Fugitive posted this in another thread,and I am needing some defintions to some of these words in how they are used in this game..I have seen them used by many,so if someone can kindly "DEFINE" these words.in this in-game setting for me,then maybe we will be able to have a dialouge,as ALL will understand the meanings of the words in this setting..
And,respectfully Fugitive,I am only using your quote,as it is the most recent one,and it is time for some defining from the community at large.
QUOTE BY FUGITIVE: I don't think its that big a stretch. Over all game play has gone down hill. Everyone these days is looking for the quickest easiest way to do anything in the game. Mediocre players make mediocre game play and count on the horde to survive long enough to get the "job" done. Its too much trouble and hard work to learn to play the game well, so most settle for average, or less.END QUOTE
I would like to know just what is meant by MEDIOCRE gameplayers,,Can this even be qualified in this setting of in-game battling???Is one only mediocre if they fly in a horde,and if so, at what number does a group flying together no longer equal QUALITY players,and become a HORDE of medicore players???
Do mediocre players get shot down more than others??Are mediocre players those guys who cherry pick,who HO,or are they only mediocre if they are in a horde,and again what defines a HORDE????...5,10,12,15,20,45,62,players..
Now onto the word AVERAGE...Define the AVERAGE player for me please,is it someone who only gets shot down 50% of the time???75% of the time??? Is someone considered average after they have gotten their name in lights on the front of the website???Or are THEY considered mediocre,or are they considered what we in AH should ALL ATTAIN to accomplish???Get our name in lights..
You see we all have our OWN definitions IN_GAME of what these words mean,outside of the regular definitions of everyday life..
What is a QUALITY player??again,the guy who gets his name in lights on the front page??I can hear you laughing at that statement..SO what makes a quality player??
GAME-PLAY going down-hill,who here is QUALIFIED to say that it is going downhill??
If one wants to have PURE flying air to air to air combat,then get your buddies and go into the DA or the TA,and fly PURE FLIGHT SA to your hearts content,but you dont do that,WHY??? I think it is because you would get very BORED of it quickly,and after awhile it would not be fun,and besides,then you couldnt come onto the BB's and whine and complain about how others are playing the game,and about how it is going downhill..
SO who is QUALIFIED TO give defintions?? my bet is that it will vary due to the fact that many desire different things out of the game,and it all comes down to ONES OWN PERCEPTION....so then it becomes a MOOT point really,doesnt it??