Author Topic: All hail...  (Read 8546 times)

Offline Mustaine

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #210 on: January 20, 2009, 09:46:43 AM »
15 min AFTER attack town, hangars, VH is popping..  mission fail.

you bring goons in at 5-7 k the troops will get shot, guaranteed.. mission fail.

try to "escort" the goons down from 5-7k.. they will get killed, even if you outnumber the enemy 5 to 1...

so many things wrong with this statement. town doesn't pop in 15, only hangars. he never said drop the troops at 5-7, no one would do that. and if you can't protect a goon with 5 planes i think something other than common sense is lacking big time.
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Offline SkyRock

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #211 on: January 20, 2009, 09:56:51 AM »
I'm glad the AoM embraces that as nothing to be suprised at...i personally was suprised...
If in fact you were running from a fight, then a vulch on landing is quite appropriate.   :devil
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 09:58:45 AM by SkyRock »

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline Shuffler

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #212 on: January 20, 2009, 10:30:18 AM »
Didn't watch any film. If I am looking for a fight and do not see anyone that can give me a decent go, I move to another area.
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline grizz441

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #213 on: January 20, 2009, 10:54:30 AM »
Seems to me Falconwing only had two options...Run or die.  He knew it was Scotch, what was he going to do, turn and fight and win? LMAO.

Offline eddiek

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #214 on: January 20, 2009, 11:08:17 AM »
Ah, what the heck, I rarely chime in on these discussions, but here's my two cents worth:

NOE missions have been around for ages.  Back in the day, we Assassins would do them on a pretty routine basis if we couldn't find decent fights anywhere, or to make the opposing countries focus on more than just one place (interpreted, they were hording, but we didn't call it that back then).
We didn't need, nor did we have online at any one time, more than 7-8 guys to take a base down.  Zigrat was pretty good at figuring out and planning our "mishuns" and we took the aircraft need to 1) take down the town; 2) provide a small CAP as needed; and 3) get the goon(s) in safely.  
There was no need for massive amounts of players in the missions.  It was all about planning the thing out beforehand and then executing it.
Personally, that is what I find both amusing and offensive about the huge amounts of enemies I see assaulting a base.  The attackers, due to the general lack of response from defenders, or a delayed one if you will, end up milling around overhead, then when a defender ups from the base, the race is on to see who can get the kill.  Looks like the fish in "Finding Nemo", you can almost hear the attackers screaming "mine! mine!  No! He's mine!!!"  
The other day, I think it was Saturday, a couple Muppets and myself helped break up a raid on our base, then we took the fight to the attackers' base......and what did we find there?  The attackers, now on the defensive, were like that school of fish in "Nemo"....hovering close together, not daring to come fight....point your nose at them, and they, en masse, turned and ran back to their base and the safety of the ack.  Amusing....especially considering that I am a less than average stick, lose as many as I win, blow E, overshoot, miss shots all the time cause my aim sucks, etc........but I do follow what I read once about a fighter pilot (even a cartoon one) being AGGRESSIVE....I attack, I press the issue, even if I die, for that is much preferred to staying high and safe and watching rather than engaging/fighting.
Last night, the bish were attacking from A77 to A80 (I believe that was the base we got swarmed at).  For over three hours, they stayed overhead, took the acks down almost from the onset, then setup a vulchfest.  I played their game a bit, got shot down 3 or 4 times, then I decided to take the game to them.....took a YAK and launched due S, stayed on the deck.....first time, I made it all the way to 77 and harassed 4 or 5 cons just for fun before being shot down, tried it again, made it about 2 minutes S before a 109 came screamin down at me and I broke too hard and she snaprolled into the ground (remember, I said I am a less than average pilot in AH), went again, and made it back down to 77, engaged 4 cons, shot down 2, then headed back N to help at our base.  Stupidly, I wasted my E and got into a turning fight and Banshee nailed me in his trusty ole P-40E (<S> sir!).  Mind you, and this was the puzzling part for me......I never saw even ONE goon or M3 the entire time I was defending the base or running harassment sorties!!  
All in all, a frustrating start, but I turned it into a fun time (for myself at least), with the exception of the stinking Wirbelwind who parked off the end of the runway and started firing at uppers.....IMHO, once a GV opens fire, his icon should pop up and stay lit up til he dies......and not the BS 1.5K, all the way to 6.0K range...GVer's can ID a plane from his icon LONG before he even spots them, which is total nonsense to me.  I signed up to Aces High back in 1999 to fight aircraft, not get sniped by players who I can't even see until I am within their kill zone.  Utter nonsense IMHO.
(Deep breath, rant mode OFF)  
Falconwing, it wasn't base ack that got Scotch, it was me....I didn't know he had changed sides and I took the shot when it presented itself....then found I had committed Muppetcide!!   :( :huh :uhoh :furious
I don't see a solution to the problem....I know everyone pays their subscription to play the game the way they see fit and the way they enjoy, but if you and your squad wanna do the horde thing, please, PLEASE, DON'T get on 200 whining about someone HOing you....when you vastly outnumber someone, do you expect them to try and saddle up (preferred ACM most of the time IMO) so your horde can swarm them?  From personal ingame experience, it's better to get your licks in, take a few of your enemies with you when you are outnumbered.....and that means pretty much anything goes.  I'm not into naming names of the guilty, but one very vocal leader of a horde was on 200 yesterday morning complaining that someone had HO'd him......given the fact that I have never see the accuser flying lone wolf, solo, he is always surrounded by a swarm of his countrymen, I'd say "don't fly with the horde and they won't resort to last ditch HO's". (not referring to you, Falconwing....someone else, a squad CO who loves to horde then run home and land those kills)
I know this was a ramble, but there was a LOT to cover from the things I've read in this thread.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 11:11:51 AM by eddiek »

