Author Topic: Why are they leaving?  (Read 11329 times)

Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #210 on: January 15, 2009, 05:16:42 PM »
I agree with the other "old timers" Murdr, TC, Snap Its the game play mentality that is dragging the game down. Today far to many people are hey trying to play this game like a "Quake"type game. Fast action, shoot shoot shoot till you die trying to garner as many points as you can then repeat. The old game mentality was based more on the history the game represented. The trill of out maneuvering the opponent and get a guns solution, and going for it.

Been saying for some time now that the problem with the current AH game (for me) is the "race to reset" way the game is played. All of the poor schmucks that play it that way simply race by what made the game special in the first place....sad.  :frown:
NoBaddy (NB)

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #211 on: January 15, 2009, 05:26:35 PM »
It seems some are forgetting that the "race to reset" and the gameplay issues connected with that had been much worse about 2-3 years ago. Before the rules to win teh war wwere changed to what we have now, it really was a race... Two big countrys dogpiling on the 3rd one (often Knights), a true race against the clock, though it only mattered who had most fields of that country when the losing country was down to 5 bases. Map reset, rinse & repeat. No need for the bigger countrys running for the victory to fight each other at all at any time.
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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #212 on: January 15, 2009, 05:31:58 PM »
Murdr by far, has the best grasp on what is going on.  No one will care what I have to say, since I'm consistently vocal about this subject, and have been deemed a "whiner" by many of you.  I've been teetering on the edge of pulling my subscription for about 6 to 8 months now, and many would no doubt be happy about that, although not the people I fly with.  

I've been around versions of this game since the original AW.  I've always had fun, flying and dying.  That is, up until the past year or so.  For those of you that say there hasn't been a change in the gameplay, I'm sorry you weren't here for the days when it really was different.

You didn't know the days when swirling dogfights started at 15K and people paired up and danced all the way down to the deck.  The fights ended, alot of times, when someone got heavily damaged, not killed, and leveled off.  You let him go and he saluted you, you both laughed about the fun you just had.  Kills weren't the end all, be all to the game.  Vulching used to be non-existent due to the heavily involved policing by the player base.  Unless a field was actively being captured, 5 or 6 vets would jump on and berate the one noob that buzzed over a field to vulch people, and countrymen would offer assistance to help "train" the person.  I can't be the only one that remembers this.  When "Knock it off, 190 at A14, out of fuel" over common channel ended the fight.  You try that these days, 10 guys will pile on you.  You used run into guys limping back to base, pouring smoke, and 15 or 20 enemies would just let him limp it home.  That attitude is long lost in this incarnation of AH.  It's all about the name in lights at the end of the flight.

Nowadays, I find one of these things happening.  
I up singly, and cruise around looking for a fight....sit over a field waiting.... and nothing. Single con over a field, nobody ups.  Snooze.  Fly back home.

  I up again, closer to active fights.... and I'm dodging guys with 10K+ advantages dropping in threes and fives on me.  If I happen to actually get to the "front" and try to peel guys out for a fight on the fringe 1v1, as soon as I get into the 600 range, I have 6 "friendlies" zipping in with 150+ mph advantages, even when I'm calling them off.  By a miracle, should I find a good one on one, 95% end in one of two ways:    

I get in firing position....He drops the nose of his P51 (the new official flower of AH) and is gone.
I find someone who wants to fight.... have a good fight started, only his countrymen pick, even with him calling them off.
The other 5% end with one of us shooting the other down.  (Successful flight in my estimation)

I was actually surprised to the point of tears, flying the other night with a group of old vets that did follow that old code.  Asked if you needed help.  Pushed for a good one on one.  Called sixes.  If a friendly was within 800 to 1000 of a con, it was his.   It's been a long time since I saw that.  It gives this game a slim chance at hope.

More than likely I will be one of the old guard gone, thoughl.  The reason is illustrated by my foray yesterday.  Up at a base with 3 cons in radar with three just outside.  Get to about 8K in a Ki84, to have a P51, Typhoon, and Spit16 all come in at around 19K.  All dive on me at once.  I last about three turns, the 51 ends up face shooting me.

