Author Topic: Redo Arenas  (Read 4490 times)

Offline ImADot

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2009, 12:09:24 PM »
I don't care much for the hordes and dweebs in LA's and Spixteens and all the other kill-stealing and BS that goes on in LW.  Sure there are fewer people in the MW and EW Mains (yes, they are also Main Arenas, but let's not get started on that subject again).  I actually prefer smaller, less populated arenas because generally you will find it easier to have 1v1 or 1v2 or 2v2 fights without gang-tard pickers (or at least fewer of them less often).  I also like to fly the less uber planes because they are more challenging and fun...until some tard comes in and steals my kill because he cares more about score and kills than letting someone else play their way and have fun.

I find no reason for HTC to change anything in the way they have the mains structured.  Unless they want to put both LW arenas and the DA on one server and the rest on the second server.
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Offline JV44boobman

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2009, 09:59:33 PM »
i like the idea but too much bs in LW im fine with noe cuz the noe attackers work together i like that la7 and spixteen should be perked and more honorable people in EW and MW but AvA is my fav just never busy more people should do that...<S>

JV44boob <S>

Offline EskimoJoe

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2009, 12:17:59 AM »
You have no idea what you missed.

The Jeep races:

The Airport:

And the CV battles:

Oh, the memories! *sniffle*
Put a +1 on your geekness atribute  :aok

Offline Noir

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2009, 03:02:13 AM »
FFA was by far the most fun air combat part of H2H.. HtHide's FFA maps were nearly perfect.

christ yes. Best furballing ever.
now posting as SirNuke

Offline Chilli

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2009, 10:52:35 AM »
  • Early War Era planesets and maps consistent with Battle of Britain, China, North Africa
  • Late War (Blue) Era planesets and maps consistent with European Theater
  • Late War (Orange) Era planesets and maps consistent with Pacific Theater
  • Early War Era and European Theater (Late War - Blue) limited or no fleets
  • Pacific Theater (Late War - Orange) no Russian or LW planes; fleets appropriate
  • North Africa (Early War) rotation map with "Tank Town" and no fleets
  • Battle of Britain (Early War) rotation map with no fleets

Just one of a number of ways to freshen up the choices, or even increase the interest in "limited planeset" arenas. :pray

Offline Murdr

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2009, 10:56:07 AM »
  • Early War Era planesets and maps consistent with Battle of Britain, China, North Africa
  • Late War (Blue) Era planesets and maps consistent with European Theater
  • Late War (Orange) Era planesets and maps consistent with Pacific Theater
  • Early War Era and European Theater (Late War - Blue) limited or no fleets
  • Pacific Theater (Late War - Orange) no Russian or LW planes; fleets appropriate
  • North Africa (Early War) rotation map with "Tank Town" and no fleets
  • Battle of Britain (Early War) rotation map with no fleets

Just one of a number of ways to freshen up the choices, or even increase the interest in "limited planeset" arenas. :pray

Im begining to wonder if leaving the orange and blue effectively as the old MA might need to go by the wayside.  As long as there are multiple open plane sets, I dont think people will settle on a favorite, instead they will jump in the one with either the most people, or the most squadies.  If LW options were instead (pto/eto, or pto/westrnfront/eastern front) there would at least be a reason to think before trying to cram into the fullest arena.  Would be nice if the arenas would become 'neighborhoods' with regulars in it rather than 2 MA's where the only preference is who and how many are in which one tonight.

Just thinking out loud and remembering the flavor of the old  AW ETO1, ETO2, and BIGPAC arenas...Dont mind me.

