here are some of my general thoughts on these words
i cant begin to count the number of times i have been vulched upping from a capped base, one after another after another. i believe that on one night at one base during on engagement i was vulched 30 plus times.
now to most this sounds like im just a fool, well maybe i am. but what i have accomplished in more than one occassion is to keep all the score hungry vulchers moving low and slow over the base looking to feed their score hore itch. while they stayed low and slow other country men were inbound from a nearby base gaining all the alt and speed advantage one could ever desire. the vulchers wouldnt realize their foolish folly until they were pounced upon by a horde of incoming defenders that they couldnt hope to get away from. cap broken vulchers destroyed base saved. so what if my score suffered for it, they blew their chance to capture the base. I WIN
do i do this for honor or respect? do i think being vulched is fair? hell no!
i do it because i enjoy starting out as the underdog and coming out on top at the end of the day. it is the game that i enjoy. would i ever be so weak in personality that i would hope to find my honor in a game? i pray not!
knowing true honor can only be attained by looking into ones self. it can never be given by another. it is not a gift, it is a state of mind and a resolve to stand in the face of controversy in defiant defense of who you are and what you believe in.
it is the feeling that you have deep within your heart when at the end of the day you look back on its events and your responses to those events. its the feeling that you know that even if your goal was a failure you carry the pride that goes with doing everything possible to support it without ever compromising your personal morals and interpretations of right and wrong.
it is personal and uncompromising in its truthful measure of the man/woman. people with no honor lie to themselves about who they are, and must wear masks to attempt to hide their shame from themselves. but their self reflected shame is always plainly apparent when ever the lights go down and they sitting alone, then in the dark they are always confronted with the true worthlessness of themselves.
i am 40 years old and everyday i can look in the mirror and say with absolute honesty that i have never broken an oath in my life. can a video game give me the sense of pride that i feel when i acknowledge this fact of myself? can any internet game ever fill me with the knowledge that i have willingly suffered not for the accolades of others, but for the self imposed sense of right and wrong and the personal interpretations of the morals that i live by? i think not.
these things can only be determined for the individual by the individual. those who have been burned by the flames of life will bear their scars personally without bragging but with pride. They will find the personal glory in their willingness to confront the searing pain without doubting who they are or why they stand in the oven and will always hold their heads higher than those who ran from the heat before they even entered the kitchen.
this is an unattainable emotion in the setting of a video game. when the risk of loss is nothing then the personal honor to be gained by it is as well nothing!
respect, well i live by my moms impression of what respect is.
it is the giving of curtsy (please, thank you, pardon me, are you hungry, are you thirsty ect ect) that every human has a right to receive from another human being. this is given upon the meeting of another, by any means (ie in person over the net ect), they have a right as a sentient being to this treatment until such a time as they prove to me individually that they no longer should enjoy the fruits of this right.
respect is something that is only granted by right to animals, no humans have a right to my respect. animals are who and what they are without pretense or subterfuge. their honesty in persona should be envied and aspired to by all sentient beings.
humans must always earn my respect, it is never freely surrendered to anyone.
it is mine to give not theirs to take. but once it has been earned it bestows upon me the obligations to always treat that person, be they friend or foe in love or hate, with the utmost regard and consideration for the person that lives within the shell.
fair play is the adherence to the rules of the particular game you are playing. if the game you are playing has no rules or suffers due to an abundance of gray areas in them, then playing it in your own fashion to your own enjoyment is fair play.
if your style of play is making it unenjoyable to those around you,(not because you are winning, but because you are acting in a manner that is contradictory to the unwritten rules of competition on an even and level playing field), then as a person you should re-evaluate your methods. you should have the curtsy to reach the conclusion that either 1 you should conform to a style of play that is more acceptable to those around you, or 2 that you should acknowledge publicly that you care not for the enjoyment of those around you and that you expect no consideration for your enjoyment from others.
fair is fair, if you would act unfairly towards another then isnt it fair that others act unfairly towards you?
well those were my general thoughts.