Haha Flotsom, AmazinHunks isn't a gay club...it's a brotherhood!
Pillow fight at 4 o clock if you are interested.
As for Battlestar, I thought season 3 was relatively weak compared to the other seasons. I feel that Ronald D Moore and gang had only enough concrete plot for 9-10 episodes and had to fill the rest, and the filling wasn't that great. I think they could have extended the New Caprica setting out at least 2-3 more episodes before the rescue then cut out some very pointless episodes. In general I guess I didn't appreciate the effort in the actual storytelling in S3. S4.0 was a little better and ended amazingly hunky and I can't wait for the final 10 episodes.
actually during season 3 the powers that be demanded a rewrite of all the stories already compiled because they were afraid that the audience would lose interest. they demanded that the stories be cut down into single segment stories instead of having the continuous flow of one long story line like it had been for seasons 1 and 2. the complaints of the cast and creators of BSG and the complaints of the fans of the new way of telling the story is what allowed for the change over in the season 4 episodes. but this revamping of the revamped story is why it was not completely written prior to the writers strike and why only half of the episodes were ready for the season.
breaking it down to a single story happening in a single episode broke the flow of the original story line allowing it to become diluted and lost as a side project to the mixed up and nonconforming stories being told.
the benefits of buying the DVDs is the additional stuff like interviews and discussions that go with it.
p.s. at 4:00? why so early? i cant possibly get fitted in my best teddy and plump up all the pillows so early in the afternoon! how about changing the time to 6:00ish?