Offline Chilli

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2009, 11:15:36 AM »
Murdr, sorry I missed that thread, and never had the pleasure to have played AW.  In that case, this is not really uncharted ground.  Is it possible that AH is bending over backwards to avoid the comparison?  :uhoh

Offline Murdr

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2009, 11:27:59 AM »
Murdr, sorry I missed that thread, and never had the pleasure to have played AW.  In that case, this is not really uncharted ground.  Is it possible that AH is bending over backwards to avoid the comparison?  :uhoh

Actually the original post was in a private forum, but we recently discussed this topic in General Discussion where I reposted the quote.  The open planeset has been a staple of AH's MA gameplay from the beginning.  I doubt they would alter that without giving it very careful consideration.  A couple of AH's developers were one time AW players, so no doubt they have opinions on what was tried there based on their experience as players.

Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2009, 05:07:54 PM »
Is it possible that AH is bending over backwards to avoid the comparison?  :uhoh

Nah. He did that with WB. When he started this, his experiences told him that many of the positives in AW shouldn't be avoided here.

NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
"Ego is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2009, 05:40:05 PM »
yeah do away with ew an mw and replace it with wwI or korea or pacific an ETO

And exactly what gives you the "right" to deny those who fly early and mid war a place to do so? Just because you don't fly there does not mean no one else should have the opportunity.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2009, 05:41:55 PM »
So...... MacLeod.....  :uhoh Do the numbers agree with you or disagree?  I'm just saying, there always seems to be a decent # of players in the LW arenas and DA.  To a newb, there is no reason to try anything else.  I like the idea of flying around unmolested by jets and La7s, but it hasn't seemed to be a big draw for some reason.  Up the ante, and make the alternatives more enticing.  I know that there is a large base of players that enjoy Pacific Theater planes, as there is a large base of players that enjoy Luftwaffe planes and tank battles.  It just seems that not too many players are into Earlier war models exclusively.

So you feel entitled to deny those who do prefer the early or mid war enthusiasts their place to fly what hey like, in order to get something you want? Nice. Really nice. I take it your $15 is somehow better than theirs.  :rolleyes:
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Chilli

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2009, 05:29:28 PM »
Come on Virgil, even you have to admit there is room for improvement with those arenas.  Just like Combat Theater was changed to Axis versus Allies, it doesn't mean that there is not a place for you just hopefully a better place. :pray  And yes, AvA is a better arena, it is a shame that it is never populated. :mad:

And maybe unlike a lot of folks, I do listen to others opinions and see merits in them.  Like Murdr was saying that limiting planesets is something that the developers must balance carefully.  I can respect that. 

What I would like to see (this is wishlist  :D ) is a fresh arena where pilot skill, not perk points or ENY are the determining factor.  I am SO BORED right now with the current base capture / horde game that I see.

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2009, 06:37:33 PM »
Come on Virgil, even you have to admit there is room for improvement with those arenas. 

So, you're bored, and that makes it acceptable to have an arena someone else likes removed, so you can have what you want. Or more to the point what you think might get you what you want, you hope. Nope, not buying it. Again, I don't see why your $15 is better than theirs. I know several people who like one or both of those arenas, even if you don't.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Chilli

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2009, 03:32:50 AM »
So, you're bored, and that makes it acceptable to have an arena someone else likes removed, so you can have what you want. Or more to the point what you think might get you what you want, you hope. Nope, not buying it. Again, I don't see why your $15 is better than theirs. I know several people who like one or both of those arenas, even if you don't.


Just as much, as it is your right to your view your point, no more no less.  It just feel like you are repeating your $15 line over and over.  I am entitled to voice mine.  I hope that I am able to do this without spinning any personal attacks.  Maybe if you would elaborate on why the current arena setup shouldn't receive an upgrade, instead of stating that you "like" it the way it is, I would have a better appreciation of your view point.  And no we don't have to agree, this is merely a wishlist, so ......   thanks for the input..... you don't like the idea of messing with Early War.

Offline ebfd11

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2009, 08:35:58 AM »
how about arenas based on skill level. a place for noobs to go and fight other noobs til there skills come in. Ofcourse there will be plenty in there that stay in that arena for easy scalps

that has been addresed and it wont happen

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