Offline moot

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #215 on: January 20, 2009, 11:16:47 AM »
Falconwing are you going to just ignore my reply to your post?
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline pluck

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #216 on: January 20, 2009, 11:24:54 AM »
You can have all 5000+ of my fiter perks if you value them that much :rofl :lol

No...i freely admit that when i saw how trgt fixated the tool was and given our previous encounter that i decided he was not going to get a  kill on me...he flew well enough to lock 1k  behind me and didnt give me many base ack it was....

The fact he flew by many fights to reach me and missed easy shots on others is just funny...but the fact he decided he was going to vulch me landing is pathetic...I'm shocked he decided to post this film but I'm happy he did.  I'm glad the AoM embraces that as nothing to be suprised at...i personally was suprised...

common falcon, I seem to remember an event several months ago involving a 38 landing and a certain la7, passing everyone else up at a field to vulch me (think pw at the time)...though killed by ack in the attempt... From the film, it seemed as initally you where rtb, until you saw him move on the spit, at which point you grabbed for alt advantage and turned...guessing you were hoping to kill him while involved with the spit...then trying to rope the 109 for the spit, didn't work, so then back to diving for ack, then try to shoot him when engaged with the pony.

Really not a whole lot to see, though good move from scotch the pony towards the end, it is a good film if you want to see how to fly very timidly and run. must have been a boring sortie though, less than 2 kills on a tank of gas (hate those).  You see this type of gameplay so often, it's hard to imagine why anyone wouldn't want to hunt down someone who appears to be there just to pick and run...not knowing your fuel state ammo load appears that is what was happening.  It is an example of someone who just wants to fight, vs. someone who doesn't seem to really want to take the chance of losing.  I'm sure scotch new what he was getting into, I don't think he was noob target fixated, he just wanted your scalp.  
80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline Dadano

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #217 on: January 20, 2009, 11:58:33 AM »
He's only running till I see "bingo" on 200. Then he's RTB.
Army of Muppets

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Offline bongaroo

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #218 on: January 20, 2009, 12:17:41 PM »
Runs from the co-e fight (actually he had the e advantage to start), turns only when he will have the advantage, doesn't get his way and so runs to hide in the ack, again turns to take a shot when Scotch is engaged with the pony, runs back to ack. 

