Author Topic: Called Police 2nd time in a week  (Read 3923 times)

Offline 1pLUs44

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #60 on: December 29, 2008, 02:31:25 AM »
Getback, unless you're really willing to kill someone, don't get a handgun.

I'd suggest something to scare them off, and if the time comes where you actually HAVE to shoot them, wound them (which should be your very very VERY last resort.)

I'd get a cheap shotgun, .410, or 20 gauge. Get the 8 dove shot, so it's little BBs, so if you shoot, it'll either not hurt them really bad, or they'll be far enough away for you to not hit them.

Pistols are very dangerous, and it's very easy to shoot yourself with one. If I ever got a pistol, I would never load it unless I decided I had to. Even though at a certain distance, you're gonna kill, shotguns are much safer.

Small caliber rifle may be good too.

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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #61 on: December 29, 2008, 06:17:23 AM »
Frenchy your babbling. But I do love these horror stories,by so called experts, who have never had such a thing actually happen to them.

I could post a thousand stories but I'd get bored after two. The general consensus of the stories is however that the average cop is smart enough to tell the difference between the honest working citizen fearing for his life, and the rock riding scumbag whose already got 5 pages of burglary pinches and other assorted violent felonies.

But do keep condescending, pontificating, and telling juicy little urban horror stories. After 31 years in a uniform I guess I just haven't heard enough of them.
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Offline Hornet33

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #62 on: December 29, 2008, 08:50:18 AM »
Get a 12 gauge pump with a short 20" smoothbore slug barrel, remove the magazine plug so it holds 4 rounds, and load it up with #4 heavy game loads. Keep the chamber clear when storing it. If someone gets inside your home, racking that first round into the chamber is the only thing you need to "say" and the perp KNOWS you mean buiesness. 9 times out of 10 the perp is going to be long gone before you even get a chance to call the cops just from hearing a shotgun being pumped.

BUT if you do need to fire, #4 heavy game loads will seriously wound a perp out to around 15-20 yards, and will flat put them down within 20 feet or so. Think about what your MAX engagement range is going to be inside your home. Never aim for the head, arms, or legs. Center of the chest every time. If you chamber that first round though you had better be prepared to send it downrange on target.

If you drop a perp in your home, don't touch anything. Don't even unload your gun before the police arrive. Lay it on the ground where you fired it from and don't touch anything. Let the police reconstruct what happened and don't say anything to the police without a lawyer present first.
AHII Con 2006, HiTech, "This game is all about pissing off the other guy!!"

Offline SFRT - Frenchy

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #63 on: December 29, 2008, 09:43:34 AM »
For those who don't feel the need to protect themselves I am envious right now. I have lost that wonderful peace of mind. It's probably going to get worse before it gets better. These guys today were brazen. They came to my house in broad daylight on a sunny Sunday and intended on breaking into the house next door (I have an easement drive). Right now I'm not even sure if I should have the lights on and heaven forbid I get lost in playing Aces High. I usually play every day, not today.

Worse yet, I think I've lost my privacy. I think they were watching me the first time they broke into the garage and left when I moved from the computer. That is the most uneasy feeling. Yeah I have the blinds down and the curtains pulled but there are always cracks to peak through.

Anyway, I'm going to take the necessary steps to keep the odds of this from happening again. Hopefully deterrent works. Most criminals go for the easy target first. They seem to be a bit lazy to me.

BTW, did you put any thoughts in getting a dog? I have a German Shepard that does wonder at barking as soon as someone puts steps into the yard ... any time of day or night. It's also amazing how people freack out about a barking German Shepards ... especially when they run toward them. My dog brought a lot of peace of mind with her non stop working superhero sensors.

RIch, I'm not really worried about the cop part, more about the laweyr part.
Dat jugs bro.

Terror flieger since 1941.

Offline Sox62

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #64 on: December 29, 2008, 11:02:53 AM »
BTW, did you put any thoughts in getting a dog? I have a German Shepard that does wonder at barking as soon as someone puts steps into the yard ... any time of day or night. It's also amazing how people freack out about a barking German Shepards ... especially when they run toward them. My dog brought a lot of peace of mind with her non stop working superhero sensors.

RIch, I'm not really worried about the cop part, more about the laweyr part.

I was about to post this myself.

Fifteen years ago my parents were considering buying a house out in the country.They didn't because they neither own or want firearms,and were worried what would happen if there was a home invasion so far away from a fast police response.They're dog lovers,and I told them nothing says "Don't rob this house" like a 100 pound German Shepherd.

Offline Getback

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #65 on: December 29, 2008, 11:15:27 AM »
BTW, did you put any thoughts in getting a dog? I have a German Shepard that does wonder at barking as soon as someone puts steps into the yard ... any time of day or night. It's also amazing how people freack out about a barking German Shepards ... especially when they run toward them. My dog brought a lot of peace of mind with her non stop working superhero sensors.

RIch, I'm not really worried about the cop part, more about the laweyr part.

