Author Topic: Redo Arenas  (Read 4488 times)

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #30 on: February 16, 2009, 01:10:10 PM »

Just as much, as it is your right to your view your point, no more no less.  It just feel like you are repeating your $15 line over and over.  I am entitled to voice mine.  I hope that I am able to do this without spinning any personal attacks.  Maybe if you would elaborate on why the current arena setup shouldn't receive an upgrade, instead of stating that you "like" it the way it is, I would have a better appreciation of your view point.  And no we don't have to agree, this is merely a wishlist, so ......   thanks for the input..... you don't like the idea of messing with Early War.

I did not say I was a big fan of either arena. Try reading, you might get the view point. The point is, I have a dozen or so friends who fly the early and mid war arenas, and they like them as they are. If you want something else, rather than propose taking something from another paying customer who is happy, propose what you want for yourself and sell them on why others may like it. I know, it is difficult to grasp, after all it is a strange concept, selflessness that is, but just try asking for something without asking for someone else to be deprived, or forced to do it your way. You might even get more people on board. For example, I have no problem at all with you getting the arena you desire, I just have a problem with you forcing it on my friends who have what they want, so you can fulfill your desire instead of theirs.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline B4Buster

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #31 on: February 16, 2009, 01:12:13 PM »
I'm not a fan of Titanic Tuesday everyday  :eek:
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Offline B4Buster

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #32 on: February 16, 2009, 01:13:14 PM »
I'm not a fan of having Titanic Tuesday everyday  :O
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Offline Chilli

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #33 on: February 16, 2009, 02:22:02 PM »
So many arenas, so little activity.  MA, DA, TA, and SE and AvA all that is needed.  Have you noticed the trend in building newer stadiums, they are putting in less seats.  The perception that most folks have is, if nobody else is in the arena, it must not be fun (self fulfilling prophecy).   So, if the WWI idea comes about I would like to see it replace the redundant main arenas.

Or, another idea:

Split Main arenas into Pacific Theater with carriers, European Theater without or very limited carrier use, North Africa Campaign with super Tank Town battlefields. 

Okay, I originally worded it a bit harshly, and did not voice my enthusiasm for early war period scenarios (which I am a huge fan of).  I am trying to say that I don't see the current arena split living up to MY early war expectations (how's that?).  When you look at the numbers, it doesn't seem that I am alone.  In the BOB were there duals or massive raids?  I like most, wish to get into the action instead of waiting for the grass to grow on the field,  therefore LW is where we go...... More action in early arenas, less down time, more flying time.

What happens, in an empty arena?  Does a tree make a sound in the wilderness when it falls?  Yes it does.  I am not saying bulldoze the Rainforest and put up a Walmart.  I am saying, what about let's exploring the dang thing and maybe discover it's ecological worth.  I.E. the alternative Theaters  = dressed up Early and Mid War Arenas.  Each having a unique set of circumstances, such as tank battle terrains, fleets without carriers or no or limited fleets, Pacific Theater carrier fleets, etc.

Buster,I do like Titatanic Tuesday!  I am not forced to fly in an arena excluded from my squadees, because of arena cap that is always changing.

« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 04:28:57 PM by Chilli »

Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #34 on: February 16, 2009, 03:47:46 PM »
I'm not a fan of having Titanic Tuesday everyday  :O

I'm not a fan of double posts on Titanic Tuesday!!

I'm not a fan of having Titanic Tuesday everyday  :O

I'm not a fan of double posts on Titanic Tuesday!!

(figured it was more effective to simply put 'em both in 1 post  :devil)

NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline Chilli

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2009, 12:35:34 PM »
Another 2 reasons to get rid of the double LW junk and give us some real alternatives. 
  • Number 1)  I finally log on at a time when 3 other squadees are on, and the arena split has 2 of them isolated by the arena Cap on LW Blue
  • Number 2)  I was working on a base capture, and got disconnected (not unusual) and guess what, denied access by arena Cap

The latter was a small effort by maybe 4 guys in a crucial area of the map.  It felt like I abandoned them, as I was armor in the town being attacked and had requested troops.

Many more reasons that Arena Caps have deteriorated game play.  Look for alternative ways to spread the server load, so that you don't have to force the split.  I again say that there are those that prefer European theater fights, and those that prefer Pacific theater fights.  Make it a choice that includes or excludes fleets and there you go.  I bet it would be a much closer split than what we  have now.

As for my Earlier War friends, AvA is much better suited for limited planesets by time set.  I say this after another visit to Mid War yesterday, and experiencing an excellent 1v1 very respectable and no HO's, lasting for about 2 mins  :salute  Then, in the very next sortie the worst example of HORDE / gang game play in ANY arena.  So, don't preach to me how perfect these EW and MW arenas are. 

SO AGAIN, I WISH HTC WOULD SMELL THE COFFEE AND WAKE UP!   The writing is on the wall, and it says, "The Arena you have chosen is FULL."