I up again, by now all cons are over the base.  I get vulched.  Twice.  By a guy with 155 victories in 24 sorties (geez wonder how he gets em).  Six guys hanging over a field, not trying to take it, just padding scores.  When I say something over 200, said pilot gets indignant, saying "You shouldn't up from a capped field jack---". I agree.  I log off.  There is no fun in that game, for either participant in my estimation.    

Great post.

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #213 on: January 15, 2009, 06:21:46 PM »
Been flying for a few years now, Decided on the AvA as my main hang out these days, simple really, No hoing, good fights and no disrespect to the regular MA flyers but the standard of fights is a lot higher in there, In other words, if a few MA flyers came in chances are they would have their you know what handed to them in short fashion. The LWA is never going to change, I've accepted that now, I use it for a warm up or hang out with the guys if nothing much else is going on, I know I'll get ganged, picked etc in there, I know there'll be a gang of 16's, nikkis, lgays etc all hanging around 400-1000ft waiting to feed of the scraps of a fight. I know there's other guys looking for a decent fight, I read about it often enough on here, but in the MA, it's like looking for gold I'm afraid. I'm most suprised at the sheer numbers of the horde these days, I used to think a decent horde was around 10-12, now that number is dwarfed by these mega hordes you see popping up on the dar.
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Offline Oldman731

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #214 on: January 15, 2009, 06:40:53 PM »
You try that these days, 10 guys will pile on you.  You used run into guys limping back to base, pouring smoke, and 15 or 20 enemies would just let him limp it home.  That attitude is long lost in this incarnation of AH.  It's all about the name in lights at the end of the flight.


Stop in and see us, dude.  Not everyone plays old-style, but plenty still do.

- oldman

Offline FlyinFin

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #215 on: January 15, 2009, 06:45:39 PM »
See rule #4

« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 04:29:34 PM by hitech »

Offline crockett

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #216 on: January 15, 2009, 07:05:17 PM »
Well I was far from a old timer as I only had 2 years in this game, but I think I left for much of the same reason many of the more established vets have. There were very few enjoyable "dogfights" to be had. It was always either fight the entire hoard or chase some guy running away. In the odd chance that you did get a good fight that started at 10 or 12k and continued down to the deck, it was almost certain you would either get picked by some tard that jumps in from 20k or someone on your own team would pick the guy you were fighting.

I joined this game, because I always loved old WW2 aircraft and the dogfights of WW2. I also have always liked games that required you to actually develop a "real" skill set in order to compete. It seemed like AH2 was that game at first, but even after my 1st year I was disappointed in the average player base.

I think the biggest fault of the player base, is far to few really wanted to develop real dog fighting skills and far to many were just looking for atty boys when they land their 5 or 10 vulched or ganged kills. To put it shortly, there just doesn't seem to be any respect for the actual fight anymore.. The Xbox generation succeeded in dumbing down this game to the point it just isn't much fun anymore.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 07:07:39 PM by crockett »

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #217 on: January 15, 2009, 07:18:49 PM »
Deleted for Quote from moderated post.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 04:30:13 PM by hitech »
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Offline jedi25

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #218 on: January 15, 2009, 07:22:45 PM »
The game is dead guys, To me it doesn't really represent what WW11 air combat was about anymore.
I have been playing since AH1 and gameplay is in a downward spiral.

As it is now, it appeals more to the Xbox and nintendo players.

I have been keeping myself away from playing this game, The Main Arena's make no sense to me.

Offline 99thABNSSGT

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #219 on: January 15, 2009, 07:23:18 PM »
Why I left... grew up on AW flat out BETTER FLIGHT MODEL.

AH head on collision then ride a kite down after it took me 15 minutes to fly into a battle while I watch the guy that collided into me fly off as if  nothing ever happened.

If I get shot down I prefer a beautiful death explosion Not a 5 minute flutter to earth.(AW)

RR option not here. I want to play a flight sim and not get the effects of really flying. That said I understand you have to have something in the game that reflects flight other than an arcade game.

Again it was back to the flight model if you popped of your flaps the plane would rock or if you put your gear down at speed your plane would dip down, turning much smoother and showed my favorite planes such as the P47 and FW190's much more caplable than the flying metiores depicted in AH.

