That review compares two $1K plus Intel processors against the $275 AMD. Yes Intel is still the king but not everyone has $2K (or more) to spend on a system. Anandtech has a bit different take:
Didn't read the link but, >IMO< Intel does better math with less errors. Kind of the old saying, "Do you want it fast, or do you want it right?" . Intel has always been more stable, to beat the best you have to be better. Faster with more errors is not fast\better *to me*. That's kinda like overclocking to get more speed even though the errors actually stalls things. Which is why the turtle won the race.
That said,..last AMD chip I used was a K-6 350. It was good, decent speed compared to an $Intel$, and I was quiet amazed\happy with it. But since then they seemed to have issues either with the chip itself, or the MB used. They seem to be faster for the $, but not better....IMO. Point being if it works for you that's great, whatever gets you in the game. AMD presented an opportunity for those not willing\able to pay for Intel to get in the game. They made the difference between no computer, and blowing your face out having fun on one.
Personally, until AMD actually makes a chip better, not faster, better, then I will stay with Intel as much as I can afford to. And lets face it, affordability is the real issue, and that's ok too. But IMO Intel is better quality.
No offense intended to anyone who runs AMD, just my own personal opinion. <shrug>