Well actually I am. I have to get a fence up first. My first goal is to put up a deterrent.

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Offline Maverick

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #66 on: December 29, 2008, 11:27:20 AM »

I'm aware of the Texas law and a rather controversial shooting that happened recently there. Texas isn't the entire US, much as Texans would like to think they are. (I'm married to a Texan)

Do you really feel trespass is a capital offense subject to the death penalty? Particularly trespass on property not your own that has been abandoned?

I have an idea that the law in Texas is going to be tightened up a bit. Frankly, I think the Castle Doctrine is fine but it was taken to an extreme in the Texas statute you cited and I don't doubt that there will be some modifications to it.

I don't have a bit of a problem with a person defending his family and himself in their home against an unlawful home invasion. I do have a problem with a civilian leaving their home and family to go hunting for bad guys on a neighboring piece of property, especially an abandoned piece of property.

Unlike almost everyone else here posting "expert opinion" here on the board, I've had to go hunting for bad guys on unfamiliar property and in the dark. Even for somewhat familiar property it's not something an untrained civilian should be doing. It's something I won't and don't do any longer either since I've retired. I'll be happy to stay in a spot and defend it until help arrives.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 11:30:31 AM by Maverick »
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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #67 on: December 29, 2008, 12:00:13 PM »

Texas isn't the entire US, much as Texans would like to think they are. (I'm married to a Texan)

I feel your pain sir and I salute you  :salute for fighting this fight along with me.
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Offline Sikboy

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #68 on: December 29, 2008, 12:20:06 PM »
I agree with Mav, there's no way the Texas Castle law will continue down the course it has been. I was really surprised at the Joe Horn case, and i think that, in looking back the lawmakers are going to pull back at least a little when it comes to using lethal force to protect property.

You: Blah Blah Blah
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Offline Hornet33

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #69 on: December 29, 2008, 01:05:10 PM »
You know, there was a time when crime wasn't a problem. That was back when if a criminal was caught red handed by the owner, the owner could shoot to kill to defend what was rightfully his.

I fail to see where the problem with that stance is. Texas did a good thing in my opinion by bringing that back into todays age.

Criminals feel they are entitled to someone elses property, and they'll continue to feel that way until someone stops them.

Everyone says, "Is it worth killing someone over a TV?" How about the civilized people wake up, take a stand, and make the criminals say to themselves, "Is this TV really worth me getting shot over?"

In the Joe Horn case, he saw a crime happening right in front of him, he acted in accourdance with the law, and killed two people who in my opinion deserved to be killed. They were career criminals, illegal aliens to boot, one had already served time for drug trafficing and was then deported, only to return illegaly and continue to commit crimes. Mr Horns actions prevented who knows how many more crimes from being committed, yet people want to condemn him for doing what the law allowed him to do.

I think once a person starts down a road of criminal behavior, they deserve whatever they get. Break into my home, I'll drop you where I find you, and I wont loose sleep over it. Would I shoot someone over my TV, or a loaf of bread? Sure will. It's not theirs, it's mine, and if they come into my home to take what's mine, I will stop them. I don't care what their background is, I don't care about their "reason", "excuse", whatever they have for their behavior. They DO NOT have a right to come into my home and take what is mine, but I should have the right to defend what is mine.
AHII Con 2006, HiTech, "This game is all about pissing off the other guy!!"

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #70 on: December 29, 2008, 01:09:30 PM »
You know, there was a time when crime wasn't a problem. That was back when if a criminal was caught red handed by the owner, the owner could shoot to kill to defend what was rightfully his.

I fail to see where the problem with that stance is. Texas did a good thing in my opinion by bringing that back into todays age.

Criminals feel they are entitled to someone elses property, and they'll continue to feel that way until someone stops them.

Everyone says, "Is it worth killing someone over a TV?" How about the civilized people wake up, take a stand, and make the criminals say to themselves, "Is this TV really worth me getting shot over?"

In the Joe Horn case, he saw a crime happening right in front of him, he acted in accourdance with the law, and killed two people who in my opinion deserved to be killed. They were career criminals, illegal aliens to boot, one had already served time for drug trafficing and was then deported, only to return illegaly and continue to commit crimes. Mr Horns actions prevented who knows how many more crimes from being committed, yet people want to condemn him for doing what the law allowed him to do.

I think once a person starts down a road of criminal behavior, they deserve whatever they get. Break into my home, I'll drop you where I find you, and I wont loose sleep over it. Would I shoot someone over my TV, or a loaf of bread? Sure will. It's not theirs, it's mine, and if they come into my home to take what's mine, I will stop them. I don't care what their background is, I don't care about their "reason", "excuse", whatever they have for their behavior. They DO NOT have a right to come into my home and take what is mine, but I should have the right to defend what is mine.

Agree 100%
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #71 on: December 29, 2008, 01:10:33 PM »
Get you some white chaulk and draw a outline of a body on the ground in front of the garage :aok

Don't forget the cow blood and some spent shotgun shells......