Communities, bout the same squads good players in AH and AW.

I wish someone would bring back AW.... sigh.

Offline FlyinFin

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #220 on: January 15, 2009, 08:27:21 PM »
I manage to find good fights most of the time yeah I have to wear down the gang tards and I'm usually flying an older plane but.. hey  :frown:  there are still plenty of good sticks left in the game and some new 1's too even though it is hard to tell with all the shades players use. I don't really know why any 1 would need 2 accts or 2 names... but what ever.

I was fighting with Filth last night it was pretty bad. I stayed there a while after with 4X4 and ended up having 1-2 good fights and 2-4 decent fights with BBaw of course I was still dodging an FW friend  but in between the passes we had some good turns. Fm2 to Zeke, and spit9 an  il2 once <G>. over all was fun. Then I went to go find Kermit's 109e in my p-40 it was late by then and well he got lucky last night <G> <S> Kermit. I got a compliment from BBaw. He said I was top shelf lol like his wife's undies... made me laugh.

I try to mix it up a few attack runs, a few T&B, capped base defence if you want a quick fight but be ready to die a few times, buff attack sorties up an A8 or 109 and go looking for buffs, try to keep a field capped. If you a wing kinda guy go wingy.

My advice ...  forget the scoring and play the game the way it allows you to. There is so much to do.
Do not game the game though. Most times I go up I have some sort of plan related to game strategy.. I don't usually just up willy nilly go looking for a fight. The fight usually runs into me and there have been some good ones lately. If I'm in a fight and see 1 guy coming or 2, I will try get that 1st guy NOW! set up get some speed and head into the next 2... 2... 2 hehe sometimes I win and sometimes I don't. If I win and I'm bingo fuel or ammo I try to make it home. If I'm in a fight and see 3-4-5 guys coming I'll just stay in that fight until either I win and get nailed or lose and get the same.
Don't complain no one wants to hear it.
Don't HO people, learn to fight and shoot them right.  Unless upping a capped field getting vulched. HO away.
Don't play to much < like I did yesterday :uhoh>
Wipe your hands. After all these years , in a really good dogfight just cranking the plane to the max, my palms still get sweaty, I still get the buzz.
Hate your enemy  :D
Tell some one when you loose because you choked  GF NF or GS NS or <S>
Don't <S> when you win or if some tard salutes you after a 1v4 5 6 slaughter.
<S> a guy that kills you and your pals.. alone.
Call for help if there is a big dar bar headed to your base or just say the number. 65.. 124 easy.
Check your teammates 6 as many as you can but make them good checks. I check guys up to icon range if I see it<6k>. You don't need to be pointed at them either, out the back , back right, the sides, up top. If your looking all around better for you.

Keep your tips up,


« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 09:46:27 PM by FlyinFin »

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #221 on: January 15, 2009, 08:41:11 PM »
Anytime you want to go to the DA...

No thanks dream about it!  I'm done with you.

Although I have been getting allot of requests lately, maybe a DA week or month is in order.

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Offline Animl

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #222 on: January 15, 2009, 11:07:24 PM »
Ya know guys. I tend to listen more to people I know have other things for a comparison. You can't know something is wrong unless you know what's right. Did we ever have what was right? I dunno. It was fun we know that for sure. it was also much of the same, we didn't have everything we wanted then either, we made due with what we had and immersion carried it the rest of the way. HTC gave us what we begged for.

That said, the peeps that I know are long time vets, have placed issues on the table that all have relevance to the said "problem". There's not a lot I can disagree with. All valid, all the good fight.

But since you are vets, going back many many years and hundreds of thousands of hours logged on, let me drag you all back to a time we all remember, and we all tend to brag about as if every day was bliss.

Remember the AW BBs? Remember BW when it first popped open? I don't know much about WBs sorry. Have any of us not seen the same exact postings 10-12 years ago that we are reading today? Vulching, land grabbing, poor class, one-one fights, who's king of the hill (that day), aimless venting, baby seal smack talk.... I don't know for sure about some of you, but I DO remember reading the same exact complaints. Maybe not in such the same magnitude, maybe it was, but our game needed GAs and moderators for a reason too. I had my days as the village idiot too, yes I was once a baby seal dweeb smack talker too. You're all my friends even if we clashed "back then". But look at me in the eye and tell me the above is not reality. Check 6.

