yup looked at the screenies and in none of them is the a/c invisible. it is, however hard to make out because its a dark skin against a dark background, as it should be. if they are invisible to you, you either need to recalibrate your system or get a new monitor.
Are you kidding me? Of course it's not literally invisible, but seeing the plane's aspect well enough for ACM is impossible the way they wash out.
The monitor is about 4 months old, and there is noting wrong with the adjustment on my system.
so basically AH is simulating RL here - camo works to a degree and visibilty is worse at dusk and dawn.
Ah, the old AH as infallible argument...
Except that against virtually every custom water texture-you know, the ones that actually look more like water-planes stand out much, much better...so it is a paradox. Which AH terrain is the infallible representation of reality?

PS there was an AEW Nimrod parked up at Heathrow when I departed there once. from only 1000' at lunchtime on a cloudy day it was practically invisble on the concrete hardstanding. all the other (brightly painted) a/c stood out a mile...
And there you've hit upon what aircraft camouflage is actually most useful for-concealment when parked. Perhaps also in certain circumstances when NOE over certain terrain, but not useful for much more than that.
Camouflaging in general works really against the human eye for stationary objects against a broken background...but once any apparent movement is seen or the object is "spotted" the effect is broken. And you've got to factor in the 3D effects when the airplane is ~1000 feet above the background, particularly if that background is more or less flat. It is like a hunter in camouflage. Stock-still against some bushes or a tree, he may be nigh impossible to spot. But once he moves, or you spot him, the outline is apparent. And a plane against the water is like that same hunter lying on a bare floor-no matter how well his camo pattern is synced with the floor, his outline will be readily apparent.
Just compare some of my sunset screenshots from the game with this:

The paint job is really irrelevant against a water background...