Author Topic: GRRRRR  (Read 2419 times)

Offline waystin2

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« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2009, 11:47:40 AM »
What would interest me is who you think Knights biggest threat is...Rooks or Bishope and why? 

Hello Lynx,

Both Bishop & Rook have their tendencies and good qualities, but if I have to render judgement I would have to say the Rooks are the largest threat.  A lot of skilled folks in the air & on the ground, a few hordes, base taking ability, and a tendency to up the altitude ante all contribute to the Rooks success.  So my perception is that battling the Rooks is considered a more onerous task by the Knights as compared to battling the Bishop.

CO for the Pigs On The Wing
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« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2009, 11:54:46 AM »
Lynx I know you're not bashing the knights, and that was a very thorough explination, thank you

For those of you talking about truces, the only truce that i saw last night, was the rooks and the bish

there was one point where one rook base and two bish bases were flashing, while practically every knight base and the hq were flashing...

there was some fighting between the two, but it didn't look like much at all while i was on
"There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Georgia I eat a peach for peace." - Duane Allman

"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." Jerry Garcia

Offline rip033

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« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2009, 12:04:54 PM »
 Man i must be out of the loop. Didnt know stuff like this went on

Offline ROX

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« Reply #33 on: January 05, 2009, 12:29:18 PM »
LYNX   :salute

You have my utmost respect...although please look at most weekdays and see a ever growing trend of 166/110/68, it's not just the weekends.

I have months worth of hugely lopsided roster number screenshots, but would just be eye pollution to post them all.  The fact that a number of squads either rotated bish or just plain defected bish has even inflamed the problem. 

One LW arena is usually 50 to 70 advantage (bish) and the other LW arena is 50 to 70 advantage (rooks). 

It's really no fun for 25 or 30 guys to attempt to defend a front against that amount--then the 50 to 70 on top of that night after night after night.  Most I know have either signed off in frustration or cancelled their accounts.  The latter is getting far more prevallent from the emails I am getting.


Offline LYNX

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« Reply #34 on: January 05, 2009, 01:46:35 PM »
Nope, not this time anyway.

Here's my thought on the matter. I think when Knights and Rooks made that truce there were really only about 20% - 30% of the Rooks in favor and probably the same for the Knights.(Just a guess on the %) Then once to a new map a backlash occurred by those Knights and Rooks not in favor of the truce. So now you have those who disagree fighting each other to sort of wash it away so to speak or at least voice their opinion with action.

I never responded to the posts telling of the truce for 2 reasons. One, I wanted to see it played out. I flew Rooks for 4 or 5 years and I know that many would disagree with that tactic. Two, I know some of those guys involved and think well of them. They've been very helpful on the boards. I didn't want to damage that relationship for what "I" think is wrong.

Ekkk  :huh  Now I really am  :noid

I'm not getting any of your post.  I don't understand it or what you are trying to say here.  When I quoted you from THIS thread in this post......

LOL Rooks logged and Bish and Knights are fairly even. So no need for the long face.

However, I sure understand what Knights are saying. At one time the Rooks were almost to Knights HQ and Bishops were stealing bases left and right. Still though I thought the knights fought with ferocity.

Just seems those truces don't last long enough.

I was reading that as though you were inferring your side...Bishops, had entered into a truce with the Knights over the weekend. 

However, from your post quoted at the top you in turn seem to think there was some kind of Knight / Rook truce.  I can assure you 100% that to my knowledge no such thing happened.  There was no country chat about a truce.  There was no objections to Rooks fighting the nights Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  The only objections to knights getting hit was from a few others and myself when Knights were on their knee's numbers wise late Sunday evening. When Bishops were hard on our tail in our home land.  It was tactical suicide to go after Knights and let Bishope run down our east flank in the Blue arena.

I read nearly every thread here so this part confuses me
I never responded to the posts telling of the truce
I would appreciate some clarity on this matter.  What Knight / Rook truce are you talking about because I don't know of any and defiantly haven't read a post to support what your saying.

Once again....when I quoted you I read that as though the Bishops and Knights were in cahoots. 
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 01:52:40 PM by LYNX »

Offline A8TOOL

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« Reply #35 on: January 05, 2009, 02:07:33 PM »
All you need to do is look at recent threads and read comments from various members of the "new breed" squads and things are remarkably clear.

 We are moving closer and closer to a max exodus of seasoned players.

Hopefully some alternative format will be raised. Personally I'd like to see a tactical arena with limited strategic capability.

Recognizing that we have a tremendous # of players that are interested in a more "realistic" game I'd also love to see an arena modeled after the current main arena's but with 1 life per day in each class (bomber, fighter, GV). That way you would an arena where those issues mattered.

Maybe not one life but pay for those lives with perkies

A special arena was set up by one of the CM guys...I'll look for that post.

