I've been flying here for over 7 years, and the fights have changed so much that it was a totally different game back then.
Back then the game was about "combat". Did you know that they use to reset the map once a week back then, ya know why? It was never "won". Not because it was hard to do, there just wasn't that much interest in it. Sure some bases were taken, then they were taken back and so on. The act of taking a base sometimes took all night because people fought over them. One single base, ALL NIGHT ! And no it wasn't because the numbers were so low because it was "new", we had close to what we have on a weeknight in one of the MAs.
Back then it was more history buffs playing out a fantasy role playing game.
Today we have the "I want it now!" generation. Nobody has the will, or patience to put the time and effort in becoming good at which ever type of combat they like. To most people they need it now, that means diving head on into every fight to get the kill first, carpet bombing a single GV because they don't know how to use a single bomb, or hunt with another gv, spawn camping is the only way gvs are used these days, even the Ltars are a shadow of what they were. Nobody takes pride in how they play, its all about wining getting the war won no matter what it takes, including having someone switch countries to occupy a shore battery so their friends can bring the CV in close with out fear of it getting shelled
Have I changed? Sure! I fly a lot smarter. I know the planes I fly a lot better, I know where to find fights by reading the map. Even my aim is getting better after I spent some time in the TA with Ghosth for a little training. ( yes even us old timers still look for training!) My expectations for this game however have not changed over all these years. I expect to login and find a few fights, have some fun, get caught up with whats going on with a few of my friends. These days however, the fights are harder to find, so the fun. Its hard to catch-up with some of my old friends because they got tired of the poor game play and don't play as much if they haven't canceled their accounts.
Even the old tricks for starting a fight don't work as well any more. I flew over to an enemy base at about 8-10k had the base flashing for a while. Finally a 109 ups. I let him climb to 5-6k and I start attack. I'm in a C-hog, but I don't fire on the HO or front quarter passes. I burn "E" recklessly until we are close in "E" but co alt at about 3k. I see a tiffy up so now I start to push the fight a bit harder figuring the tiffs going to get some alt while the 109 keeps me busy. Wrong, as I finish off the 109 I look over and the tiffy is on final for a landing. No he's not dragging me to the ack, he is slow and dropping gear and I'm not even in auto ack range yet ! He didn't even bother to try and fight. That is what this game is coming to. Fight even up? heck no I'm landing !!!
I circled for a bit until fuel became an issue and headed home with my one fight. In the old days that would have turned into a huge furball. Why, first off the second guy wouldn't have run away. He would have been someone looking to fight either for the "thrill" or the learning experience it could be. The first guy would have come back figuring his odds might be better with 2 against 1 and it could be time for some payback!
either way he might learn something about fighting. Had they prevailed in the 2 on 1 I would have come back due to it being a fun fight, and they would he realized that the CV was just 5 miles out. Defenders and attackers would have showed up because a fight was at hand and it would have raged on until some dork sank the CV
Instead it was one fight, a coward running away with out even engaging ( thats what really blows my mind, if you don't want to fight why are you PAYING to play a COMBAT GAME?) , and the guy that got shot down dishearten because he doesn't think he stands a chance. Had he asked me to give him some room and alt to reset the fight ( like in the old days) I would have just to have another good little fight.
The game is still the same, but how it's played has changed immensely. Too many people not willing to give it the time you need to LEARN how to play, too many "I want it NOW!" types