To attack convoys from the air can take along time and allot of effort. It also makes it very easy for the defenders to were exactly the attack is coming from. They only have one direction.....up. I think it might be quite intresting to introduce Uboats! There could be allot of pros for doing this and since they were a large part of WW 2 in both theaters! When I mention Uboats I'm not only talking about the Germans, but the U.S., Italy, Great Britain, and Japan all had them!
Aces high would not necessarily need to create a new world under water to make this adjustment! Since the inside of submarine you can't see out of anyway. You could use a view of the inside of the Uboat and a picture of sonar to find your way around. Then while on top of the water you could just use the normal view of Aces high water scenes!
This would make also for a bunch of new branch off jobs, vehicles and planes. IE.... Anti sumbmarining planes (that all sides had) , Depth charges, different types of deck guns on both Ships and Sub marines.... Exct!
So push the Idea around let me know what you think..... Or don't either way I think it would be a pretty cool Idea.
P.S. Not to mention Remember about the cool Japanese Sub that launched Planes from its deck. That would be really cool to be able to sneak up on a convoy and launch those babies!