I think for now it either needs to be no kill messages and we can talk amoungest countries or kill messages but no cross-country communications until people start to settle down
I disagree. Settings should be the same as the other arenas. Leave special event stuff in special events. It's easy enough to check film to see who killed who, but requires a logout in order to do so.
Repeat after me (and it applies to more than just AH): One cannot legislate "morality."
Players are as players do. Case in point: I was enjoying the 1 V 1's last night for a while, people were leaving them alone. I killed the same guy several times. No words at all were exchanged. Then, while engaging in yet another 1 v 1, this guy felt compelled to get a cheap revenge kill and try to pick me, claiming he never fired, but conveniently ignoring the fact that I had 2 planes on me I had to respond to, allowing the 1st to get the kill he wasn't going to get otherwise.
I'll give you one guess which squad this guy belonged to.

He never even manned up for his motivations in doing what he did after I called him on it (film knows all sees all) - and instead of his squaddies giving him a smack upside the head, they felt compelled to defend him because *I* was giving him a smack upside the head. Who it was didn't surprise me at all.
I said I'd post the films and screenies, and I may yet do so - just waiting for an appropriate moment to highlight the irony.

aside to jaeg: If you don't want the pot stirred, don't light the fire.