Author Topic: Redo Arenas  (Read 4487 times)

Offline bongaroo

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #45 on: February 20, 2009, 09:27:10 AM »
I like MW, it's planeset is a nice balance.

I'm confused about why we need to eliminate them anyways?  How does their existance hurt your gameplay in any way?
Callsign: Bongaroo
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Offline Chilli

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #46 on: February 20, 2009, 02:48:16 PM »
May squad mates will stop what they are doing to join me in the other arena, just as I will. The reason I fly with them is it's fun... the name of the game after all. Its the reason I joined the squad, because they are fun. If your squad is more worried about a critical area of the map than it is in having fun, my guess is you and them have forgotten that its a game, not really war.

My squad has always been dedicated to having fun above ALL else.  So, let's leave them out of it.  As you have pointed out this is a game.  To you it could be shoot em up. To me it could be defend the flag.  To others it could be king of the hill.   :salute Hitech for giving us all of the above.  My point, I asked other "like-minded" players to help in a situation.  It was unfortunate, but I lost connection, and due to arena caps, I was forced to abandon those (countrymen, and not my squadees) who had come to aid ME.    :O < funny face, does that make me a more FUN guy?

Offline Chilli

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #47 on: February 20, 2009, 02:49:51 PM »
the horde size increase. With the arenas split there aren't as many "in" the horde as there are in the TT arena. Its just the way it works out, as the population increases more and more people feel the need to join the horde. The worst part of that is the horde from one country rarely ever gets close to the horde of the other countries. So you either fly in the horde, or fight alone against the horde. Neither proposition very much fun.
The smaller arena populations in the split arenas leave more openings for smaller fights to spring up. Not everyone looking for the horde. Sure you still see large forces working the fronts, but most of the time you'll see people defending against them as well. 

Well, in my experience on Titanic Tuesday, when the "HORDE" develops on one side, it has a formidable force opposing it on the other.   In split Late War, I have seen the opposite, huge differential in countrymen from one map to the next.  Not to throw another dagger, but ENY is frequently a driving force.  So, HTC implemented ENY to stop the gang bash and then added the split to effectively enable it again.  (just my opinion).

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #48 on: February 20, 2009, 02:55:33 PM »
The Arenas aren't the problem.   
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Offline Chilli

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #49 on: February 20, 2009, 03:00:15 PM »
I like MW, it's planeset is a nice balance.

I'm confused about why we need to eliminate them anyways?  How does their existence hurt your gameplay in any way?

I would enjoy Mid War and Early War MORE if it were truly a different experience.  As it is now, it is just limited plane sets and lower numbers.  Maybe a compromise: Early and Mid War Axis versus Allies arenas going a step further, to pit same period rides from different sides against each other.  Maybe a better question is what do these Arenas add, and can they be improved?

Anaxogoras said it better, I am thinking of the "theater-based" arena division as a more appealing split.  With the exclusion of fleets (as we know them) in one arena, there will be a choice for those who either want to fly in a somewhat more classical European planeset.  And with the exclusion of Luftwaffe (except for maybe some filler replacements) their will be a choice to fly in more classical Naval battles over flying your favorite ride. 

Right now, the choice for Late War is based on #1 number of players, #2 number of friends in that arena, #3 the map itself.  All three of these are trumped at any given time, by an arena cap  :(, so not even a choice in that case.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #50 on: February 20, 2009, 04:01:09 PM »
My squad has always been dedicated to having fun above ALL else.  So, let's leave them out of it.  As you have pointed out this is a game.  To you it could be shoot em up. To me it could be defend the flag.  To others it could be king of the hill.   :salute Hitech for giving us all of the above.  My point, I asked other "like-minded" players to help in a situation.  It was unfortunate, but I lost connection, and due to arena caps, I was forced to abandon those (countrymen, and not my squadees) who had come to aid ME.    :O < funny face, does that make me a more FUN guy?

The point I was trying to make IS about the squad. My squad has fun flying together it doesn't matter which map, which arena, what ENY, or if we are outnumbered, do fighter sweeps, or capture the flag. Thats the whole point, is to fly with friends and have fun.  If I'm in ORG and a squad mate calls from BLUE because ORG is full and he can't get in, then I land and switch to BLUE. I will have more fun flying in BLUE WITH my squad mate then in ORG WITH OUT !

Its a game, if you get guys to help at a base and you get booted, big deal! If those that were helping don't understand tough crap ! ITS A GAME !

I would love to fly more in EW and MW, but most of the time I'm on the numbers are very low. I just don't have the time to wait for someone to up, so I spend most of my time in LW. We had the arenas split in AW with a Pac arena, and a Euro arena. I was in Pac most of the time, and knew almost nobody that flew in the Euro arena. I think maybe HTC is trying to avoid that. At least with the two LW arenas the way they are now I run into people from both arenas, in stead of those dedicated to only one. Of course, there are those that feel that ORG is a much better arena than Blue...... I just think those people have better drugs  :rolleyes:

Offline bongaroo

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #51 on: February 20, 2009, 04:25:45 PM »

Right now, the choice for Late War is based on #1 number of players, #2 number of friends in that arena, #3 the map itself.  All three of these are trumped at any given time, by an arena cap  :(, so not even a choice in that case.

