"Bad" gameplay can usually be categorized as anything that is against what a person is doing at a particular time, or what they're in the mood to tolerate.
Doesn't mean either party is right, or wrong, just a matter of perspective.
Personally, my pet peeve is the NOE raids with huge numbers of participants going against a lightly or undefended target. Those are designed from the onset to guarantee success, with little or no chance of failure. The object of the raid, beyond base capture, appears to be to bully the opposition with overwhelming #'s, then pat one another on the back. To each his own, but for me that would be boring, and I can't see myself participating in one.
I'd rather see those same raiders go and hit a base that was being defended, with equal or close to equal #'s of defenders (wait, I saw that one night last week.....took 3 waves of attackers to finally take the base, even after killing off the FH's...
). Make the raid exciting, throw in a chance that you might fail, or end in a stalemate, don't keep jumping all over the map hitting undefended bases, especially when your country outnumbers your target base's country 2-3:1 already.
That's just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less.
NOE raids can be fun, I'll give you that. WAY back when, The Assassins used to stage NOE raids when Zigrat was big into base capture, but we rarely had more than 7-8 squaddies online at any one time, and most NOE raids we would only have 4 or 5 guys take part. Those type raids are fun for everyone, attacker and defender alike. It makes the raid a challenge, and I don't recall any raid, success or failure, that both sides didn't send "<S>" out. Both sides had more than adequate chances to win, neither side tried to or had to send up overwhelming numbers of planes.
Sorry for the wall o text, just throwing my thoughts and opinions out there...........