I would think the Mark 21 would have a better survival chance and use in the LW arenas than earlier versions. Speaking of which, wasn't the Mark VIC the torpedo carrying version? I would have thought the Mark III (w/Hercules engines) or the Mark IV (with Merlin engines) would have been a more representative model in all theaters. Though, with the VIC variant the Beaufighter could be an effective anti-maritime platform.
You might even see some of those weird SAPPers flying the VIC around and leveling a town with the torpedos.
OK I'm in full Beaufighter mode now that I've got all this time

Best options for the game should that day ever arrive.
Beaufighter VI, Beaufighter TFX and if spoiled, Aussie built Beaufighter 21.
Modeling would be the same with the modified dihedral tail plane on all 3. Only real difference between the TFX and 21 would be 6 303s vs 4 50s in the 21. Performance wise they'd be the same. Some TFX had the wing guns removed and extra fuel tanks installed.
TFX would be the torpedo version as well as the rocket bird although I think some late VI also carried rockets. The first use of rockets being in June 44 with Coastal Command Beau's although they didn't refine it until 44. VI had bombs added at some point but was more of a 20mms and 303s attack bird. The Aussies in the PTO first started using bombs on their Beau's in late June 43.
Aussies used the VI to great effect in the PTO in 42-44. RAF used the VI and X in the CBI extensively. MTO saw the Beau used all over the place, and of course the Beau's of Coastal Command were doing the Norway runs as well as D-Day support.