That said
Some of this is like a welders flash to some, if you look too long your eyes will hurt. Revert back to the training some of you had as GAs or Techs in AW. You KNOW how to ignore things. Don't look too long, don't consume yourself with it. IMO Milk Running keeps dweebs away from the good fights. Kinda like kids have a play area out of the way at adult BBQs. Who cares as long as they are out of the way.

If you like the game then stay and lead by example. If your example is weak and negative then you're not helping anything either. Causing mass flight will do nothing to improve it. Maybe we're all waiting for someone (HT) to knock on our doors and present us with a red felt pillow with everything we wished on it. We never got it in AW, we got most of it here, but we will never get it all. Since when are we such failures and whimps that we allow the baby seal game box crowds to claim the sim as a game to be broken?

There is a constant influx of new players, if you want the sim to die, don't allow new players and shame them like FR elitest did in AW and it will die soon enough. What I am saying is, leading by example doesn't stop when the first crews of noobs graduate into acceptable.... it has to keep going. If you're gonna brag about being a long time vet, then we're gonna have to prove it.

Don't pound on HTC about this or that. They gave you a community to run and form, it's our job to police it and keep it within history, and immersion, and most of all fun. No one else is going to set the good examples except us. Stop whining, stop crapping on each other and teach. I don't care how great you are, if your attitude sucks, then you suck. Being a vet does not empower you to claim it, do nothing, then whine about it,.. that's someone who may be a vet, but never "got it", or forgot it.

Take the dern sim back. HTC isn't going to do it for you, the noobs aren't going to do it for you,.. you have to do it for you. Show them how to have fun in immersion of history. Show them how to laugh things off. Get the sim back on track. Points do NOT matter.. the MA is just for practice. events is the real top shelf.

Some say, "well we used to do this and used to shame them over that",.. well,..why did it stop? Crack the whip. What happened to some of you who used to be willing to teach, instead of getting sucked into smack dweeb zones? Who really gave up here, HTC or you? Seems to me he\they are still working and we quit.

Why are you getting all upset and paranoid about a few or several great people leaving? Did you consider that they are leaving because they got sick of towing the line alone? Yes it saddens me too.

If you stop being the complainer and start being the leaders again these people will come back, and noob butts will follow. To leave it up to just few vets to keep things straight, and history not forgotten then maybe you're not doing your job to preserve your community within reason. If you leave this up to just a few bold noble people,..then they will tire and leave. Maybe some of us let them down, maybe it's not all on the noob? If so as vets we have shamed ourselves putting it all on them.

You could be the ultimate best pilot ever, if you're not having fun, it's becomes totally irrelevant in the big picture if you're number 1 every tour. Since when did skill take over immersion and fun? Worried about score and wins is for those who lost their way, or never "got it".

Some of the whining and finger pointing in this thread as to search for blame as to why they are leaving,... may in fact circle around to point at you. If you want these people back and you don't want other people to leave,.. then get off your butts and take the SIM back... not in a cruel way, not being a punk bully know it all,..not shooting your mouth off at dweebs or acting like one,.. take it back by leading by example the right way. DO NOT EXPECT INSTANT RESULTS.... one noob\dweeb at a time it will work out. But it never stops.

If you love the game, as I do, as CorkyJr does, or the others we're so concerned about losing, get up and do something about it,.. DO something. Teach the history, teach etiquette and don't expect perfection...lend a hand in events, lend a hand in training,.. DO something besides belly ache, we're Vikings dern it act like one. This belly aching could be the very thing that's driving people away. "You ran from me, I am better then you",..... so what, if you ain't having fun it's means nothing.

Some of you know me well enough to know, I would do ANYTHING for you IF I can, you want something built, you want help on something, you need graphics for your events page, .. you KNOW I will do it all you have to do is ask and you know that,... Us AWers are like family even if we hated each other, AHers have now been playing long enough to earn that same status, don't be elitist, it's distasteful, allow them into the fold.. You KNOW I am just radical enough to put reality in front of you,.. with good intensions, tough love. And that's what this whine is about,.. hoping I can wake the vets I know, admire and remember to be vets again.