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2009, 01:37:41 PM »
Another 2 reasons to get rid of the double LW junk and give us some real alternatives. 
  • Number 1)  I finally log on at a time when 3 other squadees are on, and the arena split has 2 of them isolated by the arena Cap on LW Blue
  • Number 2)  I was working on a base capture, and got disconnected (not unusual) and guess what, denied access by arena Cap

The latter was a small effort by maybe 4 guys in a crucial area of the map.  It felt like I abandoned them, as I was armor in the town being attacked and had requested troops.

Many more reasons that Arena Caps have deteriorated game play.  Look for alternative ways to spread the server load, so that you don't have to force the split.  I again say that there are those that prefer European theater fights, and those that prefer Pacific theater fights.  Make it a choice that includes or excludes fleets and there you go.  I bet it would be a much closer split than what we  have now.

As for my Earlier War friends, AvA is much better suited for limited planesets by time set.  I say this after another visit to Mid War yesterday, and experiencing an excellent 1v1 very respectable and no HO's, lasting for about 2 mins  :salute  Then, in the very next sortie the worst example of HORDE / gang game play in ANY arena.  So, don't preach to me how perfect these EW and MW arenas are. 

SO AGAIN, I WISH HTC WOULD SMELL THE COFFEE AND WAKE UP!   The writing is on the wall, and it says, "The Arena you have chosen is FULL."

You are taking this wayyyy tooooo seriously! Its a game !!!

1. all squadies meet in the one arena that is not capped....there is always one LW that isn't capped. booted and might loose a crucial area of the map.....NEWS FLASH ! what you take today, they take back later in the day..... Thats how it works, its a game !!

They don't have to spread the server load, the new servers are not even up to 10% capacity yet.... as posted by Skuzzy.

I was one of those that was thinking about leaving before they split the LW arena. Many where, thats why the split happened. Something will have to be done again soon, because game play is turning back to the same "slum like" play that plagued the arenas before the split. I won't fly on tuesdays like many other won't due to the poor game play that goes on.

Having a Pac, and Euro arenas have been brought up before. What are you going to do it one becomes more popular than the other and hits a cap of 400? You know that there won't be anymore arenas that will be allowed to go over that other than TT. Will you be happy to fly in the other arena while your squad mates fly in the capped one? 

Offline Chilli

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2009, 01:44:18 PM »

What does Titanic Tuesday do or promote, that is not already going on in all of the war arenas?   I don't see one thing different.  Only difference is that I am FORCED into joining an arena where my FRIENDS are not.   :mad:

I don't see that as an improvement at all.  :noid

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2009, 07:27:30 PM »
the horde size increase. With the arenas split there aren't as many "in" the horde as there are in the TT arena. Its just the way it works out, as the population increases more and more people feel the need to join the horde. The worst part of that is the horde from one country rarely ever gets close to the horde of the other countries. So you either fly in the horde, or fight alone against the horde. Neither proposition very much fun.

May squad mates will stop what they are doing to join me in the other arena, just as I will. The reason I fly with them is it's fun... the name of the game after all. Its the reason I joined the squad, because they are fun. If your squad is more worried about a critical area of the map than it is in having fun, my guess is you and them have forgotten that its a game, not really war.

The smaller arena populations in the split arenas leave more openings for smaller fights to spring up. Not everyone looking for the horde. Sure you still see large forces working the fronts, but most of the time you'll see people defending against them as well. 

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2009, 10:18:52 PM »
Anyone else wondering what happened to the replies posted on the 17th and 18th?
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline moot

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2009, 10:22:25 PM »
Another thread's been bitten too.
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Offline B4Buster

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2009, 10:27:21 PM »
Whoops just noticed my double post. Thought my first one didn't go through the other night  :rolleyes:

I agree Arenas need to be redone as in get rid of base taking, or have it so the focus of the tour cycles. (ex. a base taking tour, a tour that causes you to kill enemy strat by using high alt bomber/escort/intercept missions, and something like a sector control tour). AH has alot of potential, I'm sure HTC will do something.
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Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2009, 11:17:36 PM »
Anyone else wondering what happened to the replies posted on the 17th and 18th?

The post fairy musta lost 'em!!

NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
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Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2009, 07:37:22 AM »
So many arenas, so little activity.  MA, DA, TA, and SE and AvA all that is needed.  Have you noticed the trend in building newer stadiums, they are putting in less seats.  The perception that most folks have is, if nobody else is in the arena, it must not be fun (self fulfilling prophecy).   So, if the WWI idea comes about I would like to see it replace the redundant main arenas.

Or, another idea:

Split Main arenas into Pacific Theater with carriers, European Theater without or very limited carrier use, North Africa Campaign with super Tank Town battlefields. 

Yes!  I'd like to give it a try.  Moreover, I'd like to try to set a new bbs trend of open-mindedness and a willingness to try something out before I make all sorts of armchair predictions about why it would be bad. ;)
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Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: Redo Arenas
« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2009, 07:44:05 AM »
And exactly what gives you the "right" to deny those who fly early and mid war a place to do so? Just because you don't fly there does not mean no one else should have the opportunity.

If I understand the idea correctly, the OP might also do away with the late-war main arena in moving to a theater-based arena division.  You should be attacking his "right" to change the place were 90%+ of the paying subscribers like to play, not the 10% in early war and mid-war, if you're going to be a naysayer.
334th FS

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