Found it!,251785.msg3104491.html#msg3104491

The idea here (mine, rosco, guppy and the DFC) was to promote and highlight true air combat and reintroduce a bit of the "old school" rules and remove some of the controls like kill shooter that only exist because the standard of game play is so low. Having friendly collisions on was interesting as well IMO. The sprinkling of DFC guys not only added a formidable array of pilots but also helped to both teach and enforce the "code" as needed. It will be up to Rosco to determine if this becomes any type of a recurring event or not .

I support this idea and really all we need to do it ask for it in a group mailing or bother them with calls. Posting on the boards is just not going to get it and stay away from the wish list as it seems only on occasion is it visited by HTC.

I'll gladly give my email address to be notified when to call or email HTC as a group and stay on top of a worthy request like this and follow it's progression.

IN FACT, I'll start right now by PM'ing you my addy.

If it looks like it will begin to take off I'll open my contact list.

Offline LYNX

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« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2009, 02:13:54 PM »
Lynx I know you're not bashing the knights, and that was a very thorough explination, thank you

For those of you talking about truces, the only truce that i saw last night, was the rooks and the bish

there was one point where one rook base and two bish bases were flashing, while practically every knight base and the hq were flashing...

there was some fighting between the two, but it didn't look like much at all while i was on

Thanks for that.  I can assure you the Rooks were hard at work against the Bish in LWB up untill I logged out nearly 3AM my time ...that's 10PM east coast.  We were consistently defending against Bishop air and Gv attacks.  There was no truce.

Once again I was disappointed with Rooks going after the beleaguered Knights who were clearly and unequivocally outnumber.  Today has proven it to be the tactical suicide that I tried to explain to those Rooks yesterday......oh well.

by Rox

You have my utmost respect...although please look at most weekdays and see a ever growing trend of 166/110/68, it's not just the weekends.

I have months worth of hugely lopsided roster number screenshots, but would just be eye pollution to post them all.  The fact that a number of squads either rotated bish or just plain defected bish has even inflamed the problem. 

One LW arena is usually 50 to 70 advantage (bish) and the other LW arena is 50 to 70 advantage (rooks). 

It's really no fun for 25 or 30 guys to attempt to defend a front against that amount--then the 50 to 70 on top of that night after night after night.  Most I know have either signed off in frustration or cancelled their accounts.  The latter is getting far more prevallent from the emails I am getting.

It has been my understanding that the Knights have always been outnumbered even before the arena split.  However, over the last 8 months or so I have noticed Knights numbers to be near equal in LWO.  I can't talk for Blue arena because I've hardly used it.   

Sorry to hear the outnumbered trend is returning to the Knights.  :frown: and thanks to waystin2 for his response.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 02:18:47 PM by LYNX »

Offline Getback

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« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2009, 02:24:54 PM »

I was referring to the Truce by Knights and Rooks to take a couple of FT bases. It was posted on one of the threads. To be honest I was wondering if I was clear on the matter.

This is a matter that no one should get bogged down on though. Personally I find I enjoy the game more if I don't get bogged down on the BBS but instead move forward and play the game.

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Offline ROX

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« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2009, 03:24:50 PM »
This whole talk of "truces" is a 5 gallon bucket of horse hockey.

I haven't seen any actual, recognizable "truce" in any arena since Air Warrior.

If a few dweebs got on 200 and tried to make a deal on anything it wouldn't make a hill of beans anyway...not that the whole planet coundn't see it on 200.


Offline bongaroo

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« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2009, 03:33:05 PM »
This whole talk of "truces" is a 5 gallon bucket of horse hockey.

I haven't seen any actual, recognizable "truce" in any arena since Air Warrior.

If a few dweebs got on 200 and tried to make a deal on anything it wouldn't make a hill of beans anyway...not that the whole planet coundn't see it on 200.


I've not played nearly as long as you and can think of at least 2 times I've seen it happen.  Take your 5 gallon bucket of horse hockey and have fun!
Callsign: Bongaroo
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Offline waystin2

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« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2009, 03:35:18 PM »
There will be no peace until the scourge that is Bishop & Rook is wiped from the virtual worlds of Aces High!     :O Whoa, sorry I forgot it is just a game.   Apologies... :D
CO for the Pigs On The Wing
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Offline LYNX

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« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2009, 03:36:41 PM »

I was referring to the Truce by Knights and Rooks to take a couple of FT bases. It was posted on one of the threads. To be honest I was wondering if I was clear on the matter.

This is a matter that no one should get bogged down on though. Personally I find I enjoy the game more if I don't get bogged down on the BBS but instead move forward and play the game.

No worries.  There was some ambiguity there.  I got the wrong end of your stick so's to appols.

Personally I haven't seen a thread or a post referring to Truces.  I did read a comment from Karaya getting on his high horse about some TT capture that he totally misunderstood.  It was a Gv bashing A20 mission if he'd have read the responses to his wailing Saturday night.   :lol

Anyways game on.