There are a couple suggestions I could make that might inspire some to think about it.
I think some of you have played the game to it's limits and need a new spark. Just a couple thoughts to ponder that I am sure have been said before.

1) Create an arena where is full 100% realism, no combat trim, no flight aids, straight up full tilt poker. Anything that was set for noobs, gut it for this arena. Make it so it doesn't even work. Give the vets something else to achieve, another rung on the ladder to climb. Not to cause separation or division in the masses but simply because the game needs a new approach, something new\fresh\different, expansion. PBJs get old every day.

2) Let Moderators be seen, knowing from experience you don't have to say or do a dern thing just the visual alone will stop some things from getting blown out of purportion.  I used my game name in both personal flights and Mod\GA flights I never had a problem with it. Although some prefer two accounts. It doesn't create miracles but it DOES help. The whole time I was a GA in AW I only used my powers 2 times, once being in a scenario. Most of that is because they knew me or someone else was there which caused second thoughts you don't have to place yourself in their face, just wonder in from time to time. If a situation is out of hand you become the voice of reason in private and talk them down from jumping off the cliff. Most times they end up respecting you in the end, it's skill train for it. Most everyone involved in events etc.. has already had that training.

But from what I learned, you learn the most about flying and your mistakes when you fight a friend. You won't learn anything but how to talk smack when you fight personal enemies. Rivals is great, making personal enemies is unhealthy, not only for you, but the whole community who has to read\watch it.

If you want to fly old school there are still plenty of us here to do it with. Oldman, CorkyJr and many others have offered many times,.they will give you old school on a silver plater, take it. When someone sees how much fun you have with it they will want it too,.. again, their butts will follow.

I'm sorry if I wasted your time with this. Maybe I shouldn't have posted this. But IMO, these are things that MAY need to be said. And maybe I'm just still just a village idiot. <shrug>

So lets pull up our pants, act like the Vikings we are and do something about this. Those who left will be over-joyed to return, help them pull the line that makes the sim,...a sim. It takes a special person to be a simmer, any moron can be a gamer.

That is all,...beat me as you feel you should.

#1 rule = Fun First. Supreme skill is an added bonus.
#2 rule = Arenas are just for practice.
Animl (from the ashes of Air Warrior nation)

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #223 on: January 16, 2009, 12:20:04 AM »
Ya know guys. (snipped a Damned Good READ )
#1 rule = Fun First. Supreme skill is an added bonus.
#2 rule = Arenas are just for practice.

nuff said!     well done Animl  ~S~
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

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Re: Why are they leaving?
« Reply #224 on: January 16, 2009, 12:38:57 AM »
Short story patially good, partially bad.  First the bad part:

I was out on a milk run one day in a set of AR-234's to a Rook city.  I had one of my better drops taking 30+ percent of the City in a single full speed pass at 415 mph.  I throttled off, turned for home and throttled back up.

Soon I was being chased by a 262.  I was now at 16,500 feet running along at 470 mph headed home and starting to get low on fuel.  The 262 eventually caught up to me and I lifted the nose in F3 mode and opened fire.  So did he.  We both scored hits and one of my 234's (formation) went down.

I put the nose down and dove at over 500 mph for a friendly base, manouvering just enough not to lose my last drone but enough to keep him from hitting me.  As I pulled over the field ack at almost 600 mph the nose was lifting because I forgot to turn off combat trim but he pulled off.

I cut throttle and gently turned back to base as he flew off after chasing me for about five sectors with that far to go again to get home.

Now the good part:

After I landed I PM'd the guy;  "That was fun!"

His response(s):  "Yeah.  Good flying and good shooting.  You took out two of my guns.  Damn those things are fast." ending with "I'm glad that my first encounter with 234's in a 262 was against you."

Now maybe he meant that he was glad to shoot down a highly ranked player but I prefer to think it was because I sent him a PM for a fun encounter even though I lost a perk plane.  And it really was fun.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.