We took a 12 ga and shot piece of 1/2 inch plywood.. then painted on it.. "this is the pattrern from the back door" then placed it outside by father in laws barn/shop.
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Offline MORAY37

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #72 on: December 29, 2008, 01:19:29 PM »
BTW, did you put any thoughts in getting a dog? I have a German Shepard that does wonder at barking as soon as someone puts steps into the yard ... any time of day or night. It's also amazing how people freack out about a barking German Shepards ... especially when they run toward them. My dog brought a lot of peace of mind with her non stop working superhero sensors.

RIch, I'm not really worried about the cop part, more about the laweyr part.

Agreed on the GSD (German Shepard Dog).  I have family that train police dogs for law enforcement and compete nationally in Schutzhund protection.  There really is no way to overstate how good a german shepard dog is for protection.  Mine is trained in three languages and recallable (by code word) only in one.  Once I send her, she's not stopping until I personally recall her.  

Add to that the fact that nothing can step onto my property without gaining her notice, and you have a dual purpose defender. At worst, should the bad guy get lucky enough to get a kill shot on her, (as mind numbingly bad as that is), she gained me time to end his incursion with a pull of my shotgun's trigger. If he hits her with anything short of an incapacitating blow, she's just getting mad.  As well, legally, should any member of your family, including dog, receive injury (or death) during a break-in, you are fully justifiable in ending the intruder's life.  ( I believe that stands in all 50 states, though I could be wrong)

I've had friends tell me they could stop her with one shot.  So I invited them to take a few protection bites in a suit, and pretend they were trying to shoot her.  All of them left with a different view.  Something changed when they saw a blur of fur and teeth coming at them, or so they say.

GSD's are extremely loyal to their handler.  Should you get one, just like any other home defense, I would fully recommend you learn how to handle it.  Fully train it, and gain its' respect, and you (and your family) will be safe in any situation.  I can put mine in a down in a shopping mall and walk away out of sight, (was specifically done during her training) and she won't move an inch until I personally recall her.  If you do get one, be prepared to put in the time for a quality dog.  You're not going to get a GSD out of the box that can do what mine does.  It took years of training of both of us.  Although, it's probably the same time it would take to get extremely proficient in handgun defense.  

My GSD is a recallable bullet with a brain, and early warning system all wrapped in one.  
« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 01:25:09 PM by MORAY37 »
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Offline SFRT - Frenchy

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #73 on: December 29, 2008, 01:36:30 PM »
You know, there was a time when crime wasn't a problem. That was back when if a criminal was caught red handed by the owner, the owner could shoot to kill to defend what was rightfully his.

I fail to see where the problem with that stance is. Texas did a good thing in my opinion by bringing that back into todays age.

Criminals feel they are entitled to someone elses property, and they'll continue to feel that way until someone stops them.

Everyone says, "Is it worth killing someone over a TV?" How about the civilized people wake up, take a stand, and make the criminals say to themselves, "Is this TV really worth me getting shot over?"

In the Joe Horn case, he saw a crime happening right in front of him, he acted in accourdance with the law, and killed two people who in my opinion deserved to be killed. They were career criminals, illegal aliens to boot, one had already served time for drug trafficing and was then deported, only to return illegaly and continue to commit crimes. Mr Horns actions prevented who knows how many more crimes from being committed, yet people want to condemn him for doing what the law allowed him to do.

I think once a person starts down a road of criminal behavior, they deserve whatever they get. Break into my home, I'll drop you where I find you, and I wont loose sleep over it. Would I shoot someone over my TV, or a loaf of bread? Sure will. It's not theirs, it's mine, and if they come into my home to take what's mine, I will stop them. I don't care what their background is, I don't care about their "reason", "excuse", whatever they have for their behavior. They DO NOT have a right to come into my home and take what is mine, but I should have the right to defend what is mine.

If u read my paranoic comments earlier, I totaly agree with you, but your question should be "I am ready to spend the next 10 years in and out of court, and spend all my savings for a TV".

Schutzhund ... I know Schutzhund  :aok

Really amazing what u can achieve with it. How old was ur dog when u started? Do u think that 2 years old is too late?
« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 01:42:24 PM by SFRT - Frenchy »
Dat jugs bro.

Terror flieger since 1941.

Offline Hornet33

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Re: Called Police 2nd time in a week
« Reply #74 on: December 29, 2008, 02:04:14 PM »
If u read my paranoic comments earlier, I totaly agree with you, but your question should be "I am ready to spend the next 10 years in and out of court, and spend all my savings for a TV".

Yeah I know. I kinda went off on a tanget there. I guess I'm saying we shouldn't even have to ask that question because it shoudn't be an issue. The fact that it is, is a product of our society getting soft on crime. Since when did people start thinking it's better to punish the victim of a crime for defending himself and his property vs the criminal who created the entire chain of events in the first place?

It just makes no sense to me, and the fact that the courts allow stuff like that to happen blows me away.
AHII Con 2006, HiTech, "This game is all about pissing off the other guy!!"