I just gave a guy a BFR in his Yak-52TW (Tail Wheel) in exchange for a checkout. That's what you need to wring out
It's not required by regulation but I did spins for anyone who wanted an endorsement from me. Usually ended up doing an hours worth of spins because once you got over the "fear" of the unknown they are fun. I've known CFIs who were apprehensive about teaching spins more than doing them so an hour or so of talking your way through some usually gave them the confidence they needed as well. I think more guys have died by not doing spins than by taking them away from the required training syllabus.
well, as dumb as this is going to sound......i've kind of wanted to learn to do them....just to see what it feels like, but i've been afraid to ask my cfi. the one i fly with now, i know isn't afraid of them, as i do believe my primary cfi was. i also thought you had to go to a school that specialized in "upset" training, i think it's called?
anyway, i'll be talking to bob on tuesday, and i'm going to see if spins are approved in our club pipers.