What were seeing is the natural evolution of the game. Since skill and fair play are no longer relevant newer players are gravitating to the sides with the hoard. All you need to do is look at recent threads and read comments from various members of the "new breed" squads and things are remarkably clear. We are moving closer and closer to a max exodus of seasoned players. Hopefully some alternative format will be raised. Personally I'd like to see a tactical arena with limited strategic capability. Recognizing that we have a tremendous # of players that are interested in a more "realistic" game I'd also love to see an arena modeled after the current main arena's but with 1 life per day in each class (bomber, fighter, GV). That way you would an arena where those issues mattered.
well....the 1 life per day thing is a bit harsh, but i do see yur point. i think that possibly, rather than that, since guys like that are only after points, then take away any and all points. if you die on a mission, then 0 for everything. nothing. no perks, no hit% points, no kill points on anything you killed....nothing. basically, if you die, your score doesn't change..unless youi had a perk ride, then of course you lose those points.
just knowing there'd be no points for those 5 kills, would cause the score potatos to fight a bit more realistically.
me....i'd still turnfight whenever i can.....especially against folks like you, as they're always good clean fight.