Another 2 reasons to get rid of the double LW junk and give us some real alternatives.
- Number 1) I finally log on at a time when 3 other squadees are on, and the arena split has 2 of them isolated by the arena Cap on LW Blue
- Number 2) I was working on a base capture, and got disconnected (not unusual) and guess what, denied access by arena Cap
The latter was a small effort by maybe 4 guys in a crucial area of the map. It felt like I abandoned them, as I was armor in the town being attacked and had requested troops.
Many more reasons that Arena Caps have deteriorated game play.
Look for alternative ways to spread the server load, so that you don't have to force the split. I again say that there are those that prefer European theater fights, and those that prefer Pacific theater fights. Make it a
choice that includes or excludes fleets and there you go. I bet it would be a much closer split than what we have now.
As for my Earlier War friends, AvA is much better suited for limited planesets by time set. I say this after another visit to Mid War yesterday, and experiencing an excellent 1v1 very respectable and no HO's, lasting for about 2 mins

Then, in the very next sortie the worst example of HORDE / gang game play in ANY arena. So, don't preach to me how perfect these EW and MW arenas are.
SO AGAIN, I WISH HTC WOULD SMELL THE COFFEE AND WAKE UP! The writing is on the wall, and it says, "The Arena you have
chosen is FULL."