 08:02:28 AM »
Make spits turn, then cut their turn.
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Offline bongaroo

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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2008, 08:06:12 AM »
I love picking on spits in a furball.  NO MERCY FOR THE SPITDWEEBS!  I'll often scream this as I nail a damaged spit trying to ditch or escape.

As far as beating them in a co-e or close situation?  When you figure it out let me know how.   :lol
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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2008, 08:16:46 AM »
what is this?

maybe meant a spiral climb?
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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2008, 10:03:17 AM »
As far as beating them in a co-e or close situation?  When you figure it out let me know how.   :lol

Induce a mistake.  I'm not going to say "force," but there are situations you can set up where an enemy mistake is more likely to happen.  A lot of people here can tell you how to do this better than I, so I'll leave it to them. ;)
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Offline bongaroo

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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2008, 10:53:30 AM »
If the spit driver is new I usually don't have a problem using throttle management to get them out in front of me.  Now once they realize this and go all spinny and floppy I have a lot of trouble landing a good hit.  I actually have a lot of trouble killilng people I've forced to overshoot.  Just not one of my stong points, gunnery that is.

I'm mostly looking at this from a p38 perspective where the spit can do everything better and on top of that I'm a huge target while he is small and slippery.

I'll chew spits up in a ki84 all day though.
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Offline FX1

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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2008, 01:12:48 PM »
Being a true spit 16 dweeb and a k4 junky i wouldn't disagree with any post on this board.

My suggestion is to be very aggressive and make sure not to let the 16 pilot use his flaps to early. Head to head i would put money on the spit pilot because of better guns. The k4 is a better all around plane and can stand up to any plane in the hangar.

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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2008, 01:26:40 PM »
^_^ omg fun time in K4
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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #39 on: December 10, 2008, 03:45:24 PM »
I took on board Killinu's post and last night the K4 came into it's own, got 2 16's on the overshoot, not saying that it works all the time, but I slowed the fight down and one guy ran out of altitude and one guy went over the top as I hung there doing about 85mph in the vertical, game on now with the 16's as far as I'm concerned. :)
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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2008, 08:45:38 PM »
Majority of the guys you run into will have full throttle and fly right on by,not expecting you to slow down.  It is the, in my opinion small minority, ones that chop throttle with you, that you must watch out for.  Things get interesting then.

Hardest part about the K4, is the gunnery...once again, my opinion.  Only way to learn, is by doing.  Practice taking those snapshots to get the timing down.  Give yourself a month of learning...put yourself in situations to really practice it.  I was frustrated for the first few weeks...then started to get the hang of it...get the timing down on those passing snapshots...then the explosions started to happen and the previous two weeks of frustration faded away into beautiful 30mm hit sprites. Glorious.
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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #41 on: December 10, 2008, 10:32:26 PM »
I foudn out the best way to use the k4 30mm is snapshot, force them to overshot pass your nose then fire. Don't pull lead etc. If you're pullin lead then just use em 13mm, but save the 30mm for snapshots only.
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Offline FX1

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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #42 on: December 12, 2008, 01:04:58 PM »
Yenny good pilots don't overshoot. So in a k4 v spit fight you must be that better pilot.

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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #43 on: December 12, 2008, 01:29:41 PM »
Yenny good pilots don't overshoot. So in a k4 v spit fight you must be that better pilot.

Nope, good pilot vs good pilot you'll see the position switch back and foward very often. So yes overshot will happen. Perfect example is in the rolling scissors, or a snaproll reversal.
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Taking on the Spit 16 and the Spt 8- How to defeat them
« Reply #44 on: December 14, 2008, 09:47:49 PM »
Nope !
Spitfire 1 is a good turner and will surprise many enemy pilots :aok
As for speed, its a bit slow...
As for gun platform, you will tickle the enemy plane  :furious But with a steady 3-4 sec burst with the right convergence, you might make him go down ! :confused:

What is my "type" may I ask ?  :confused:

Ohhh I've seen Spit 1's come after me and I salute them !
I'm often in a Spit9 and win the fights vs Spit1 BUT he was ONE HELL OF A GOOD STICK b'cause he gave me a hard time !!!!

Every time I meet a pilot with Spit1, It can be two things !
1) New player that doesn't know the difference between the planes
2) Darn good stick and he's about to fill me with lead before I finally shoot him down !

Believe me ! I don't drop my guard anymore !! :aok

Masherbrum what is your GAME ID ?

Phil / OPP7755

You are confident but there are glaring holes in your "basis of reason".

Understand that 2-3 seconds tops and your wing is off.   I don't care what you are in Phil, if someone is one your 6 with a Spit 1, you're in trouble.   That "slow speed" you were talking about, is now working against you. 

Loop?   He follows and gets a wonderful shot of your cockpit.   
Turn?  same as above
Dive?  Might be the best, but if they know the Spit 1 and fly it often, you're in for a fight

In game ID is in my Sig - Karaya.  I'll be more than happy to go to the DA with you and show you what a Spit 1 is capable of.   Your type is what I was talking about.   You underestimate the plane you fly against.   Even that logic works against you before the fight even begins. 

I'm 11-0 HO'ing 110's in a Spit 1.   It's about shot placement, just because you have cannon, doesn't mean you have accuracy.   Actually, if you see someone in a Spit 1, they aren't new and they'll do what I said in the first post.   

Ask Mensa what had started as a staged duel for comedy, turned into a "Serious duel" on our last hop.   We were both supposed to be in Spit 1's, he rolled a 262.   One pass, he fired first, I lit up his cockpit.   Do a search of that thread, the movies might still be good.    While it was a joke, that last fight opened a few eyes in that thread as to what the Spit 1 is capable of.   

I consider myself "below average" in this game.   
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 09:51:31 PM by Masherbrum »
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