I found these graphs really interesting and decided to tally up the plus and minuses of a few planes. The number I came up with is the result,where zero was the middle of the road on each catagory. Some planes may have a +2 on lethality but a -1 on sustained turn. When finished I saw where they lay compared to zero.
The 110G ended a -2 plane. Which in my computations (Im no math whiz bare with me) is just a tad tougher to fly in the LW MA than the most average plane (zero, which I have yet to find). So if in the LW MA the 110G has an ENY of 10, I decided to call the average ENY, the middle of the road plane a 12 ENY. This would adjust the -2 I figured for it from these graphs. So then since the average zero plane is a 12 ENY in the LWMA, a -2 rating would assign it a 14 adjusted ENY.
The figured the following planes. I put the number I figured from the graphs, followed by the actual LW MA
number for that plane, and lastly the number I feel th LW MA should actually be for the plane.
............................. ............................. ............................. ....
Plane--------Graph Tally----LWMA ENY----Adjusted LWMA ENY
............................. ............................. ............................. ....
190D9-_______ +7 ___________15_____________ 5
P47D-40-______+4___________ 20_____________ 8
A6M5-_________ -9__________ 20_____________ 20
P40E-__________-6 __________30______________18
Some of the planes are real close in the end result, like the A6m5 and P51, where some are way off. The Spit16 as guessed came out totally whacked, and in my opinion should be perked. Just too many plusses.
Perhaps with this setup, rather than denying planes with low enys, simply perk any ride less than 5 ENY, and for score, use the eny as a mutiplier.
Say a Tempest shot down 5 planes, he would get a landed score of 10 points since his ENY is 2.
If a Hurri1 shot down 5 planes his landed score would be 140.
Of course the cost of perk planes would have to be cheapened a bit to make it worthwhile.
I like what Gav did with these and it kinda creates an overall value when you tally them up.
Whether or not its science or not..ok not...it does show the Spit16 is way too much plane not to be perked,among others.