Salute bum (Karaya)

I will definitely SALUTE you when we cross !
I have full respect when I encounter a SPIT1 ! As I said in my thread, many times the pilot doesn't know the Spit1 from the others...
But did admit that a few times during the scrap I said to myself: " Oh Oh ! This guys knows what he's doing !" And fortunately for me, my 9 saved my butt and used speed to extend. After that, I reengaged mentally prepared !
Many times before the scrap starts and I realized its a Spit1, I wished that I would have chosen same... Dogfights with Spit1's are a blast !!!!
Unfortunately I don't go much in Duel arena. Don't like furballs and cheap victories or getting shot down when 5 vs 1...
U look for me in MIDWAR Sir. Surprise me ! Show up in your Spit1 and kick my butt ! WIN or LOSE, I will certainly enjoy the fight !
Phil / OPP7755