and no sir it wont. she has a $500 laptop from dell that takes a month to open myspace. i think i am taking it target shooting when she gets her new one.
The difference between a $500 laptop and a $600-$700 laptop is very minimal. There's something wrong with her $500 laptop if it takes that long to open myspace. Either its infected with Malware or something else. Or her $500 laptop was $500 6 years ago.
A $500 laptop is going to get to a Dual Core Processor (probably AMD), at least 2gb of RAM, a nice big hard drive for her needs, and wireless. If you spend $200 more dollars you may get some more useless software, an extra 1-2gb of RAM (which won't matter for her, she'll never use it all), a bigger HD (does she need an extra 100gb?) and a processor that is 200-500mhz faster (which for browsing and documents is nothing).
I'd only recommend spending $100-200 more perhaps if she wanted an extended warranty.