Offline LYNX

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« Reply #42 on: January 05, 2009, 03:45:42 PM »
This whole talk of "truces" is a 5 gallon bucket of horse hockey.

I haven't seen any actual, recognizable "truce" in any arena since Air Warrior.

If a few dweebs got on 200 and tried to make a deal on anything it wouldn't make a hill of beans anyway...not that the whole planet coundn't see it on 200.

Yer I understand that now after Getbacks post.  So I'll draw everyones attention back to my first post in this thread ......


It was an unusual blip for arena stats.  Here's what happened over the weekend to explain why.  Some consider the orange arena the main arena of the 2 MA's... correct?  In that it's first on the log in list therefore the most populated on any given day.  Blue arena tends to be less populated because "OFF PEAK" orange gets the numbers which fuels the arena get the point....?

Friday both Knights and Bishops (this isn't a whinge...just explaining) hammered on the Rooks.  Rooks just had a hard time and and Bishops got their 40% of Rook bases.  Knights were close to their 40% of Rook bases.

Saturday both Knights and Bishops were still hammering on Rooks front door in Orange arena, but the Bishops turned their attention on the Knights for the 40% to win reset. Meanwhile Knights were still going at Rooks... not much noticing the Bishop roll to reset.  Hence Bishop reset on Knights in orange Saturday evening.

When Orange arena reset the new terrain was what I consider a crap map (Pink and white  ).  You should have heard us Rooks going "oh ffs" as we logged into the new terrain.  Alot of the Bishops went to Blue to try and reset that.  Alot of Rooks went to Blue because frankly the new map was crap....and to stop the Bishops in blue.

Sunday...the day that gave Knights in Blue the grief we witnessed Bishop and Rook Exodus from Orange to Blue arena.  This was partly due to the fact Blue had the most numbers in it from "off peak"...from the get go.  Also orange terrain isn't popular.

I could be wrong here but I think some of the Bishops had squad night fueling Bishop numbers.  I first noticed arena numbers going lob sided with Bishops 146 Rooks 92 Knight 67.  One could only imagine quite the reverse in Knights in orange were ENY'ed.

The part that I really sympathise with you is when Rooks also started hammering you Knights late evening.  Knights had had a hard day anyways but I could see the valiant fight they put up against Bishop.  Knights holding their own terrain.  Shame some of our Rooks tuck the option of sneaking your back door when you were too busy after you started to lose Home bases....but hey...what goes around comes around.  Some of us Rooks were saying to leave the knights alone because Bishops were in our home land and really going for it.  Seemed stupid to me to take Knight bases when we were losing home bases.

The effect was Bishops were ENY'ed for their numbers in Blue very early on and when some of the Knights got pissed off and left, Rooks also got ENY'ed.  Later that evening Rooks had the most numbers but only by 10 or 15 over the Bishops.  Meanwhile you Knights were still below 100 to bishop 160..something and rooks 170..something when I logged for the evening.

That's the reason for the unusual blip CAVPFCDD.  Obviously you can ignore what I've said but it's a fair assessment.  I could say to you Knights to learn something from the debacle on Friday and Saturday in Orange arena which caused this unusual blip.  I could say watch your back door when Bishops are rolling the map.  I could say when you Knights sneak our back door when we're busy with Bishops roll don't be surprised if some Rooks take the opportunity, all be it tactical suicide, to sneak your back door.  I could say don't be surprised by the revenge or the path of least resistance from the Rooks who we tried to call off from attacking you. 

Do I expect anyone person or anyone side to learn or deduce anything from the weekends play......not a chance.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 03:47:24 PM by LYNX »

Offline A8TOOL

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« Reply #43 on: January 05, 2009, 03:50:08 PM »
This whole talk of "truces" is a 5 gallon bucket of horse hockey.

I haven't seen any actual, recognizable "truce" in any arena since Air Warrior.

If a few dweebs got on 200 and tried to make a deal on anything it wouldn't make a hill of beans anyway...not that the whole planet coundn't see it on 200.


There was a truce not long ago to take back TT island or FT .

Do a search under masherbrun and check some of his last posts.  Not sure when it happened but knits and rooks got together to take it back and supposedly neither tried to shoot each other over a hour long period or more. In fact i remember reading something about knits escorting the rooks who took the first base back.

It has happened

Offline Getback

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« Reply #44 on: January 05, 2009, 05:39:24 PM »
No worries.  There was some ambiguity there.  I got the wrong end of your stick so's to appols.

Personally I haven't seen a thread or a post referring to Truces.  I did read a comment from Karaya getting on his high horse about some TT capture that he totally misunderstood.  It was a Gv bashing A20 mission if he'd have read the responses to his wailing Saturday night.   :lol

Anyways game on.
Heh, no need for apologies. My miscommunication.

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