Arlo our community votes in the latest, with more cannon and speed such as the 410. I rarely if ever see a 410 being used in game. Plainly it is a cement truck. When I do I just shoot it down. The one using it tries to HO because it can't maneuver for a six shot and plainly was a target for fighters during WWII
The Beaufighter on the other hand was used in all theaters of the war for the duration. It was used from being a night fighter even by the USAAF during the war in the Med. The US 417 Night Fighter Squadron used them. Get the book. Beaufighters in the night by Lt. Col. Braxton "Brick" Eisel - USAF.
It was more versatile then the Mossie and flew usually low level even on the deck missions and at times were escorted.
It would behoove you to get factual information before making remarks. The Mossies were great for what they did and they Beaufighters were great for what they did. The Beaufighters were tough birds that used radial instead of inline engines and when they were hit by enemy fire they were much more sturdy. Along with the four hispanos they had six .303s' or 4 .50 cals depending on model along with torpedoes and/or rockets and bombs the durability of the radial these two facts plus the fact that they were fast on the deck were a plus. Again comparing apples to oranges. The Beaus was much more versatile. And to restate....the Beau flew everywhere and was a war winning aircraft.
As Jack Webb used to say "Just the facts M'am just the facts." I'll bet you voted for the Ta 152 also LOL. The latest greatest most deadliest fastest there is. (considering 40 of them were in service and the lower then that number that actually flew in combat).
The 410 isn't a Beaufighter, very good but that wasn't remotely a comparison I made.

Regarding a factual comparison between the Mossie and the Beau that could be a factor in delaying the latter's addition (even when new models were being added), you mean like this from a couple pages back or so?

Even then, I've recently capitulated and joined the BOSS so it might behoove you to read all the Beau threads before attempting a fish fight.
And presuming I voted in the 152 and the 410 aren't facts, ma'am, but it certainly qualifies as fact fishing. Things that were modeled that I voted support for have been the I-16, Tu-25, A6M5b, both variants of the M4A3, the Sherman VC, the Iowa BB and the He-111. Things I've supported that haven't been modeled (yet, if one is to believe that more stuff is forthcoming) are the SM.79 Sparviero, the Italian M14/41 tank medium tank, the Reggiane Re.2005, Douglas TBD Devastator, the Nakajima B6N torpedo bomber and now the Beaufighter (I figured wth since I doubt there'll be anything new modeled why give the OP and support group an unneeded hurt feeling). I'd +1 the Swordfish or the Gribovsky G-11 just to give emotional support to the op of either. Now you actually have facts as to what I'd support.