The choice for late war for me on squad night is easy.  We've all agreed to meet in the low numbers arena.  Problem solved.  :D

Also, I'm still waiting for someone to explain why to do away with the MidWar arena... :rolleyes:
Callsign: Bongaroo
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Offline Chilli

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #52 on: February 20, 2009, 05:14:46 PM »
The choice for late war for me on squad night is easy.  We've all agreed to meet in the low numbers arena.  Problem solved.  :D

Also, I'm still waiting for someone to explain why to do away with the MidWar arena... :rolleyes:

Maybe coming from someone else you can hear it......

(edit) I would love to fly more in EW and MW, but most of the time I'm on the numbers are very low. I just don't have the time to wait for someone to up, so I spend most of my time in LW. We had the arenas split in AW with a Pac arena, and a Euro arena. I was in Pac most of the time, and knew almost nobody that flew in the Euro arena. I think maybe HTC is trying to avoid that. At least with the two LW arenas the way they are now I run into people from both arenas, in stead of those dedicated to only one. Of course, there are those that feel that ORG is a much better arena than Blue...... I just think those people have better drugs  :rolleyes:

If you weren't being defensive about loosing a title (Mid War, Early War, Blue, Green, Purple, whatever), you would see that I am proposing that there is a way to incorporate limited plane sets in a hopefully more popular and dynamic way.

Offline bongaroo

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #53 on: February 20, 2009, 05:18:45 PM »
The also part wasn't directed at you Chilli, it was for the others declaring that we should get rid of them from the first responses.   :aok
Callsign: Bongaroo
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #54 on: February 20, 2009, 10:16:09 PM »
Maybe coming from someone else you can hear it......

If you weren't being defensive about loosing a title (Mid War, Early War, Blue, Green, Purple, whatever), you would see that I am proposing that there is a way to incorporate limited plane sets in a hopefully more popular and dynamic way.

I'm not being defensive about anything, just realistic. You mentioned changing the EW and MW arenas to something else. If you did that you would have all those players complaining about loosing the arenas they like to play in. If they made a Pac and a Euro arena the only way it would be more populated than the EW and MW arenas now would be to close the LW arenas. Doing that will bring an even bigger up roar. Like I said, it worked in AW because that was always the way it was, here you'll have to take something away from people, and that just won't go over well. Adding it as an add-on is a neat idea, I just don't think it will go over well. Too many need the uber rides and they will even pick them between arenas. Spit16 is a Euro ride, so you won't see it in the Pac arena. Euro will fill to 400 before Pac and then Euro will be capped out. What do you do then? How many will cry because they can't fly in the arena they want, as well as not being able to fly the plane they want (spit16).

Like I said, I'm not defensive at all, as long as there is a place to find....or start  :devil a fight, I'm good, you?

Offline blkmgc

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #55 on: February 21, 2009, 07:27:50 AM »
I think there should be a 24/7 life limited hard core allied vs axis arena. Much harder base cap conditions , no bardar (only ranged base dar which goes out untill rebuilt), 1 life limit for say every 2 hours. Harder strats with more value placed on them. Squad only, and your assigned to a specific base and side for a complete tour. Wind conditions, harder bombsight ect.

Just throwing it out there.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 07:32:06 AM by blkmgc »

Offline Lusche

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #56 on: February 21, 2009, 07:39:27 AM »
I think there should be a 24/7 life limited hard core allied vs axis arena. Much harder base cap conditions , no bardar (only ranged base dar which goes out untill rebuilt), 1 life limit for say every 2 hours. Harder strats with more value placed on them. Squad only, and your assigned to a specific base and side for a complete tour. Wind conditions, harder bombsight ect.

Just throwing it out there.

Would be very, very empty...
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Offline blkmgc

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #57 on: February 21, 2009, 07:42:30 AM »
Would be very, very empty...

...of furball and arcade types. But they have all of the other arenas for that.

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #58 on: February 21, 2009, 07:59:13 AM »
...of furball and arcade types. But they have all of the other arenas for that.

No it would be absolute empty. And it's easy to tell why. Just see the 1 life per 2h rule.
Such things only work in scenarios, when all interested players gather at a certain time to fly  within certain parameters and a clearly defined goal.
In an open arena, where players enter and play spread all over the day that doesn't work. IF you can't reup after being shot down, you are out. You leave the arena. One player less. How long does it take before the arena is empty?

Also the impact on gameplay would be severe. As getting shot down means leaving the game, players will invariably tend to avoid getting shot down at all costs. Thus avoiding the fight. Now scenarios prevent that by setting mission goals and additional rules.

Your arena will attract less players, because it's "harder". Those less players will fly much more careful, trying to avoid any fight they could lose. Once shot down, your'e out = even less players over time.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 08:01:23 AM by Lusche »
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Offline blkmgc

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #59 on: February 21, 2009, 12:27:56 PM »

They would have to fly smart, maybe with a wingman. I know that there is much hysteria surrounding the idea of danger in the game. Danger of not having the option to insta respawn, danger of actually having to come up out of the weeds and use some tactics away from the cloud of lemmings, danger of actually having to value your virtual life. And even if they die, they can always go to the MA until they can fly with their squad again.

Personally, I, I know after talking with many, that there are many squads out there that would really like some other challenge other than flying around the MA and doing the same thing that has only been available for years now. There needs to be some break away from the ad-nauseum  cap the flag stuff we've been doing since 95 or so. Scenarios , while good, don't always fit time zones and schedules or desire for that matter. I would think that with all the tech that's out there now , we would have the capability to have an arena with "scenario type"  game play automated by now. It may not attract everyone , but I'd lay even money (or single malt ;) ) on it attracting more than all of the current non MA arenas combined.