How is it your new plane when its already mine 
Plane is a beast, schools spits with the climb rate, makes hogs have no chance for easy shot, and can keep up witha K4 in a vertical fight, I consider it top 5 best fighter planes 
Ah, not really... SpitVIII and XVI out-climb it with relative ease. Ditto for most 109s. All of these accelerate much faster as well.
Where the Ki-84 excels is E retention and the ability to fly it to almost a stop nose high and still point the nose. It has great ailerons. Elevators get stiff at speed, so manual trim is required. Flaps are excellent, but you have to be bog slow to get them out, and they retract if you even think about nosing down (or so it seems).
I love it, and fly it. Get used to it's quirks and it's a killer. Top ten fighter MA for sure, but I wouldn't rate it top five. Too many others that are much faster, and/or have far more lethal guns.
My regards,