I think what Guppy was trying to tell ya was your picture of the P51, in your awesome looking bannor, is a 325th FG that flew in the 15th Air Force.
It's also not from Aces High.

Very creative though 96delta.
Oki dokie then!
I stand corrected.

Thanks for the heads-up Guppy and Kermit.

I wanted things to match so I went ahead and
changed the graphics. Its now an all 15th AF show!
(besides, the 8th AF got all the attention - need to get our 15th AF
heroes in the mix here!)
As it happens, [MoM #4] was already planned to be a 15th AF
affair (currently in the planning stage) so 15th Air Force fans
will be well served!
Thanks again for the correction...ya want some of my dyslexia pills?

Oh yea, you're correct, the image isn't from Aces High.
I don't have much good in the way of dramatic screencaps
that I could use so I went the easy way and hunted down something
from another source. If anyone has any decent screenies of the
various planes of AHII (P-47, P-38, B-17, etc.) please send them
to me. I'd like to use AHII art in my promotional graphics...
if I have them.