Callsign: Bongaroo
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Offline SkyRock

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #219 on: January 20, 2009, 01:08:33 PM »

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline uptown

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #220 on: January 20, 2009, 01:09:18 PM »
The film of Falconweenie is the perfect example of the "hoarde aces". They fly high and pic already engaged targets and when confronted with a 1vs1, run until they get to friendlys. Once around friendlys they use them for bait knowing full well that they will pick up the chase giving thenm a chance to ....well pick a already engaged target. If that doesn't work they'll fly to their ack hoping the ack will do what they haven't got the skill to do on their own. This is where you'll see the "hoarde aces" acms. He'll then and only then use ever trick in his very thin book to keep the bad guy in the ack until it finally finishes him off.

It's a sad and discusting display that happens all to often. Scotch was doing everything in his power to get a 1vs1 fight, and falconweenie did all he could to avoid it. These are the kind of tactics that the hordes use and for that reason alone, they'll never be good on their own merits. They simply can not function on their own.

Falconweenie, I deem you a skilless, more concerned about the cowardly kill then a honest fight.
Lighten up Francis


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Re: All hail...
« Reply #221 on: January 20, 2009, 01:11:04 PM »
Moot I'll try to respond tonight...there is justso much to respond too :devil

So lets get this right fellahs...

First sortie on film...Scotch gets target fixated on a p38 and doesnt see me behind him til too late...he tries a weak maneuver and i cut throttle and wiing over and finish him....pathetic really

Second sortie...Scotch ups and again grabs alt...great furball going on all around but he wants that bad tempest.  He flies by multiple enemy planes and insists on following the tempest home.  A spit from my base tries a bounce...i turn around because the spit pilot starts griping at me about how he helped me and im leaving him i turn back around and make one pass to free him up...the 109 locks in on me again so i drag him back to base...he insists on flying in the base ack...doesn't get a kill and dies trying to vulch me landing...

2 kills...2 deaths....

But the reason his k/d sucks is because he picks really tuff fights....hmmm :eek:

I think it is a perfect representation of the elite so-called furball crowd....I didn't ho, horde, noe, ram or pick him...but I am a poor pilot..... :confused:

No the truth is that unless they can kill you on their terms then there is something wrong with you.  Again i am amused that this the film being shown....I am sure there are much worse films of me out there...I can only hope there are better ones of him...

And don't lump BKs and AoM together....the BKs are a truer furballing squad then AoM has ever been...Stang, Jaxxo Hubs et al are part of what once made this community more interesting for ACM.

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #222 on: January 20, 2009, 01:26:36 PM »
Anyone think that removing the mission tab might solve anything?

I think it would solve the problems of if you want to run missions, your squad has to work together. Although I do think people would work around this, I think it would reduce the glamorizing of joining a 30 man smack and grab mission. Especially to the new guy


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Re: All hail...
« Reply #223 on: January 20, 2009, 01:27:25 PM »
Been playing AH since Jan 2002.  I've seen no significant changes in how folks play the game during that time.  I realize some will disagree and imply the game is going to hell but I see 400 to 600 people playing each night that seem to still be enjoying themselves, or maybe they are all masochists?
Is it possible that part of the problem lies within?  Is there a even a remote chance of some level of burnout... but of course not and how dare I even suggest such a thing!  Yet if in fact it's the "other players" who are ruining the game then I think you'd be well served to ask yourself "can I change the behavior of 400 other individuals?"  Good luck with that.
Some of the complaining in here reminds me of a gal I dated years ago.  She didn't like my car, my clothes, my furniture, my hair, my friends, my apartment...  Finally I "put her out of her misery" and released her back into the wild.  Now I figure she's making some other poor b@st@rd miserable.
Is AH perfect?  Well that is in the eye of the beholder, but she looks damn good to me.  I'm still having a blast and if I ever get to the stage where I'm not having fun I'll pack it in and move on to something else.
I can only imagine how the creators of this game must react inwardly to all the complaints.  It's admirable for them to give everyone a forum to provide feedback, but at what point does it stop being constructive and start becoming destructive?  I give them a lot of credit for their tolerance, especially for the topics that are repeated ad nauseam.  If I had to deal with one more collision model sucks, or HO's suck, or eny sucks, or gameplay sucks, or arena caps suck thread... well my advice would eventually be, "don't go away mad, just go away."
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Offline RTHolmes

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #224 on: January 20, 2009, 01:38:25 PM »
Then you can move on to the others that need killin!

exactly :aok
71 (Eagle) Squadron

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